�鿴�����汾: [-- 11��20 У�� �ܸ�2 --]

13�ű�����|����|�쳾���� -> ���� -> 11��20 У�� �ܸ�2 [��ӡ��ҳ] ��¼ -> ע�� -> �ظ����� -> ��������

seanfx 2008-11-20 14:51

11��20 У�� �ܸ�2

//{151}{I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid that you'll be going nowhere. We have much to discuss. Now, the prophecy...do you believe it or not?}{I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid that you'll be going nowhere. We have much to discuss. Now, the prophecy...do you believe it or not?}{}{30}{}{}
{151}{��ʮ�ֱ�Ǹ�����ǿ���������Ҳ����ȥ�����ǻ��кܶ���Ҫ���ۡ� ���ڣ�������ЩԤ�ԡ����㾿�����Ż��Dz����ţ�}{��ʮ�ֱ�Ǹ�����ǿ���������Ҳ����ȥ�����ǻ��кܶ���Ҫ���ۡ� ���ڣ�������ЩԤ�ԡ����㾿�����Ż��Dz����ţ�}{}{30}{}{}
//{152}{No...I think it's all a bunch of drivel...}{}{5}{}{156}{}
//{153}{Of course, and I plan on fulfilling it...}{}{5}{}{171}{}
//{154}{It's not really important...either way, you're going to die...}{}{5}{}{-72}{}
//{156}{As well you should...there are no prophecies, it's just the nature of living things to want to conform their existence to a foreseeable pattern, to attempt to exert control over the chaos that surrounds them. Life, by its very nature, disallows this. Life is an accident, the result of random chance. Therefore its nature can be no different...}{As well you should...there are no prophecies, it's just the nature of living things to want to conform their existence to a foreseeable pattern, to attempt to exert control over the chaos that surrounds them. Life, by its very nature, disallows this. Life is an accident, the result of random chance. Therefore its nature can be no different...}{}{31}{}{}
//{157}{Get to the point...what does this have to do with your insanity?}{}{5}{}{159}{}
//{158}{That's YOUR opinion...can you support it?}{}{5}{gf2668 1}{159}{}
{158}{���ǡ���ġ��۵㡭������֤ʵô��}{}{5}{gf2668 1}{159}{}
//{159}{There are those who would look at all that has happened to you, and then look at you and call YOU a madman for not believing in the prophecy. You're(?your) opinion is based on what you have seen, what you know. My perceptions on the nature of life and death are no different...}{There are those who would look at all that has happened to you, and then look at you and call YOU a madman for not believing in the prophecy. You're opinion is based on what you have seen, what you know. My perceptions on the nature of life and death are no different...}{}{32}{}{}
//{160}{Perhaps, but MY opinion doesn't threaten the whole of creation...}{}{5}{}{165}{}
//{161}{I can see the validity of your position...}{}{5}{gf2029 1}{192}{}
{161}{���������۵����ȷ�ԡ���}{}{5}{gf2029 1}{192}{}
//{162}{I can see the validity of your position...}{}{5}{gf2029 0}{196}{}
{162}{���������۵����ȷ�ԡ���}{}{5}{gf2029 0}{196}{}
//{163}{I'd have to say you're correct. Now I have a few words to say...}{}{5}{gf2668 1}{557}{}
{163}{�Ҳ��ò�˵������ȷ�ġ���������Щ��Ҫ˵����}{}{5}{gf2668 1}{557}{}
//{164}{Might I ask you a few questions?}{}{5}{}{528}{lc1 3}
{164}{�������㼸������ô��}{}{5}{}{528}{lc1 3}
//{165}{That only bothers you because you see your 'creation' as the natural order of things...I've told you, it's only the effect of a meddler, the incoherent scribblings of a child. Its not meant to be...}{That only bothers you because you see your 'creation' as the natural order of things...I've told you, it's only the effect of a meddler, the incoherent scribblings of a child. Its not meant to be...}{}{33}{}{}
//{166}{I suppose its possible you're correct...}{}{5}{gf2029 1}{192}{}
{166}{�Ҿ������������ȷ�ġ���}{}{5}{gf2029 1}{192}{}
//{167}{I suppose it's possible you're correct...}{}{5}{gf2029 0}{196}{}
{167}{�Ҿ������������ȷ�ġ���}{}{5}{gf2029 0}{196}{}
//{168}{Enough of this. Be happy, Kerghan. You're finally going to die.}{}{5}{}{-72}{}
//{169}{Perhaps. I've a few questions...}{}{5}{}{528}{lc1 4}
{169}{�����ɡ����м������⡭��}{}{5}{}{528}{lc1 4}
