�鿴�����汾: [-- 11.19������01297Delores_Beston.dlg --]

13�ű�����|����|�쳾���� -> ���� -> 11.19������01297Delores_Beston.dlg [��ӡ��ҳ] ��¼ -> ע�� -> �ظ����� -> ��������

seanfx 2008-11-19 13:07


* .\data\dlg\01297Delores_Beston.dlg 17,303 dm1937

//{2}{Hello, madam. Might I ask who you are?}{}{5}{me 0, re 41}{11}{}
{2}{��ã�Ůʿ���ҿ�����һ�����ǣ�}{}{5}{me 0, re 41}{11}{}
//{3}{Greetings, Ms. Beston. Might I speak with you a moment?}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{25}{}
{3}{�ʺ�������˹��Ůʿ���ҿ���ռ����һС�����}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{25}{}
//{4}{Please, madam! Our first meeting, and already harsh words?}{}{5}{me 0, re -40}{17}{re +10}
{4}{��������Ůʿ����һ�μ��棬����ô���̣�}{}{5}{me 0, re -40}{17}{re +10}
//{5}{Ms. Beston! Such language from a lady!}{}{5}{me 1, re -40}{21}{re +10}
{5}{��˹��Ůʿ�������Ļ����һ��Ůʿ���������}{}{5}{me 1, re -40}{21}{re +10}
//{7}{Uh, hi lady! Who you?}{}{-4}{me 0}{11}{}
{7}{������ Ůʿ������˭��}{}{-4}{me 0}{11}{}
//{8}{Hey, Beston lady! I ask you questions?}{}{-4}{me 1}{25}{}
{8}{�٣���˹��Ůʿ�������������⣿}{}{-4}{me 1}{25}{}
//{11}{[This woman looks at you, wide-eyed, then seems to regain her composure.] Yes, of course. I am Delores Beston, spirit medium and teller of future things! I live here to serve the good and noble citizens of Tarant...to make things clearer when they are dark, to call for help when it is needed. How may I help you?}{[This woman looks at you, wide-eyed, then seems to regain her composure.] Yes, of course. I am Delores Beston, spirit medium and teller of future things! I live here to serve the good and noble citizens of Tarant...to make things clearer when they are dark, to call for help when it is needed. How may I help you?}{}{}{}{lf1 1}
{11}{[���Ů�˿����㣬�۾�Բ����Ȼ����������] �ǣ��ǵġ����ǵ�����˿����˿�أ���ý��Ԥ���ߣ���������Ϊ���������е������ؾ�����񡭡������ǰ�����Ū���������������ڰ���Ҫ�����Ҫ������ʱ���ҿ��԰�����}{[���Ů�˿����㣬�۾�Բ����Ȼ����������] �ǣ��ǵġ����ǵ�����˿����˿�أ���ý��Ԥ���ߣ���ס������Ϊ���������е������ؾ�����񡭡������ǰ�����Ū���������������ڰ���Ҫ�����Ҫ������ʱ���ҿ��԰�����}{}{}{}{lf1 1}
//{12}{Could I ask you a few questions, Delores?}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{14}{Hi Delores! I ask you questions...?}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{17}{[The woman seems frightened to see you.] I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend you. Perhaps this is a testament to the unreliability of first impressions...please, forgive me...}{[The woman seems frightened to see you.] I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend you. Perhaps this is a testament to the unreliability of first impressions...please, forgive me...}{}{}{}{}
{17}{[���Ů�˿��������ҿ��㡣] �Һܱ�Ǹ�����Ҳ���Ҫð������Ҳ���Dz�̫�ɿ��ĵ�һӡ�󡭡���ԭ���ҡ���}{[���Ů�˿��������ҿ��㡣] �Һܱ�Ǹ�����Ҳ���Ҫð������Ҳ���Dz�̫�ɿ��ĵ�һӡ�󡭡���ԭ���ҡ���}{}{}{}{}
//{18}{It's already forgotten, madam. Might I ask who you are?}{}{5}{}{11}{}
//{21}{Oh...I'm so sorry. You've been here before! Please...forgive the outburst...}{Oh...I'm so sorry. You've been here before! Please...forgive the outburst...}{}{}{}{}
//{22}{Don't fret over it, Delores. Have a moment to spare?}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{25}{Of course...}{Of course...}{}{}{}{}
//{26}{What is it you do here?}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{44}{lf2 1}
{26}{��������������ʲô��}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{44}{lf2 1}
//{27}{Can you tell me about my future?}{}{5}{lf2 1, qu1064 0}{71}{}
{27}{���ܸ�����һ���ҵ�δ����}{}{5}{lf2 1, qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{28}{I've come to talk about your offer to find the crystal ball...}{}{5}{qu1064 1}{81}{}
{28}{����̸һ�������ˮ����ij��ۡ���}{}{5}{qu1064 1}{81}{}
//{29}{I may need your help in finding that crystal ball...}{}{5}{lf3 1, lf4 0, qu1064 2, ni 5628}{95}{}
{29}{��Ҳ����Ҫ��İ���ȥѰ���Ǹ�ˮ���򡭡�}{}{5}{lf3 1, lf4 0, qu1064 2, ni 5628}{95}{}
//{30}{I'm still looking for the crystal ball...}{}{5}{qu1064 2, ni 5628}{120}{}
{30}{�һ������Ǹ�ˮ���򡭡�}{}{5}{qu1064 2, ni 5628}{120}{}
//{31}{I've returned with the crystal ball...}{}{5}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
{31}{�Ҵ���ˮ��������ˡ���}{}{5}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
//{32}{I've returned with the crystal ball...}{}{5}{in 5628, qu1065 2, qa 1064 1, qb1064 2}{175}{}
{32}{�Ҵ���ˮ��������ˡ���}{}{5}{in 5628, qu1065 2, qa 1064 1, qb1064 2}{175}{}
//{33}{I have something for you, Delores...}{}{5}{qu1064 0, qu1065 2, in 5628}{178}{}
{33}{���е㶫�����������˹}{}{5}{qu1064 0, qu1065 2, in 5628}{178}{}
//{34}{What you do here, lady?}{}{-4}{qu1064 0}{44}{lf2 1}
{34}{Ůʿ������������ʲô��}{}{-4}{qu1064 0}{44}{lf2 1}
//{35}{You tell me my future, lady?}{}{-4}{lf2 1, qu1064 0}{71}{}
{35}{����Ԥ֪�ҵ�δ����Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{lf2 1, qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{36}{Mebbe I help you find crystal ball?}{}{-4}{qu1064 1}{81}{}
{36}{�������ܰ����ҵ�ˮ����}{}{-4}{qu1064 1}{81}{}
//{37}{I need help finding ball!}{}{-4}{lf3 1, lf4 0, qu1064 2, ni 5628}{95}{}
{37}{����Ҫ�������Ǹ�ˮ����}{}{-4}{lf3 1, lf4 0, qu1064 2, ni 5628}{95}{}
//{38}{Still looking for ball!}{}{-4}{qu1064 2, ni 5628}{120}{}
{38}{�������Ǹ���}{}{-4}{qu1064 2, ni 5628}{120}{}
//{39}{Found ball, lady!}{}{-4}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
{39}{�ҵ����ˣ�Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
//{40}{Found ball, lady!}{}{-4}{in 5628, qa1064 1, qb1064 2, qu1065 2}{175}{}
{40}{�ҵ����ˣ�Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{in 5628, qa1064 1, qb1064 2, qu1065 2}{175}{}
//{41}{I got sumthin' for you, lady!}{}{-4}{qu1064 0, qu1065 2, in 5628}{178}{}
{41}{��Ū�˵���������㣬Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{qu1064 0, qu1065 2, in 5628}{178}{}
//{44}{I talk with spirits, look into the far-flung future to see what it holds for those who dare to look! I am a guide in the nether-realms, a mistress in the medium of the mysterious!}{I talk with spirits, look into the far-flung future to see what it holds for those who dare to look! I am a guide in the nether-realms, a mistress in the medium of the mysterious!}{}{}{}{}
{44}{�Һ���꽻̸�� Ϊ��Щ���ڲ쿴δ��������̽Ѱ����������ĵ��Σ������ؽ����е�Ů���ˣ�}{�Һ���꽻̸�� Ϊ��Щ���ڲ쿴δ��������̽Ѱ����������ĵ��Σ������ؽ����е�Ů���ˣ�}{}{}{}{}
//{45}{Who are some of your clients?}{}{5}{}{67}{}