//{171}{No, you're very, very wrong. There are no prophecies, it's only the nature of living things to want to conform their existence to a foreseeable pattern, to attempt to exert control over the chaos that surrounds them. Life, by its very nature, disallows this. Life is an accident, the result of random chance. Therefore its structure can be no different...}{No, you're very, very wrong. There are no prophecies, it's only the nature of living things to want to conform their existence to a foreseeable pattern, to attempt to exert control over the chaos that surrounds them. Life, by its very nature, disallows this. Life is an accident, the result of random chance. Therefore its structure can be no different...}{}{34}{}{}
//{172}{What, exactly, are you saying?}{}{5}{}{175}{}
//{173}{I've heard enough gibberish. Let's finish this...}{}{5}{}{-72}{}
//{175}{What I'm saying is that you don't have to obey this pattern...this PROPHECY...that life has seemingly put before you. It is a falsehood, a creation of lesser minds. You can make your own choice. It merely involves a change in the way you perceive things....}{What I'm saying is that you don't have to obey this pattern...this PROPHECY...that life has seemingly put before you. It is a falsehood, a creation of lesser minds. You can make your own choice. It merely involves a change in the way you perceive things....}{}{35}{}{}
//{176}{My choice is made, madman. You're going to die...}{}{5}{}{-72}{}
//{177}{And what is the alternative? Joining you?}{}{5}{gf2029 1, gf2660 1, lf2 0}{192}{}
{177}{ѡ����ʲô��������ô��}{}{5}{gf2029 1, gf2660 1, lf2 0}{192}{}
//{178}{And what is the alternative? Joining you?}{}{5}{gf2029 0, lf1 0, gf2661 1}{196}{}
{178}{ѡ����ʲô��������ô��}{}{5}{gf2029 0, lf1 0, gf2661 1}{196}{}
//{179}{And what is the alternative? Joining you?}{}{5}{gf2029 1, lf1 0, gf2661 1}{183}{}
{179}{ѡ����ʲô��������ô��}{}{5}{gf2029 1, lf1 0, gf2661 1}{183}{}
//{180}{And what is the alternative? Joining you?}{}{5}{gf2029 0, gf2660 1, lf2 0}{187}{}
{180}{ѡ����ʲô��������ô��}{}{5}{gf2029 0, gf2660 1, lf2 0}{187}{}
//{181}{A few questions before we continue...}{}{5}{}{528}{lc1 5}
{181}{�����Ǽ���֮ǰ�һ���һЩ���⡭��}{}{5}{}{528}{lc1 5}
//{183}{And why not? You're actions from the very beginning have been what most might consider evil, but what I see as valiant. You've been death's servant, as have I. Why turn from the path now? Follow it with me, and I'll show you things you've never imagined...}{And why not? You're actions from the very beginning have been what most might consider evil, but what I see as valiant. You've been death's servant, as have I. Why turn from the path now? Follow it with me, and I'll show you things you've never imagined...}{}{36}{}{}
//{184}{You're offer is tempting...perhaps...}{}{5}{pa 6436}{-18}{}
{184}{�����������ˡ�����������}{}{5}{pa 6436}{-18}{}
//{185}{Yes, I see now that yours is the way...let us make an alliance...}{}{5}{pa -6436}{-53}{gf2632 1, rp 1068, fp}
{185}{�ðɣ������������������ȷ�ġ����������޽�һ�����˰ɡ���}{}{5}{pa -6436}{-53}{gf2632 1, rp 1068, fp}
//{186}{I'll continue to be death's servant. You're my next offering...}{}{5}{}{-72}{}
//{187}{And why not? I realize that you've followed the way of the righteous, or at least that's the role you've decided to play. But you've yet to see the other side. Follow me, and I'll show you things you've never imagined...}{And why not? I realize that you've followed the way of the righteous, or at least that's the role you've decided to play. But you've yet to see the other side. Follow me, and I'll show you things you've never imagined...}{}{37}{}{}
//{188}{You're offer is tempting...perhaps...}{}{5}{pa 6436}{-18}{}
{188}{�����������ˡ�����������}{}{5}{pa 6436}{-18}{}
//{189}{Yes, I see now that yours is the way...let us make an alliance...}{}{5}{pa -6436}{-53}{gf2632 1, rp 1068, fp}
{189}{�ðɣ������������������ȷ�ġ����������޽�һ�����˰ɡ���}{}{5}{pa -6436}{-53}{gf2632 1, rp 1068, fp}
//{190}{I'll not turn back now. You're going to die, Kerghan...}{}{5}{}{-72}{}
//{192}{And why not? You're actions from the very beginning have been what most might consider evil, but what I see as valiant. You've been death's servant, as have I. Why turn from the path now? Follow it with me, and I'll show you things you've never imagined...}{And why not? You're actions from the very beginning have been what most might consider evil, but what I see as valiant. You've been death's servant, as have I. Why turn from the path now? Follow it with me, and I'll show you things you've never imagined...}{}{38}{}{}