//{46}{Could you read MY future?}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
{46}{�����Ԥ֪�ҵ�δ����}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{47}{Sorry to say so, but I think the whole business is rubbish...}{}{5}{}{54}{re -5}
{47}{�ܱ�Ǹ����˵��������Ϊ��һ�ж�����������}{}{5}{}{54}{re -5}
//{48}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{50}{Uh...you see my future, lady?}{}{-4}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
{50}{�š����㿴�����ҵ�δ����Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{51}{More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{54}{[She seems a little put off with you.] I suppose it's natural to feel a little skeptical of our profession, but there's no need to be rude...}{[She seems a little put off with you.] I suppose it's natural to feel a little skeptical of our profession, but there's no need to be rude...}{}{}{}{}
{54}{[������ȥ�е������㡣] ����Ϊ�����ǵ�רҵ��ʾ������һ�����ԣ�����û�б�Ҫ���ֵ���˴�³����}{[������ȥ�е������㡣] ����Ϊ�����ǵ�רҵ��ʾ������һ�����ԣ�����û�б�Ҫ���ֵ���˴�³����}{}{}{}{}
//{55}{I'm no skeptic...I just think YOU are a fake...}{}{5}{}{59}{re -5}
{55}{�Ҳ��ǻ��ɡ�����ֻ����Ϊ���Ǹ�ƭ�ӡ���}{}{5}{}{59}{re -5}
//{56}{Forgive me. Please, tell me of some of your clients...}{}{5}{}{67}{re +5}
{56}{ԭ���ҡ��������һЩ��Ĺ˿ͣ�}{}{5}{}{67}{re +5}
//{57}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{59}{Well...I've never...how dare you! I serve some of the most influential ladies in all of Tarant! You know nothing of me!}{Well...I've never...how dare you! I serve some of the most influential ladies in all of Tarant! You know nothing of me!}{}{}{}{}
//{60}{I'd sooner consult a plate of shepherd's pie. You're a hoax.}{}{5}{}{}{lf3 1, fl 64}
{60}{������ѯһ��һ����������������ƭ�ӡ�}{}{5}{}{}{lf3 1, fl 64}
//{61}{I'm sorry. Who did you say your clients were?}{}{5}{}{67}{}
//{62}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{64}{I'll not say another word to you! I don't need this sort of abuse!}{I'll not say another word to you! I don't need this sort of abuse!}{}{}{}{}
//{65}{You've worn out your welcome here, sir. Find company elsewhere, please.}{You've worn out your welcome here, madam. Find company elsewhere, please.}{}{}{}{}
//{67}{Oh, I serve most of the affluent families here in Tarant...the Willoughsbys, the Garringsburgs...the ladies all trust me, and I do what I can to lead them away from troublesome waters...}{Oh, I serve most of the affluent families here in Tarant...the Willoughsbys, the Garringsburgs...the ladies all trust me, and I do what I can to lead them away from troublesome waters...}{}{}{}{}
//{68}{Could you read MY future?}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
{68}{����Ԥ֪�ҵ�δ����}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{69}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{71}{I'm very sorry, but currently I'm having a problem with my crystal ball. I dropped it the other day, and my visions have been foggy and unclear ever since. I've looked into finding another one, but, as you might guess, a crystal ball is a rare commodity...}{I'm very sorry, but currently I'm having a problem with my crystal ball. I dropped it the other day, and my visions have been foggy and unclear ever since. I've looked into finding another one, but, as you might guess, a crystal ball is a rare commodity...}{}{}{}{}
{71}{�Һܱ�Ǹ���������ҵ�ˮ�����е�����⡣�����Ұ����㶪�ˣ������Ժ��ҵ�Ԥ֪�ͱ��ģ�������ˡ����Թ�����������ˮ���򣬵��ǣ�Ҳ���������µģ� ˮ�����Ǽ���ϡ�е���Ʒ����}{�Һܱ�Ǹ���������ҵ�ˮ�����е�����⡣�����Ұ����㶪�ˣ������Ժ��ҵ�Ԥ֪�ͱ��ģ�������ˡ����Թ�����������ˮ���򣬵��ǣ�Ҳ���������µģ� ˮ�����Ǽ���ϡ�е���Ʒ����}{}{}{}{}
//{72}{I'd assume so. Perhaps I could assist you in finding another?}{}{5}{}{81}{}
//{73}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{75}{Mebbe I find you one!}{}{-4}{}{81}{}
//{76}{More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{81}{[She smiles, mysteriously.] Yes, I thought you might say that. I have a feeling for such things, you know. From the moment you walked in here, I knew you were something special...}{[She smiles, mysteriously.] Yes, I thought you might say that. I have a feeling for such things, you know. From the moment you walked in here, I knew you were something special...}{}{}{}{}
{81}{[�����ص�΢Ц��] �ǵģ��������������ô˵���Ҷ���������Ԥ�У���֪����������ŵ�ʱ����֪������ر𡭡�}{[�����ص�΢Ц��] �ǵģ��������������ô˵���Ҷ���������Ԥ�У���֪����������ŵ�ʱ����֪������ر𡭡�}{}{}{}{}
//{82}{Let's not get carried away, madam...}{}{5}{}{85}{}
//{83}{Uh...whatever you say...}{}{-4}{}{85}{}
//{85}{I understand...not everyone is a believer. In any case...I would very much appreciate your help. If you were to find me a new crystal ball, I'll pay you 200 gold pieces. What do you say?}{I understand...not everyone is a believer. In any case...I would very much appreciate your help. If you were to find me a new crystal ball, I'll pay you 200 gold pieces. What do you say?}{}{}{}{qu1064 1, gf2716 1}
{85}{�����⡭������ÿ���˶�����ͽ���������������Һܸм���İ������������������Ҹ���ˮ�����Ҹ�200����ҡ���ô����}{�����⡭������ÿ���˶�����ͽ���������������Һܸм���İ������������������Ҹ���ˮ�����Ҹ�200����ҡ���ô����}{}{}{}{qu1064 1, gf2716 1}
//{86}{Interesting. I happen to have a crystal ball right here...}{}{5}{in 5628}{125}{}
{86}{��Ȥ�������������и�ˮ����}{}{5}{in 5628}{125}{}
//{87}{Of course...I'd be glad to assist you.}{}{5}{}{95}{qu1064 2, gf2716 1}
{87}{��Ȼ�����Һ���������㡣}{}{5}{}{95}{qu1064 2, gf2716 1}
//{88}{I'll think about it. A few more questions...?}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{90}{I have crystal ball!}{}{-4}{in 5628}{125}{}
{90}{���и�ˮ����}{}{-4}{in 5628}{125}{}
//{91}{Yeah! I help you lady!}{}{-4}{}{95}{qu1064 2, gf2716 1}
{91}{Ү���Ұ���Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{}{95}{qu1064 2, gf2716 1}
//{92}{I think about it. More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{95}{Splendid! Now...I may be able to assist you in finding one. As I told you, my crystal ball is not working correctly, but sometimes a physical piece of the person I am viewing helps to clear the vision. Might I have a lock of your hair?}{Splendid! Now...I may be able to assist you in finding one. As I told you, my crystal ball is not working correctly, but sometimes a physical piece of the person I am viewing helps to clear the vision. Might I have a lock of your hair?}{}{}{}{}
{95}{�ü��ˣ����ڡ�����Ҳ�����԰�����һ�������Ҹ�����ģ��ҵ�ˮ�����������������ǣ���ʱҪ����Ԥ֪���˵�����һ���ֿ��԰�����. �ҿ��������һ��ͷ����}{�ü��ˣ����ڡ�����Ҳ�����԰�����һ�������Ҹ�����ģ��ҵ�ˮ����������������ʱҪ����Ԥ֪���˵�����һ���ֿ��԰�����. �ҿ��������һ��ͷ����}{}{}{}{}
//{96}{Of course.}{}{5}{}{105}{}
//{97}{I don't think that's necessary. I'll rely on my wits. Good day...}{}{5}{}{101}{}
//{99}{I need no magick! I find ball by myself! Buh-bye!}{}{-4}{}{101}{}
{99}{�Ҳ���Ҫħ���� ���Լ����򣡰װף�}{}{-4}{}{101}{}
//{101}{[She laughs.] Still an unbeliever? Oh well...I wish you luck on your search. Return here if you find you need some guidance...}{[She laughs.] Still an unbeliever? Oh well...I wish you luck on your search. Return here if you find you need some guidance...}{}{}{}{}
{101}{[��Ц�ˡ�] ���Dz����ţ�ŷ���ðɣ�ף������ˡ��������Ҫָ���ʱ����Ի�������}{[��Ц�ˡ�] ���Dz����ţ�ŷ���ðɣ�ף������ˡ��������Ҫָ���ʱ����Ի�������}{}{}{}{}
//{105}{Wonderful! [She takes out a scissors and cuts a small lock of your hair.] Now...we look into the ball, see what is to be seen. [She stares intently, waving the lock in front of her face.] Cloudy, but something is coming clear...yes! I see where you might be able to procure a ball...!}{Wonderful! [She takes out a scissors and cuts a small lock of your hair.] Now...we look into the ball, see what is to be seen. [She stares intently, waving the lock in front of her face.] Cloudy, but something is coming clear...yes! I see where you might be able to procure a ball...!}{}{}{}{lf4 1}
{105}{̫���ˣ� [���ó����Ӽ������һ��ͷ����] ���ڡ������ǿ���ˮ���򣬿����ܿ���ʲô��[���۾�����ض��ţ�������ǰҡ��������ͷ����] ��ģ���������ж���Խ��Խ��������õģ��ҿ����������������ȡ��һ���򡭡���}{̫���ˣ� [���ó����Ӽ������һ��ͷ����] ���ڡ������ǿ���ˮ���򣬿����ܿ���ʲô��[���۾�����ض��ţ�������ǰҡ��������ͷ����] ��ģ���������ж���Խ��Խ��������õģ��ҿ����������������ȡ��һ���򡭡���}{}{}{}{lf4 1}
//{107}{Where ball?}{}{-4}{}{109}{}
//{109}{In the warehouse district...I see the bordello...there! A small shop just beside it...I see a sign...Madame Toussaude's! Within that shop is a crystal ball! Find Madame Toussaude and you will find a crystal ball!}{In the warehouse district...I see the bordello...there! A small shop just beside it...I see a sign...Madame Toussaude's! Within that shop is a crystal ball! Find Madame Toussaude and you will find a crystal ball!}{}{}{}{}
//{110}{Madame Toussaude? Do you know anything of her?}{}{5}{}{114}{}
//{111}{Who Ma-d-da-a-me To-o-sow-w-de?}{}{-4}{}{114}{}
{111}{˭ ��-�� ��-��-�£�}{}{-4}{}{114}{}
//{114}{I can't say I've ever heard of her myself...there are so many self-proclaimed soothsayers in Tarant. More than likely she's some fly-by-night gypsy, out to make a quick buck. BUT! Be careful...you never know what to expect from these nomads...}{I can't say I've ever heard of her myself...there are so many self-proclaimed soothsayers in Tarant. More than likely she's some fly-by-night gypsy, out to make a quick buck. BUT! Be careful...you never know what to expect from these nomads...}{}{}{}{}
{114}{�Ҳ���˵����˵������������������һЩ�ԳƵ���֪�� ����������ɿ��ļ������ˣ�����������Ǯ�����ǣ�С�ġ�����Щ������������Ԥ��ġ���}{�Ҳ���˵����˵������������������һЩ�ԳƵ���֪�� ����������ɿ��ļ������ˣ�����������Ǯ�����ǣ�С�ġ�����Щ������������Ԥ�⡭��}{}{}{}{}
//{115}{My thanks. A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{116}{I will, dear lady. Thank you for the advice. I'll return later...}{}{5}{}{0}{}
//{117}{Okay! More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{118}{I will lady! I come back later!}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
//{120}{Well, I hope you find it soon...business has been bad since the old one broke. Is there anything else I can help you with?}{Well, I hope you find it soon...business has been bad since the old one broke. Is there anything else I can help you with?}{}{}{}{}
//{121}{Yes...A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{123}{More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{125}{[She looks surprised.] That's...well, that's just grand! Here's the payment. [She hands you 200 gold pieces.] Where did you get it?}{[She looks surprised.] That's...well, that's just grand! Here's the payment. [She hands you 200 gold pieces.] Where did you get it?}{}{}{}{qu1064 4, $$200}
{125}{[������ȥ�ܾ�ϲ��] �Ǹ������ðɣ�̫���ˣ������DZ��ꡣ[She hands you 200 gold pieces.] �����ҵ��ģ�}{[������ȥ�ܾ�ϲ��] �Ǹ������ðɣ�̫���ˣ������DZ��ꡣ[She hands you 200 gold pieces.] �����ҵ��ģ�}{}{}{}{qu1064 4, $$200}
//{126}{Madame Toussaude, a medium in the warehouse district...}{}{5}{}{129}{}
//{127}{Uh...some weird lady...To-os-s-ow-wde...?}{}{-4}{}{129}{}
//{129}{Hahahahahaha! The old crone! She knew absolutely nothing at all! I knew she was a fake from the very beginning...!}{Hahahahahaha! The old crone! She knew absolutely nothing at all! I knew she was a fake from the very beginning...!}{}{}{}{}
{129}{���������������� �Ǹ�����̫�ţ���ʲô����֪������һ��ʼ��֪�����Ǹ��ٵġ�����}{���������������� �Ǹ�����̫�ţ���ʲô����֪������һ��ʼ��֪�����Ǹ��ٵġ�����}{}{}{}{}
//{130}{I'm sorry...what do you mean?}{}{5}{}{133}{}
//{133}{Oh, if you must know...I'd heard rumors about her around town...people saying she could actually see the future! Rubbish! No one can REALLY see anything...it's all an act! I lie to those old ladies all day long...tell them exactly what they want to hear! So, I went to this Madame Toussaude, and I told her I wanted her to see MY future...}{Oh, if you must know...I'd heard rumors about her around town...people saying she could actually see the future! Rubbish! No one can REALLY see anything...it's all an act! I lie to those old ladies all day long...tell them exactly what they want to hear! So, I went to this Madame Toussaude, and I told her I wanted her to see MY future...}{}{}{}{}
{133}{ŷ�������һ��Ҫ֪���������ڳ�����˵��һЩ�����������ԡ�������˵����������Ŀ���δ����������û������������ʲô����ȫ������Ϸ����һֱ����Щ��Ů�����ѡ����������������ģ� ���ԣ��ҵ������·�������ȥ��Ȼ�����������ҵ�δ������}{ŷ�������һ��Ҫ֪���������ڳ�����˵��һЩ�����������ԡ�������˵����������Ŀ���δ����������û������������ʲô����ȫ������Ϸ����һֱ����Щ��Ů�����ѡ����������������ģ� ���ԣ��ҵ������·�������ȥ��Ȼ�����������ҵ�δ������}{}{}{}{}
//{134}{And what did she say?}{}{5}{}{137}{}
//{135}{What she tell you?}{}{-4}{}{137}{}