//{193}{You're offer is tempting...perhaps...}{}{5}{pa 6436}{-18}{}
{193}{�����������ˡ�����������}{}{5}{pa 6436}{-18}{}
//{194}{You're offer is tempting. Yes, I will join you...}{}{5}{pa -6436}{-53}{gf2632 1, rp 1068, fp}
{194}{�����������ˡ��ðɣ��Ҽ����㡭��}{}{5}{pa -6436}{-53}{gf2632 1, rp 1068, fp}
//{195}{I'll continue to be death's servant. You're my next offering...}{}{5}{}{-72}{}
//{196}{And why not? I realize that you've followed the way of the righteous, or at least that's the role you've decided to play. But you've yet to see the other side. Follow me, and I'll show you things you've never imagined...}{And why not? I realize that you've followed the way of the righteous, or at least that's the role you've decided to play. But you've yet to see the other side. Follow me, and I'll show you things you've never imagined...}{}{39}{}{}
//{197}{You're offer is tempting...perhaps...}{}{5}{pa 6436}{-18}{}
{197}{�����������ˡ�����������}{}{5}{pa 6436}{-18}{}
//{198}{You're offer is tempting. Yes, I will join you...}{}{5}{pa -6436}{-53}{gf2632 1, rp 1068, fp}
{198}{�����������ˡ��ðɣ��Ҽ����㡭��}{}{5}{pa -6436}{-53}{gf2632 1, rp 1068, fp}
//{199}{I'll not turn back now. You're going to die, Kerghan...}{}{5}{}{-72}{}
//{200}{[Kerghan looks at you, almost sadly.] Very well. I shall send you to that great dead sea, and then you shall know. Good bye....}{[Kerghan looks at you, almost sadly.] Very well. I shall send you to that great dead sea, and then you shall know. Good bye....}{}{40}{}{}
//{324}{Very good. You have indeed become powerful, and you will make a great ally in the struggle to come. But I've still a task for you to complete. Succeed, and we will cross together, bringing death and its truth to all of Arcanum...}{Very good. You have indeed become powerful, and you will make a great ally in the struggle to come. But I've still a task for you to complete. Succeed, and we will cross together, bringing death and its truth to all of Arcanum...}{}{41}{}{}
//{325}{Of course. What is it you'd like me to do?}{}{5}{gf2660 1}{336}{}
{325}{��Ȼ�ˡ�����������ʲô��}{}{5}{gf2660 1}{336}{}
//{326}{I don't think so. I believe I've changed my mind...}{}{5}{gf2660 1}{420}{}
{326}{�Ҳ���ô�롣����Ϊ�Ҹı������ˡ���}{}{5}{gf2660 1}{420}{}
//{327}{Of course. What is it you'd like me to do?}{}{5}{gf2661 1}{336}{}
{327}{��Ȼ�ˡ�����������ʲô��}{}{5}{gf2661 1}{336}{}
//{328}{I don't think so. I believe I've changed my mind...}{}{5}{gf2661 1}{420}{}
{328}{�Ҳ���ô�롣����Ϊ�Ҹı������ˡ���}{}{5}{gf2661 1}{420}{}
//{329}{Of course. What is it you'd like me to do?}{}{5}{gf2662 1}{350}{}
{329}{��Ȼ�ˡ�����������ʲô��}{}{5}{gf2662 1}{350}{}
//{330}{I don't think so. I believe I've changed my mind...}{}{5}{gf2662 1}{420}{}
{330}{�Ҳ���ô�롣����Ϊ�Ҹı������ˡ���}{}{5}{gf2662 1}{420}{}
//{331}{Uh...okay! What you need me do?}{}{-4}{gf2660 1}{336}{}
{331}{�������ã���Ҫ����ɶ��}{}{-4}{gf2660 1}{336}{}
//{332}{Uh...okay! What you need me do?}{}{-4}{gf2661 1}{336}{}
{332}{�������ã���Ҫ����ɶ��}{}{-4}{gf2661 1}{336}{}
//{333}{Uh...okay! What you need me do?}{}{-4}{gf2662 1}{350}{}
{333}{�������ã���Ҫ����ɶ��}{}{-4}{gf2662 1}{350}{}
//{334}{A few questions before we continue...}{}{5}{}{528}{lc1 6}
{334}{�����Ǽ���֮ǰ����һЩ���⡭��}{}{5}{}{528}{lc1 6}
//{336}{There are four beings of great power who still live here in the Void. One is Arronax, who you already know of...have you also heard of Gorgoth, Kraka-tur and the Bane of Kree?}{There are four beings of great power who still live here in the Void. One is Arronax, who you already know of...have you also heard of Gorgoth, Kraka-tur and the Bane of Kree?}{}{42}{}{}
//{337}{Yes, I know of their legends...}{}{5}{gf2048 0, gf2043 0}{361}{}
{337}{�ǵģ���֪�����ǵĴ�˵����}{}{5}{gf2048 0, gf2043 0}{361}{}
//{338}{I'm not too sure...who are they?}{}{5}{gf2048 0, gf2043 1}{502}{}