//{137}{She told me that a stranger would walk into my store one day, and that he would be my death. Can you believe it? My death! So, when I saw you come in here, you can imagine my surprise...and my fears...}{She told me that a stranger would walk into my store one day, and that she would be my death. Can you believe it? My death! So, when I saw you come in here, you can imagine my surprise...and my fears...}{}{}{}{}
{137}{��˵�и�İ���˻ᵽ�ҵ�����, Ȼ������ɱ���ҡ� ���������� �����������ԣ����ҿ��������������������Ҷ�ô�Ծ�������ô���¡���}{��˵�и�İ���˻ᵽ�ҵ�����, Ȼ������ɱ���ҡ� ���������� �����������ԣ����ҿ��������������������Ҷ�ô�Ծ�������ô���¡���}{}{}{}{}
//{138}{Of course...}{}{5}{}{141}{}
//{141}{But don't you see the irony? You've gone and killed her! SHE was the one who needed to fear you...not me! I broke my own crystal ball, just in case someone did show up...and in the end, you kill HER, and I get her crystal ball thrown in just for good measure! HA! So much for old Madame Toussaude...}{But don't you see the irony? You've gone and killed her! SHE was the one who needed to fear you...not me! I broke my own crystal ball, just in case someone did show up...and in the end, you kill HER, and I get her crystal ball thrown in just for good measure! HA! So much for old Madame Toussaude...}{}{}{}{}
{141}{�����㿴�����Ƿ��̣����ȥɱ��������������Ҫ���µġ��������ң��Ҵ������ҵ�ˮ�����Ա���һij�˳��֡��������ɱ���������õ�������ˮ����! ���� �����·��˾���ô���ˡ���}{�����㿴�����Ƿ��̣����ȥɱ��������������Ҫ���µġ��������ң��Ҵ������ҵ�ˮ�����Ա���һij�˳��֡��������ɱ���������õ�������ˮ����! ���� �����·��˾���ô���ˡ���}{}{}{}{}
//{142}{Yes...well I'm glad it all worked out for you. Good day.}{}{5}{gf2120 1}{0}{}
{142}{�ǵġ����Һܸ������㶼�㶨�ˡ��հ���}{}{5}{gf2120 1}{0}{}
//{143}{Uh...okay! Buh-bye!}{}{-4}{gf2120 1}{0}{}
{143}{�š����ã��װף�}{}{-4}{gf2120 1}{0}{}
//{144}{Yes...but she cursed me on her death! And it's YOUR fault!}{}{5}{gf2120 1}{159}{}
{144}{�ǵġ������������������������ң�������Ĵ���}{}{5}{gf2120 1}{159}{}
//{145}{Uh...she gave me curse! 'Cause of you!}{}{-4}{gf2120 1}{159}{}
{145}{�š������������ң���Ϊ�㣡}{}{-4}{gf2120 1}{159}{}
//{146}{I never said she was dead, Delores...}{}{5}{gf2120 0}{149}{}
{146}{�Ҵ�û˵�����ˡ�������˹����}{}{5}{gf2120 0}{149}{}
//{147}{Uh...who said she dead, lady?}{}{-4}{gf2120 0}{149}{}
{147}{�š���˭˵�����ˣ�Ů�ˣ�}{}{-4}{gf2120 0}{149}{}
//{149}{Wh-h-at? How did you get the ball...?}{Wh-h-at? How did you get the ball...?}{}{}{}{}
//{150}{She gave it to me. To give to you...}{}{5}{}{153}{}
//{151}{She say she want YOU to have it...}{}{-4}{}{153}{}
//{153}{I don't...no...please...get it away from me...!}{I don't...no...please...get it away from me...!}{}{}{}{}
//{154}{It's a gift, Delores. Just for you...[You hand it to her.]}{}{5}{}{-3}{in 5628}
{154}{���Ǹ����������˹��ֻ���㡭��[�����ݸ�����]}{}{5}{}{-3}{in 5628}
//{155}{No...she REALLY want you to have it...[You hand it to her.]}{}{-4}{}{-3}{in 5628}
{155}{�����������ϣ����õ�������[�����ݸ�����]}{}{-4}{}{-3}{in 5628}
//{156}{[Delores shudders at the touch of the ball. Then her limbs stiffen, her hands white-knuckled and grasping the sphere. Her eyes go wide, then a dull blankness washes over them--either from fear or otherwise, she falls dead.]}{[Delores shudders at the touch of the ball. Then her limbs stiffen, her hands white-knuckled and grasping the sphere. Her eyes go wide, then a dull blankness washes over them--either from fear or otherwise, she falls dead.]}{}{}{}{}
{156}{[������˹�������򣬿�ʼ������������֫��Ӳ��������ָ�ڷ��׽���ץס�Ǹ��� �����۾��������ţ� Ȼ��Ⱦ�ϴ��͵�����--�־��������ʲô�������ˡ�]}{[������˹�������򣬿�ʼ������������֫��Ӳ��������ָ�ڷ��׽���ץס�Ǹ��� �����۾��������ţ� Ȼ��Ⱦ�ϴ��͵�����--�־��������ʲô�������ˡ�]}{}{}{}{}
//{157}{Oh god! No....NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!}{Oh god! No....NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!}{}{}{}{}
{157}{ŷ���� ��������~~~~~~��������������}{ŷ���� ��������~~~~~~��������������}{}{}{}{}
//{159}{[She backs away.] Cursed you? I'm so very sorry...really, if there was anything I could do...}{[She backs away.] Cursed you? I'm so very sorry...really, if there was anything I could do...}{}{}{}{}
{159}{[�������ˡ�] �������ˣ� �ҷdz��dz���Ǹ������ģ������ʲô�ҿ������ġ���}{[�������ˡ�] �������ˣ� �ҷdz��dz���Ǹ������ģ������ʲô�ҿ������ġ���}{}{}{}{}
//{160}{I'm sure there's not. And that's the problem...}{}{5}{}{165}{}
//{161}{I just thought you should know. Good day to you...}{}{5}{}{0}{}
//{162}{You GONNA be sorry...}{}{-4}{}{165}{}
//{163}{Uh, that's okay. Buh-bye...}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
//{165}{Get away from me! I've nothing to do with all of that...I was just watching my own back! It's not my fault!}{Get away from me! I've nothing to do with all of that...I was just watching my own back! It's not my fault!}{}{}{}{}
{165}{�뿪�ң� �Һ�����һ�ж�û��ϵ������ֻ��Ϊ���Լ��İ�ȫ�������ҵĴ���}{�뿪�ң� �Һ�����һ�ж�û��ϵ������ֻ��Ϊ���Լ��İ�ȫ�������ҵĴ���}{}{}{}{}
//{166}{Madame Toussaude was right all along. I'm going to kill you...}{}{5}{}{}{co, fl 171}
{166}{�����·���һֱ���ǶԵġ���Ҫɱ���㡭��}{}{5}{}{}{co, fl 171}
//{167}{You might be right. Good day to you.}{}{5}{}{0}{}
//{168}{I kill you now, lady.}{}{-4}{}{}{co, fl 171}
{168}{������ɱ�㣬Ů�ˡ�}{}{-4}{}{}{co, fl 171}
//{169}{To-o-sowd-de right...I gonna kill you...}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
{169}{��-��-�� ��...��Ҫɱ�㡭��}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
//{171}{Help! Help! I'm being attacked!}{Help! Help! I'm being attacked!}{}{}{}{}
//{175}{[She looks surprised.] That's...well, that's just grand. Where did you get it?}{[She looks surprised.] That's...well, that's just grand. Where did you get it?}{}{}{}{}
{175}{[����Щ��ϲ��] ���ǡ����õģ���̫���ˡ� ��������㵽�ģ�}{[����Щ��ϲ��] ���ǡ����õģ���̫���ˡ� ��������㵽�ģ�}{}{}{}{}
//{176}{Madame Toussaude, a medium in the warehouse district...}{}{5}{}{129}{}
//{177}{Uh...some weird lady...To-os-s-ow-wde...?}{}{-4}{}{129}{}
//{178}{[She looks bewildered.] A crystal ball? Well, that's just grand! I'm actually in need of one! Where did you get it?}{[She looks bewildered.] A crystal ball? Well, that's just grand! I'm actually in need of one! Where did you get it?}{}{}{}{}
{178}{[���������е��Ի�] һ��ˮ���򣿺ðɣ���̫���ˣ�������Ҫһ��������㵽�ģ�}{[���������е��Ի�] һ��ˮ���򣿺ðɣ���̫���ˣ�������Ҫһ��������㵽�ģ�}{}{}{}{}
//{179}{Madame Toussaude, a medium in the warehouse district...}{}{5}{}{129}{}
//{180}{Uh...some weird lady...To-os-s-ow-wde...?}{}{-4}{}{129}{}

seanfx 2008-11-19 13:51