{338}{�Ҳ�̫ȷ���������Ƕ���ʲô�ˣ�}{}{5}{gf2048 0, gf2043 1}{502}{}
//{339}{Yeah! I know!}{}{-4}{gf2048 0, gf2043 0}{361}{}
{339}{Ү����֪����}{}{-4}{gf2048 0, gf2043 0}{361}{}
//{340}{Uh...maybe...who is they?}{}{-4}{gf2048 0, gf2043 1}{502}{}
{340}{���������ܡ�������˭����}{}{-4}{gf2048 0, gf2043 1}{502}{}
//{345}{Yes...they're already dead...}{}{5}{gf2048 1, gf2043 1}{414}{}
{345}{�ǵġ��������Ѿ����������ˡ���}{}{5}{gf2048 1, gf2043 1}{414}{}
//{346}{Yeah! They dead!}{}{-4}{gf2048 1, gf2043 1}{414}{}
{346}{Ү�����Ƕ����ˣ�}{}{-4}{gf2048 1, gf2043 1}{414}{}
//{350}{There are three beings of great power who still live here in the Void. Perhaps you have heard of Gorgoth, Kraka-tur and the Bane of Kree?}{There are three beings of great power who still live here in the Void. Perhaps you have heard of Gorgoth, Kraka-tur and the Bane of Kree?}{}{43}{}{}
//{351}{Yes, I know of their legends...}{}{5}{gf2048 0}{361}{}
{351}{�ǵģ���֪�����ǵĴ�˵����}{}{5}{gf2048 0}{361}{}
//{352}{I'm not too sure...who are they?}{}{5}{gf2048 0}{502}{}
{352}{�Ҳ�̫ȷ���������Ƕ���ʲô�ˣ�}{}{5}{gf2048 0}{502}{}
//{353}{Yeah! I know!}{}{-4}{gf2048 0}{361}{}
{353}{Ү����֪����}{}{-4}{gf2048 0}{361}{}
//{354}{Uh...maybe...who is they?}{}{-4}{gf2048 0}{502}{}
{354}{���������ܡ�������˭����}{}{-4}{gf2048 0}{502}{}
//{355}{Yes...they're already dead...}{}{5}{gf2048 1}{414}{}
{355}{�ǵġ��������Ѿ������ˡ���}{}{5}{gf2048 1}{414}{}
//{356}{Yeah! They dead!}{}{-4}{gf2048 1}{414}{}
{356}{Ү�����Ƕ��������ˣ�}{}{-4}{gf2048 1}{414}{}
//{361}{Their stories are unimportant, but they were sent here as I was...by the decree of the Elven Council. I hold them no ill will--they've never opposed me--but they are very powerful, the last of the Void dwellers who pose me any threat...}{Their stories are unimportant, but they were sent here as I was...by the decree of the Elven Council. I hold them no ill will--they've never opposed me--but they are very powerful, the last of the Void dwellers who pose me any threat...}{}{44}{}{}
//{362}{And where do I find them?}{}{5}{}{-68}{}
//{363}{Where these guys?}{}{-4}{}{-68}{}
//{364}{You've already used the Portal devices...wearing this ring while using them will aid you in navigating them more easily. [He hands you a ring] Kill them all, and return to me. Do you understand?}{You've already used the Portal devices...wearing this ring while using them will aid you in navigating them more easily. [He hands you a ring] Kill them all, and return to me. Do you understand?}{}{45}{}{}
//{367}{Wait...what exactly are the Portal Stones?}{}{5}{}{369}{}
{367}{��һ�¡�������֮ʯ������ʲô��/*����Portal devicesô����*/}{}{5}{}{369}{}
//{368}{Whut P-por-t-tal S-s-ton-nes?}{}{-4}{}{369}{}
//{369}{The Portal devices were here before any of us...a relic of an ancient civilization that died out long ago. I've learned to use them in the time I've been here...}{The Portal devices were here before any of us...a relic of an ancient civilization that died out long ago. I've learned to use them in the time I've been here...}{}{46}{}{}
//{370}{Are there still people here in the Void from that civilization?}{}{5}{}{375}{}
//{371}{Old people still here?}{}{-4}{}{375}{}
//{372}{I see. I'm ready to finish the task we spoke of...}{}{5}{}{382}{}
//{373}{Okay! I ready to go!}{}{-4}{}{382}{}
//{375}{I know nothing of the civilization that was here before. Ruins were all that remained, even when I was first sent here...}{I know nothing of the civilization that was here before. Ruins were all that remained, even when I was first sent here...}{}{47}{}{}
//{376}{I see. I'm ready to finish the task we spoke of...}{}{5}{}{382}{}
//{377}{Okay! I ready to go!}{}{-4}{}{382}{}
//{382}{Then destroy them and return here....}{Then destroy them and return here....}{}{48}{}{qu1031 1}
{382}{�Ǿ�ȥ��������Ȼ��ص�����������}{�Ǿ�ȥ��������Ȼ��ص�����������}{}{48}{}{qu1031 1}
//{383}{I've already done so...}{}{5}{gf2048 1}{414}{}
{383}{���Ѿ���ô���ˡ���}{}{5}{gf2048 1}{414}{}
//{384}{I'll do so and return. [Tell him the truth.]}{}{5}{gf2660 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, qu1031 2, gf2057 1}
{384}{��ɱ�����Ǿͻ�����������˵ʵ������}{}{5}{gf2660 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, qu1031 2, gf2057 1}
//{385}{I'll do so and return. [Tell him the truth.]}{}{5}{gf2661 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2667 1, qu1031 2, gf2057 1}
{385}{��ɱ�����Ǿͻ�����������˵ʵ������}{}{5}{gf2661 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2667 1, qu1031 2, gf2057 1}
//{386}{I'll do so and return. [Tell him the truth.]}{}{5}{gf2662 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, qu1031 2, gf2057 1}
{386}{��ɱ�����Ǿͻ�����������˵ʵ������}{}{5}{gf2662 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, qu1031 2, gf2057 1}
//{387}{I'll do so and return. [Lie to him.]}{}{5}{gf2660 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, gf2058 1}
{387}{��ɱ�����Ǿͻ�������ƭ������}{}{5}{gf2660 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, gf2058 1}
//{388}{I'll do so and return. [Lie to him.]}{}{5}{gf2661 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2667 1, gf2058 1}
{388}{��ɱ�����Ǿͻ�������ƭ������}{}{5}{gf2661 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2667 1, gf2058 1}
//{389}{I'll do so and return. [Lie to him.]}{}{5}{gf2662 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, gf2058 1}
{389}{��ɱ�����Ǿͻ�������ƭ������}{}{5}{gf2662 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, gf2058 1}
//{390}{I did already!}{}{-4}{gf2048 1}{414}{}
{390}{���Ѿ�ɱ�ˣ�}{}{-4}{gf2048 1}{414}{}
//{391}{Okay! I do it and come back!}{}{-4}{gf2660 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, qu1031 2}
{391}{�ã���ɱ��ͻ�����}{}{-4}{gf2660 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, qu1031 2}
//{392}{Okay! I do it and come back!}{}{-4}{gf2661 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2667 1, qu1031 2}
{392}{�ã���ɱ��ͻ�����}{}{-4}{gf2661 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2667 1, qu1031 2}
//{393}{Okay! I do it and come back!}{}{-4}{gf2662 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, qu1031 2}
{393}{�ã���ɱ��ͻ�����}{}{-4}{gf2662 1, gf2048 0}{0}{gf2666 1, qu1031 2}
//{395}{I see you've returned...and have you finished the task I've given you?}{I see you've returned...and have you finished the task I've given you?}{}{49}{}{}
//{396}{Yes...they're all dead.}{}{5}{gf2666 1, gf2048 1}{414}{}
{396}{�ǵġ������Ƕ����ˡ�}{}{5}{gf2666 1, gf2048 1}{414}{}
//{397}{Yes...they're all dead.}{}{5}{gf2667 1, gf2043 1, gf2048 1}{414}{}
{397}{�ǵġ������Ƕ����ˡ�}{}{5}{gf2667 1, gf2043 1, gf2048 1}{414}{}
//{398}{No, not yet...}{}{5}{gf2043 0, gf2048 0}{}{fl 410}
{398}{������û�С���}{}{5}{gf2043 0, gf2048 0}{}{fl 410}
//{399}{No, not yet...}{}{5}{gf2043 1, gf2048 0}{}{fl 410}
{399}{������û�С���}{}{5}{gf2043 1, gf2048 0}{}{fl 410}
//{400}{No, not yet...}{}{5}{gf2043 0, gf2048 1}{}{fl 410}
{400}{������û�С���}{}{5}{gf2043 0, gf2048 1}{}{fl 410}
//{401}{Yeah! All dead...}{}{-4}{gf2666 1, gf2048 1}{414}{}
{401}{Ү�����������ˡ���}{}{-4}{gf2666 1, gf2048 1}{414}{}
//{402}{Yeah! All dead...}{}{-4}{gf2667 1, gf2043 1, gf2048 1}{414}{}
{402}{Ү�����������ˡ���}{}{-4}{gf2667 1, gf2043 1, gf2048 1}{414}{}
//{403}{Uh...no...}{}{-4}{gf2043 0, gf2048 0}{}{fl 410}
{403}{������û����}{}{-4}{gf2043 0, gf2048 0}{}{fl 410}
//{404}{Uh...no...}{}{-4}{gf2043 1, gf2048 0}{}{fl 410}
{404}{������û����}{}{-4}{gf2043 1, gf2048 0}{}{fl 410}
//{405}{Uh...no...}{}{-4}{gf2043 0, gf2048 1}{}{fl 410}
{405}{������û����}{}{-4}{gf2043 0, gf2048 1}{}{fl 410}
//{406}{Sorry Kerghan, but I think I'm going to kill YOU instead...}{}{5}{}{420}{}
//{410}{Then do so and return.}{Then do so and return.}{}{50}{}{}
//{414}{Splendid. Then you are truly ready to walk by my side on this journey. It is only for us to cross the bridge...are you ready?}{Splendid. Then you are truly ready to walk by my side on this journey. It is only for us to cross the bridge...are you ready?}{}{51}{}{qu1031 4}
{414}{�dz��á���ô�������׼�������Ҳ���̤�����ó��ˡ����������ŵ���ֻ�������ˡ�����׼������ô��}{�dz��á���ô�������׼�������Ҳ���̤�����ó��ˡ����������ŵ���ֻ�������ˡ�����׼������ô��}{}{51}{}{qu1031 4}
//{415}{Yes...let us go and finish this together...}{}{5}{}{-98}{}