//{2}{Hello, madam.  Might I ask who you are?}{}{5}{me 0, re 41}{11}{}
{2}{��ã�Ůʿ���ҿ�����һ�����ǣ�}{}{5}{me 0, re 41}{11}{}
//{3}{Greetings, Ms. Beston.  Might I speak with you a moment?}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{25}{}
{3}{��ã���˹��Ůʿ���ҿ���ռ����һС�����}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{25}{}
//{4}{Please, madam!  Our first meeting, and already harsh words?}{}{5}{me 0, re -40}{17}{re +10}
{4}{��������Ůʿ�������⻹�ǵ�һ�μ��棬�α���ô�̱���}{}{5}{me 0, re -40}{17}{re +10}
//{5}{Ms. Beston!  Such language from a lady!}{}{5}{me 1, re -40}{21}{re +10}
{5}{��˹��Ůʿ���������������Ļ����������һ��Ůʿ���������}{}{5}{me 1, re -40}{21}{re +10}
//{7}{Uh, hi lady!  Who you?}{}{-4}{me 0}{11}{}
{7}{�����ˣ�Ůʿ������˭��}{}{-4}{me 0}{11}{}
//{8}{Hey, Beston lady!  I ask you questions?}{}{-4}{me 1}{25}{}
{8}{�٣���˹��Ůʿ���������������⣿}{}{-4}{me 1}{25}{}
//{11}{[This woman looks at you, wide-eyed, then seems to regain her composure.]  Yes, of course.  I am Delores Beston, spirit medium and teller of future things!  I live here to serve the good and noble citizens of Tarant...to make things clearer when they are dark, to call for help when it is needed.  How may I help you?}{[This woman looks at you, wide-eyed, then seems to regain her composure.]  Yes, of course.  I am Delores Beston, spirit medium and teller of future things!  I live here to serve the good and noble citizens of Tarant...to make things clearer when they are dark, to call for help when it is needed.  How may I help you?}{}{}{}{lf1 1}
{11}{[���Ů�˿����㣬�۾�Բ����Ȼ����������]  ï¿½Ç£ï¿½ï¿½ÇµÄ¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Çµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¿ï¿½Ø£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ã½ï¿½ï¿½Ô¤ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ß£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Îªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ðµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ø¾ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ñ¡­¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ú°ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê±ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¹ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ö¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Òªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê±ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô®ï¿½Ö¡ï¿½ï¿½Ò¿ï¿½ï¿½Ô°ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{[[���Ů�˿����㣬�۾�Բ����Ȼ����������]  ï¿½Ç£ï¿½ï¿½ÇµÄ¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Çµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¿ï¿½Ø£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ã½ï¿½ï¿½Ô¤ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ß£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Îªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ðµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ø¾ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ñ¡­¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ú°ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê±ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¹ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ö¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Òªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê±ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô®ï¿½Ö¡ï¿½ï¿½Ò¿ï¿½ï¿½Ô°ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{}{}{}{lf1 1}
//{12}{Could I ask you a few questions, Delores?}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{14}{Hi Delores!  I ask you questions...?}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{17}{[The woman seems frightened to see you.]  I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend you.  Perhaps this is a testament to the unreliability of first impressions...please, forgive me...}{[The woman seems frightened to see you.]  I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend you.  Perhaps this is a testament to the unreliability of first impressions...please, forgive me...}{}{}{}{}
{17}{[���Ů���ƺ����ҿ��㡣]  ï¿½ÒºÜ±ï¿½Ç¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò²ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÒªÃ°ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò²ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç²ï¿½Ì«ï¿½É¿ï¿½ï¿½Äµï¿½Ò»Ó¡ï¿½ó¡­¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô­ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{[���Ů���ƺ����ҿ��㡣]  ï¿½ÒºÜ±ï¿½Ç¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò²ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÒªÃ°ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò²ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç²ï¿½Ì«ï¿½É¿ï¿½ï¿½Äµï¿½Ò»Ó¡ï¿½ó¡­¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô­ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{}{}{}{}
//{18}{It's already forgotten, madam.  Might I ask who you are?}{}{5}{}{11}{}
//{21}{Oh...I'm so sorry.  You've been here before!  Please...forgive the outburst...}{Oh...I'm so sorry.  You've been here before!  Please...forgive the outburst...}{}{}{}{}
//{22}{Don't fret over it, Delores.  Have a moment to spare?}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{25}{Of course...}{Of course...}{}{}{}{}
//{26}{What is it you do here?}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{44}{lf2 1}
{26}{��������������ʲô��}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{44}{lf2 1}
//{27}{Can you tell me about my future?}{}{5}{lf2 1, qu1064 0}{71}{}
{27}{���ܸ�����һ���ҵ�δ����}{}{5}{lf2 1, qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{28}{I've come to talk about your offer to find the crystal ball...}{}{5}{qu1064 1}{81}{}
{28}{����̸һ�������ˮ����ij��ۡ���}{}{5}{qu1064 1}{81}{}
//{29}{I may need your help in finding that crystal ball...}{}{5}{lf3 1, lf4 0, qu1064 2, ni 5628}{95}{}
{29}{��ȥѰ���Ǹ�ˮ���򣬵���Ҫ��İ�������}{}{5}{lf3 1, lf4 0, qu1064 2, ni 5628}{95}{}
//{30}{I'm still looking for the crystal ball...}{}{5}{qu1064 2, ni 5628}{120}{}
{30}{�һ������Ǹ�ˮ���򡭡�}{}{5}{qu1064 2, ni 5628}{120}{}
//{31}{I've returned with the crystal ball...}{}{5}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
{31}{�Ҵ���ˮ��������ˡ���}{}{5}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
//{32}{I've returned with the crystal ball...}{}{5}{in 5628, qu1065 2, qa 1064 1, qb1064 2}{175}{}