//{416}{I don't think so. I believe I've changed my mind...}{}{5}{}{429}{}
//{417}{Uh, okay!}{}{-4}{}{-98}{}
//{418}{I no like this anymore...think I fight YOU instead!}{}{-4}{}{429}{}
//{420}{What? But I thought you'd joined me because you'd seen the truth, because you shared my cause to rid the world of life and its abominations...}{What? But I thought you'd joined me because you'd seen the truth, because you shared my cause to rid the world of life and its abominations...}{}{52}{}{}
//{421}{And I will, but I no longer need YOU to do that, Kerghan...}{}{5}{}{435}{gf2050 1}
{421}{�һ�ģ������Ҳ�����Ҫ���㡻������Щ���ˣ��ܸա���}{}{5}{}{435}{gf2050 1}
//{422}{I still have the choice, and I choose the path of the righteous...}{}{5}{}{438}{gf2051 1}
{422}{����Ȼ��ѡ�����أ�������Ҫѡ������ĵ�·����}{}{5}{}{438}{gf2051 1}
//{423}{Arcanum will have no pantheon. I will be its sole god...}{}{5}{}{441}{}
//{424}{I have no cause. I don't take orders from you, or anyone...}{}{5}{}{450}{gf2056 1}
{424}{��û��ʲô���롣��Ҳ���������������κ��˵Ķ�������}{}{5}{}{450}{gf2056 1}
//{425}{I forget myself. Now what did you need done?}{}{5}{gf2660 1, gf2666 0, gf2667 0}{336}{}
{425}{���Լ�Ҳ���ˡ�������Ҫ��ô����}{}{5}{gf2660 1, gf2666 0, gf2667 0}{336}{}
//{426}{I forget myself. Now what did you need done?}{}{5}{gf2661 1, gf2666 0, gf2667 0}{336}{}
{426}{���Լ�Ҳ���ˡ�������Ҫ��ô����}{}{5}{gf2661 1, gf2666 0, gf2667 0}{336}{}
//{427}{I forget myself. Now what did you need done?}{}{5}{gf2662 1, gf2666 0, gf2667 0}{336}{}
{427}{���Լ�Ҳ���ˡ�������Ҫ��ô����}{}{5}{gf2662 1, gf2666 0, gf2667 0}{336}{}
//{429}{[Kerghan squares himself to you, his fists clenching; you can feel the immense power that he commands.] I've no more time for your games, traveler. You must choose, and now. Do you walk with me, and with death? Or do I send you to that great, dead sea right now...?}{[Kerghan squares himself to you, his fists clenching; you can feel the immense power that he commands.] I've no more time for your games, traveler. You must choose, and now. Do you walk with me, and with death? Or do I send you to that great, dead sea right now...?}{}{53}{}{}
//{430}{I will walk with death. I will be his champion ALONE...}{}{5}{}{435}{gf2050 1}
{430}{�ҽ�������һ�����ҽ���Ϊ����ӵ���ߣ���һ���ˡ�����}{}{5}{}{435}{gf2050 1}
//{431}{I still have the choice, and I choose the path of the righteous...}{}{5}{}{438}{gf2051 1}
{431}{����Ȼ��ѡ�����أ�������Ҫѡ������ĵ�·����}{}{5}{}{438}{gf2051 1}
//{432}{Neither you nor death will be god. I alone will rule as I see fit.}{}{5}{}{441}{}
//{433}{I have no cause. You are merely an annoyance to be dealt with.}{}{5}{}{450}{gf2056 1}
{433}{��û��ʲô���롣�㲻���Ǹ�Ǹ��ʰ�İ��¼һ}{}{5}{}{450}{gf2056 1}
//{434}{I said I gonna kill you!}{}{-4}{}{438}{}
//{435}{[Kerghan looks at you, almost sadly.] If I truly believed you...if I thought that you had the power or the strength of will to do what needs to be done, I would gladly pass you the mantle and let go of this existence forever. But you do not, and so I must destroy you.}{[Kerghan looks at you, almost sadly.] If I truly believed you...if I thought that you had the power or the strength of will to do what needs to be done, I would gladly pass you the mantle and let go of this existence forever. But you do not, and so I must destroy you.}{}{54}{}{}
//{436}{Alright then. Let us see who is more fit to wear death's crown...}{}{5}{}{-71}{co}
//{438}{So be it. I have chosen to follow death to the end of this journey. Let us now see who he chooses in this final conflict...}{So be it. I have chosen to follow death to the end of this journey. Let us now see who he chooses in this final conflict...}{}{55}{}{}
//{439}{Yes...let us finish this...}{}{5}{}{-71}{co}
//{440}{Fight! Kill! Destroy!}{}{-4}{}{-71}{co}
//{441}{[Kerghan laughs.] Godhood, is it? And what sort of god do you think you'd be?}{[Kerghan laughs.] Godhood, is it? And what sort of god do you think you'd be?}{}{56}{}{}
//{442}{A just god...I'll not make the mistakes of others...}{}{5}{}{447}{gf2052 1}
{442}{��������顭���Ҳ��᷸���˵Ĵ��󡭡�}{}{5}{}{447}{gf2052 1}
//{443}{A darker god...fear, and fear only, will make them obey...}{}{5}{}{447}{gf2053 1}
{443}{�ڰ������顭���־壬ֻ�п־��ܹ������dz�������}{}{5}{}{447}{gf2053 1}
//{444}{A quiet god...I'll leave them to their own devices...}{}{5}{}{447}{gf2054 1 }
{444}{��Ĭ�����顭���һὫ���������Լ���ѡ�񡭡�}{}{5}{}{447}{gf2054 1 }
//{445}{I don't know...its not important right now...}{}{5}{}{447}{gf2055 1}
{445}{�Ҳ�֪������������ڲ�����Ҫ����}{}{5}{}{447}{gf2055 1}
//{447}{I see. Very well...let us finish this once and for all. Death will decide which god will return to Arcanum...}{I see. Very well...let us finish this once and for all. Death will decide which god will return to Arcanum...}{}{57}{}{}
//{448}{Yes, the time for this conflict is long past. Good bye...}{}{5}{}{-71}{co}
//{450}{I see. [Kerghan looks at you, almost sadly.] It's said that the causeless man dies unsung. You'll not be remembered when death comes calling...your name will be forgotten in that endless, expanse of gray...}{I see. [Kerghan looks at you, almost sadly.] It's said that the causeless man dies unsung. You'll not be remembered when death comes calling...your name will be forgotten in that endless, expanse of gray...}{}{58}{}{}
//{451}{I care not for your blabber. Let us finish this and be done...}{}{5}{}{453}{}
//{453}{Fine. Then let death decide whether the greater cause is his own, or none at all...}{Fine. Then let death decide whether the greater cause is his own, or none at all...}{}{59}{}{}
//{454}{Yes, the time for this conflict is long past. Good bye...}{}{5}{}{-71}{co}
//{456}{Very well. Hear my story and decide for yourself. I know that you're road has been long, as has my own. Perhaps we might yet see eye to eye...}{Very well. Hear my story and decide for yourself. I know that you're road has been long, as has my own. Perhaps we might yet see eye to eye...}{}{60}{}{}
//{457}{Enjoy these words...they'll be your last...}{}{5}{gf2663 1, gf2664 0}{460}{}
{457}{������Щ���ɡ������ǽ�����������ˡ���}{}{5}{gf2663 1, gf2664 0}{460}{}
//{458}{Please continue...}{}{5}{gf2664 1, gf2663 0}{460}{}
{458}{�뽲����}{}{5}{gf2664 1, gf2663 0}{460}{}
//{460}{In Arcanum, I was a mage of great power, the only human to ever sit on the great Elven Council. For 200 years I studied the magicks of Necromancy...the arts of physical and spiritual healing, the resurrection of the souls of the dead...}{In Arcanum, I was a mage of great power, the only human to ever sit on the great Elven Council. For 200 years I studied the magicks of Necromancy...the arts of physical and spiritual healing, the resurrection of the souls of the dead...}{}{61}{}{}
//{461}{And so? What happened?}{}{5}{}{463}{}
//{462}{Huh? Then whut?}{}{-4}{}{463}{}
//{463}{Perhaps it is just the way of humans, but what I had seen and learned was not enough. I craved knowledge, felt the shadow of my own mortality. And so I looked deeper, and the secrets of Black Necromancy were shown to me, and I reveled in the truths I had uncovered, and I shared them with the council...}{Perhaps it is just the way of humans, but what I had seen and learned was not enough. I craved knowledge, felt the shadow of my own mortality. And so I looked deeper, and the secrets of Black Necromancy were shown to me, and I reveled in the truths I had uncovered, and I shared them with the council...}{}{62}{}{}
//{464}{Only a monster such as you would see such evil as truth...}{}{5}{gf2663 1, gf2664 0}{467}{}
{464}{ֻ�����������Ĺ���Ż�����а��Ķ�����Ϊ��������}{}{5}{gf2663 1, gf2664 0}{467}{}
//{465}{They saw it differently than you did, though...}{}{5}{gf2664 1, gf2663 0}{467}{}
{465}{Ȼ�������Ƕ����Ŀ���ȴ������ྶͥ����}{}{5}{gf2664 1, gf2663 0}{467}{}
//{466}{Kown-cul not like whut you did...}{}{-4}{}{467}{}
//{467}{[Kerghan laughs to himself.] The Council...that sad, puppet Council. They didn't know what to think, and how could they? These were new discoveries, there were no precedents...and they listened to Arronax over the voice of their own reason...}{[Kerghan laughs to himself.] The Council...that sad, puppet Council. They didn't know what to think, and how could they? These were new discoveries, there were no precedents...and they listened to Arronax over the voice of their own reason...}{}{63}{}{}