{32}{�Ҵ���ˮ��������ˡ���}{}{5}{in 5628, qu1065 2, qa 1064 1, qb1064 2}{175}{}
//{33}{I have something for you, Delores...}{}{5}{qu1064 0, qu1065 2, in 5628}{178}{}
{33}{���е㶫�����������˹}{}{5}{qu1064 0, qu1065 2, in 5628}{178}{}
//{34}{What you do here, lady?}{}{-4}{qu1064 0}{44}{lf2 1}
{34}{Ůʿ������������ʲô��}{}{-4}{qu1064 0}{44}{lf2 1}
//{35}{You tell me my future, lady?}{}{-4}{lf2 1, qu1064 0}{71}{}
{35}{����Ԥ֪����δ����Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{lf2 1, qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{36}{Mebbe I help you find crystal ball?}{}{-4}{qu1064 1}{81}{}
{36}{�������ܰ����ҵ�ˮ����}{}{-4}{qu1064 1}{81}{}
//{37}{I need help finding ball!}{}{-4}{lf3 1, lf4 0, qu1064 2, ni 5628}{95}{}
{37}{����Ҫ�������Ǹ�ˮ����}{}{-4}{lf3 1, lf4 0, qu1064 2, ni 5628}{95}{}
//{38}{Still looking for ball!}{}{-4}{qu1064 2, ni 5628}{120}{}
{38}{���������Ǹ���}{}{-4}{qu1064 2, ni 5628}{120}{}
//{39}{Found ball, lady!}{}{-4}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
{39}{�ҵ�������ˣ�Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
//{40}{Found ball, lady!}{}{-4}{in 5628, qa1064 1, qb1064 2, qu1065 2}{175}{}
{40}{�ҵ�������ˣ�Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{in 5628, qa1064 1, qb1064 2, qu1065 2}{175}{}
//{41}{I got sumthin' for you, lady!}{}{-4}{qu1064 0, qu1065 2, in 5628}{178}{}
{41}{��Ū�˵���������㣬Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{qu1064 0, qu1065 2, in 5628}{178}{}
//{44}{I talk with spirits, look into the far-flung future to see what it holds for those who dare to look! I am a guide in the nether-realms, a mistress in the medium of the mysterious!}{I talk with spirits, look into the far-flung future to see what it holds for those who dare to look!  I am a guide in the nether-realms, a mistress in the medium of the mysterious!}{}{}{}{}
{44}{�Һ���꽻̸�� Ϊ��Щ�����������˵�����̽Ѱδ������������ĵ��Σ������������ε�Ůʿ��}{�Һ���꽻̸�� Ϊ��Щ�����������˵�����̽Ѱδ������������ĵ��Σ������������ε�Ůʿ��}{}{}{}{}
//{45}{Who are some of your clients?}{}{5}{}{67}{}
//{46}{Could you read MY future?}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
{46}{�����Ԥ֪�ҵ�δ����}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{47}{Sorry to say so, but I think the whole business is rubbish...}{}{5}{}{54}{re -5}
{47}{�ܱ�Ǹ����˵��������Ϊ�⹤�����dz�������}{}{5}{}{54}{re -5}
//{48}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{50}{Uh...you see my future, lady?}{}{-4}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
{50}{�š����㿴���˰���δ����Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{51}{More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{54}{[She seems a little put off with you.]  I suppose it's natural to feel a little  skeptical of our profession, but there's no need to be rude...}{[She seems a little put off with you.]  I suppose it's natural to feel a little  skeptical of our profession, but there's no need to be rude...}{}{}{}{}
{54}{[������ȥ�е������㡣]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Îªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Çµï¿½×¨Òµï¿½ï¿½Ê¾ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ã»ï¿½Ð±ï¿½Òªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Öµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë´ï¿½Â³ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{[������ȥ�е������㡣]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Îªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Çµï¿½×¨Òµï¿½ï¿½Ê¾ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ã»ï¿½Ð±ï¿½Òªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Öµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë´ï¿½Â³ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{}{}{}{}
//{55}{I'm no skeptic...I just think YOU are a fake...}{}{5}{}{59}{re -5}
{55}{�Ҳ��ǻ��ɡ�����ȷ�����Ǹ�ƭ�ӡ���}{}{5}{}{59}{re -5}
//{56}{Forgive me.  Please, tell me of some of your clients...}{}{5}{}{67}{re +5}
{56}{ԭ���ҡ����������Ĺ˿Ͷ���˭��}{}{5}{}{67}{re +5}
//{57}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{59}{Well...I've never...how dare you!  I serve some of the most influential ladies in all of Tarant!  You know nothing of me!}{Well...I've never...how dare you!  I serve some of the most influential ladies in all of Tarant!  You know nothing of me!}{}{}{}{}
//{60}{I'd sooner consult a plate of shepherd's pie.  You're a hoax.}{}{5}{}{}{lf3 1, fl 64}
{60}{�Һܿ�ͻ�ȥ����ѯһ����Щ�׳ա������ƭ�ӡ�}{}{5}{}{}{lf3 1, fl 64}
//{61}{I'm sorry.  Who did you say your clients were?}{}{5}{}{67}{}
//{62}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{64}{I'll not say another word to you!  I don't need this sort of abuse!}{I'll not say another word to you!  I don't need this sort of abuse!}{}{}{}{}
//{65}{You've worn out your welcome here, sir.  Find company elsewhere, please.}{You've worn out your welcome here, madam.  Find company elsewhere, please.}{}{}{}{}
//{67}{Oh, I serve most of the affluent families here in Tarant...the Willoughsbys, the Garringsburgs...the ladies all trust me, and I do what I can to lead them away from troublesome waters...}{Oh, I serve most of the affluent families here in Tarant...the Willoughsbys, the Garringsburgs...the ladies all trust me, and I do what I can to lead them away from troublesome waters...}{}{}{}{}
//{68}{Could you read MY future?}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
{68}{����Ԥ֪�ҵ�δ����}{}{5}{qu1064 0}{71}{}
//{69}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{71}{I'm very sorry, but currently I'm having a problem with my crystal ball.  I dropped it the other day, and my visions have been foggy and unclear ever since.  I've looked into finding another one, but, as you might guess, a crystal ball is a rare commodity...}{I'm very sorry, but currently I'm having a problem with my crystal ball.  I dropped it the other day, and my visions have been foggy and unclear ever since.  I've looked into finding another one, but, as you might guess, a crystal ball is a rare commodity...}{}{}{}{}
{71}{�Һܱ�Ǹ���������ҵ�ˮ�����е�����⡣�����Ұ����㶪�ˣ������Ժ��ҵ�Ԥ֪�ͱ��ģ�������ˡ����Թ�����������ˮ���򣬵��ǣ�Ҳ���������µģ� ˮ�����Ǽ���ϡ�е���Ʒ����}{�Һܱ�Ǹ���������ҵ�ˮ�����е�����⡣�����Ұ����㶪�ˣ������Ժ��ҵ�Ԥ֪�ͱ��ģ�������ˡ����Թ�����������ˮ���򣬵��ǣ�Ҳ���������µģ� ˮ�����Ǽ���ϡ�е���Ʒ����}{}{}{}{}
//{72}{I'd assume so.  Perhaps I could assist you in finding another?}{}{5}{}{81}{}
//{73}{A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{75}{Mebbe I find you one!}{}{-4}{}{81}{}
//{76}{More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{81}{[She smiles, mysteriously.]  Yes, I thought you might say that.  I have a feeling for such things, you know.  From the moment you walked in here, I knew you were something special...}{[She smiles, mysteriously.]  Yes, I thought you might say that.  I have a feeling for such things, you know.  From the moment you walked in here, I knew you were something special...}{}{}{}{}
{81}{[�����ص�΢Ц��]  ï¿½ÇµÄ£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ã´Ëµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò¶ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô¤ï¿½Ð£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Öªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Åµï¿½Ê±ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Öªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ø±ð¡­¡ï¿½}{[�����ص�΢Ц��] �ǵģ��������������ô˵���Ҷ���������Ԥ�У���֪����������ŵ�ʱ����֪������ر𡭡�}{}{}{}{}
//{82}{Let's not get carried away, madam...}{}{5}{}{85}{}
//{83}{Uh...whatever you say...}{}{-4}{}{85}{}
//{85}{I understand...not everyone is a believer.  In any case...I would very much appreciate your help.   If you were to find me a new crystal ball, I'll pay you 200 gold pieces.   What do you say?}{I understand...not everyone is a believer.  In any case...I would very much appreciate your help.   If you were to find me a new crystal ball, I'll pay you 200 gold pieces.   What do you say?}{}{}{}{qu1064 1, gf2716 1}
{85}{�����⡭������ÿ���˶��������������顣�������������Һܸм���İ������������������Ҹ���ˮ�����Ҹ�200����ҡ���ô����}{�����⡭������ÿ���˶��������������顣�������������Һܸм���İ������������������Ҹ���ˮ�����Ҹ�200����ҡ���ô����}{}{}{}{qu1064 1, gf2716 1}
//{86}{Interesting.  I happen to have a crystal ball right here...}{}{5}{in 5628}{125}{}
{86}{��Ȥ�������������и�ˮ����}{}{5}{in 5628}{125}{}
//{87}{Of course...I'd be glad to assist you.}{}{5}{}{95}{qu1064 2, gf2716 1}
{87}{��Ȼ�����Һ���������㡣}{}{5}{}{95}{qu1064 2, gf2716 1}
//{88}{I'll think about it.  A few more questions...?}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{90}{I have crystal ball!}{}{-4}{in 5628}{125}{}
{90}{���и�ˮ����}{}{-4}{in 5628}{125}{}
//{91}{Yeah!  I help you lady!}{}{-4}{}{95}{qu1064 2, gf2716 1}
{91}{Ү���Ұ���Ůʿ��}{}{-4}{}{95}{qu1064 2, gf2716 1}
//{92}{I think about it.  More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{95}{Splendid!  Now...I may be able to assist you in finding one.  As I told you, my crystal ball is not working correctly, but sometimes a physical piece of the person I am viewing helps to clear the vision.  Might I have a lock of your hair?}{Splendid!  Now...I may be able to assist you in finding one.  As I told you, my crystal ball is not working correctly, but sometimes a physical piece of the person I am viewing helps to clear the vision.  Might I have a lock of your hair?}{}{}{}{}
//{96}{Of course.}{}{5}{}{105}{}
//{97}{I don't think that's necessary.  I'll rely on my wits.  Good day...}{}{5}{}{101}{}
//{99}{I need no magick!  I find ball by myself!  Buh-bye!}{}{-4}{}{101}{}
{99}{�Ҳ���Ҫħ���� ���Լ�ȥ���򣡰װף�}{}{-4}{}{101}{}
//{101}{[She laughs.]  Still an unbeliever?  Oh well...I wish you luck on your search.   Return here if you find you need some guidance...}{[She laughs.]  Still an unbeliever?  Oh well...I wish you luck on your search.   Return here if you find you need some guidance...}{}{}{}{}
{101}{[��Ц�ˡ�]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç²ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Å£ï¿½Å·ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ã°É£ï¿½×£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÒªÖ¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê±ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{[��Ц�ˡ�]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç²ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Å£ï¿½Å·ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ã°É£ï¿½×£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÒªÖ¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê±ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{}{}{}{}
//{105}{Wonderful!  [She takes out a scissors and cuts a small lock of your hair.]  Now...we look into the ball, see what is to be seen.  [She stares intently, waving the lock in front of her face.]  Cloudy, but something is coming clear...yes!  I see where you might be able to procure a ball...!}{Wonderful!  [She takes out a scissors and cuts a small lock of your hair.]  Now...we look into the ball, see what is to be seen.  [She stares intently, waving the lock in front of her face.]  Cloudy, but something is coming clear...yes!  I see where you might be able to procure a ball...!}{}{}{}{lf4 1}
{105}{̫���ˣ�  [���ó����Ӽ������һ��ͷ����]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ú¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë®ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ò£¬¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ü¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê²Ã´ï¿½ï¿½[���۾�����ض��ţ�������ǰҡ��������ͷ����]  ï¿½ï¿½Ä£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ð¶ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô½ï¿½ï¿½Ô½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÃµÄ£ï¿½ï¿½Ò¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½È¡ï¿½ï¿½Ò»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ò¡­¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{̫���ˣ�  [���ó����Ӽ������һ��ͷ����]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ú¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë®ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ò£¬¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ü¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê²Ã´ï¿½ï¿½[���۾�����ض��ţ�������ǰҡ��������ͷ����]  ï¿½ï¿½Ä£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ð¶ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô½ï¿½ï¿½Ô½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÃµÄ£ï¿½ï¿½Ò¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½È¡ï¿½ï¿½Ò»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ò¡­¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{}{}{}{lf4 1}
//{107}{Where ball?}{}{-4}{}{109}{}