//{468}{What do you mean? What does Arronax have to do with this?}{}{5}{}{471}{}
//{469}{Arrow-nacks? What he have to do with this?}{}{-4}{}{471}{}
//{471}{Arronax! From the very beginning, he hated me. Son of Nasrudin, proud elven heir to the leadership of the council...he saw my presence on the council as a travesty, a dishonor to the ways of magick. He waited for an opportunity to defame me, and when it came, he viciously attacked...}{Arronax! From the very beginning, he hated me. Son of Nasrudin, proud elven heir to the leadership of the council...he saw my presence on the council as a travesty, a dishonor to the ways of magick. He waited for an opportunity to defame me, and when it came, he viciously attacked...}{}{64}{}{}
//{472}{Why? What happened?}{}{5}{}{474}{}
//{473}{What he do?}{}{-4}{}{474}{}
//{474}{My studies were of the souls of the dead. Once I had seen the darker side of Necromancy, I began to speak with those souls, to animate the soulless, to quench the lives of the living...}{My studies were of the souls of the dead. Once I had seen the darker side of Necromancy, I began to speak with those souls, to animate the soulless, to quench the lives of the living...}{}{65}{}{}
//{475}{That is undeniably evil, Kerghan! How can you think otherwise?}{}{5}{}{478}{gf2663 1, gf2664 0}
{475}{���Dz��ɷ��ϵ���񣬿ܸգ��㻹����Ϊ����ʲô��}{}{5}{}{478}{gf2663 1, gf2664 0}
//{476}{But can't you see how some might see those actions as evil?}{}{5}{}{478}{gf2664 1, gf2663 0}
{476}{�����㿴������Щ�˻���Ϊ��Щ�ٶ���а���ô��}{}{5}{}{478}{gf2664 1, gf2663 0}
//{477}{Bad things! Evil things! That why Kown-cul mad!}{}{-4}{}{478}{}
//{478}{The bodies I experimented upon were already dead! If I raised their souls to again quench them, who is to say I didn't have the right? I'm no monster...I know that the line between good and evil is a gray one, and perhaps all of my actions weren't necessarily pure, but I never killed a living soul...}{The bodies I experimented upon were already dead! If I raised their souls to again quench them, who is to say I didn't have the right? I'm no monster...I know that the line between good and evil is a gray one, and perhaps all of my actions weren't necessarily pure, but I never killed a living soul...}{}{66}{}{ru 2088}
{478}{��������ʵ���ʬ�嶼�Ѿ����ˣ�����һ������ǵ��������������ǣ�˭��˵��û������Ȩ�����Ҳ��ǹ��������֪�����Ľ����ǻ�ɫ�ģ������ҵ�������Ϊ������ȫ�޿�ָ�𣬿����Ҵ���û��ɱ�����κ�����������ꡭ��}{��������ʵ���ʬ�嶼�Ѿ����ˣ�����һ������ǵ��������������ǣ�˭��˵��û������Ȩ�����Ҳ��ǹ��������֪�����Ľ����ǻ�ɫ�ģ������ҵ�������Ϊ������ȫ�޿�ָ�𣬿����Ҵ���û��ɱ�����κ�����������ꡭ��}{}{66}{}{ru 2088}
//{479}{That argument is tenuous...the justifications of the guilty...}{}{5}{gf2663 1, gf2664 0}{482}{}
{479}{����̫�����ˡ���Ϊ�������ı绤����}{}{5}{gf2663 1, gf2664 0}{482}{}
//{480}{You have a point, but there may be holes in your logic...}{}{5}{gf2664 1, gf2663 0}{482}{}
{480}{������Ĺ۵㣬��������߼����ܻ��в���©������}{}{5}{gf2664 1, gf2663 0}{482}{}
//{481}{But still not good...still bad things...}{}{-4}{}{482}{}
//{482}{And who are you, or they, to judge me? And banishment? Banishment for some questionable experiments? The Council was prepared to exile me, to throw me out of their number...but no! The jealousy of Arronax turned them against me, forced their hand. His words became the evidence against me, and they sentenced me to the Void. }{And who are you, or they, to judge me? And banishment? Banishment for some questionable experiments? The Council was prepared to exile me, to throw me out of their number...but no! The jealousy of Arronax turned them against me, forced their hand. His words became the evidence against me, and they sentenced me to the Void. }{}{67}{}{}
//{483}{And eventually Arronax was sent here as well...}{}{5}{}{485}{}
//{484}{And Arrow-nacks...he banished too, right?}{}{-4}{}{485}{}

philip_w 2008-11-20 17:22

������ 2008-11-20 21:03

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