//{109}{In the warehouse district...I see the bordello...there!  A small shop just beside it...I see a sign...Madame Toussaude's!  Within that shop is a crystal ball!  Find Madame Toussaude and you will find a crystal ball!}{In the warehouse district...I see the bordello...there!  A small shop just beside it...I see a sign...Madame Toussaude's!  Within that shop is a crystal ball!  Find Madame Toussaude and you will find a crystal ball!}{}{}{}{}
//{110}{Madame Toussaude?  Do you know anything of her?}{}{5}{}{114}{}
//{111}{Who Ma-d-da-a-me  To-o-sow-w-de?}{}{-4}{}{114}{}
//{114}{I can't say I've ever heard of her myself...there are so many self-proclaimed soothsayers in Tarant.  More than likely she's some fly-by-night gypsy, out to make a quick buck.  BUT!  Be careful...you never know what to expect from these nomads...}{I can't say I've ever heard of her myself...there are so many self-proclaimed soothsayers in Tarant.  More than likely she's some fly-by-night gypsy, out to make a quick buck.  BUT!  Be careful...you never know what to expect from these nomads...}{}{}{}{}
{114}{��û��ô��˵�����������������кܶ����Գ�����֪�� ����������ɿ��ļ������˳���ƭ��Ǯ�����ǣ�С�ġ�����Щ������������û�׵ġ���}{��û��ô��˵�����������������кܶ����Գ�����֪�� ����������ɿ��ļ������˳���ƭ��Ǯ�����ǣ�С�ġ�����Щ������������û�׵ġ���}{}{}{}{}
//{115}{My thanks.  A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{116}{I will, dear lady.  Thank you for the advice.  I'll return later...}{}{5}{}{0}{}
//{117}{Okay!  More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{118}{I will lady!  I come back later!}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
//{120}{Well, I hope you find it soon...business has been bad since the old one broke.  Is there anything else I can help you with?}{Well, I hope you find it soon...business has been bad since the old one broke.  Is there anything else I can help you with?}{}{}{}{}
//{121}{Yes...A few more questions...}{}{5}{}{25}{}
//{123}{More questions!}{}{-4}{}{25}{}
//{125}{[She looks surprised.]  That's...well, that's just grand!  Here's the payment. [She hands you 200 gold pieces.]  Where did you get it?}{[She looks surprised.]  That's...well, that's just grand!  Here's the payment. [She hands you 200 gold pieces.]  Where did you get it?}{}{}{}{qu1064 4, $$200}
{125}{[������ȥ�ܾ�ϲ��]  ï¿½Ç¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ã°É£ï¿½Ì«ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç±ï¿½ï¿½ê¡£[She hands you 200 gold pieces.]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Òµï¿½ï¿½Ä£ï¿½}{[������ȥ�ܾ�ϲ��]  ï¿½Ç¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ã°É£ï¿½Ì«ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç±ï¿½ï¿½ê¡£[She hands you 200 gold pieces.]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Òµï¿½ï¿½Ä£ï¿½}{}{}{}{qu1064 4, $$200}
//{126}{Madame Toussaude, a medium in the warehouse district...}{}{5}{}{129}{}
//{127}{Uh...some weird lady...To-os-s-ow-wde...?}{}{-4}{}{129}{}
//{129}{Hahahahahaha!  The old crone!  She knew absolutely nothing at all!  I knew she was a fake from the very beginning...!}{Hahahahahaha!  The old crone!  She knew absolutely nothing at all!  I knew she was a fake from the very beginning...!}{}{}{}{}
{129}{���������������� �Ǹ�����̫�ţ���ʲô����֪������һ��ʼ��֪�����Ǹ��ٵġ�����}{���������������� �Ǹ�����̫�ţ���ʲô����֪������һ��ʼ��֪�����Ǹ��ٵġ�����}{}{}{}{}
//{130}{I'm sorry...what do you mean?}{}{5}{}{133}{}
//{133}{Oh, if you must know...I'd heard rumors about her around town...people saying she could actually see the future!  Rubbish!  No one can REALLY see anything...it's all an act!   I lie to those old ladies all day long...tell them exactly what they want to hear!   So, I went to this Madame Toussaude, and I told her I wanted her to see MY future...}{Oh, if you must know...I'd heard rumors about her around town...people saying she could actually see the future!  Rubbish!  No one can REALLY see anything...it's all an act!   I lie to those old ladies all day long...tell them exactly what they want to hear!   So, I went to this Madame Toussaude, and I told her I wanted her to see MY future...}{}{}{}{}
{133}{ŷ�������һ��Ҫ֪���������ڳ�����˵��һЩ�����������ԡ�������˵����������Ŀ���δ����������û������������ʲô����ȫ������Ϸ����һֱ����Щ��Ů�����ѡ����������������ģ�   ���ԣ��ҵ������·�������ȥ��Ȼ������������������}{ŷ�������һ��Ҫ֪���������ڳ�����˵��һЩ�����������ԡ�������˵����������Ŀ���δ����������û������������ʲô����ȫ������Ϸ����һֱ����Щ��Ů�����ѡ����������������ģ�   ���ԣ��ҵ������·�������ȥ��Ȼ������������������}{}{}{}{}
//{134}{And what did she say?}{}{5}{}{137}{}
//{135}{What she tell you?}{}{-4}{}{137}{}
//{137}{She told me that a stranger would walk into my store one day, and that he would be my death.  Can you believe it?  My death!  So, when I saw you come in here, you can imagine my surprise...and my fears...}{She told me that a stranger would walk into my store one day, and that she would be my death.  Can you believe it?  My death!  So, when I saw you come in here, you can imagine my surprise...and my fears...}{}{}{}{}
{137}{��˵�и�İ���˻ᵽ�ҵ�����, Ȼ������ɱ���ҡ� ���������� �����������ԣ����ҿ��������������������Ҷ�ô�Ծ�������ô���¡���}{��˵�и�İ���˻ᵽ�ҵ�����, Ȼ������ɱ���ҡ� ���������� �����������ԣ����ҿ��������������������Ҷ�ô�Ծ�������ô���¡���}{}{}{}{}
//{138}{Of course...}{}{5}{}{141}{}
//{141}{But don't you see the irony?  You've gone and killed her!  SHE was the one who needed to fear you...not me!  I broke my own crystal ball, just in case someone did show up...and in the end, you kill HER, and I get her crystal ball thrown in just for good measure!  HA!  So much for old Madame Toussaude...}{But don't you see the irony?  You've gone and killed her!  SHE was the one who needed to fear you...not me!  I broke my own crystal ball, just in case someone did show up...and in the end, you kill HER, and I get her crystal ball thrown in just for good measure!  HA!  So much for old Madame Toussaude...}{}{}{}{}
//{142}{Yes...well I'm glad it all worked out for you.  Good day.}{}{5}{gf2120 1}{0}{}
{142}{�ǵġ����Һܸ������㶼�㶨�ˡ��ټ���}{}{5}{gf2120 1}{0}{}
//{143}{Uh...okay!  Buh-bye!}{}{-4}{gf2120 1}{0}{}
{143}{�š����ã��װף�}{}{-4}{gf2120 1}{0}{}
//{144}{Yes...but she cursed me on her death!  And it's YOUR fault!}{}{5}{gf2120 1}{159}{}
{144}{�ǵġ������������������������ң�������Ĵ���}{}{5}{gf2120 1}{159}{}
//{145}{Uh...she gave me curse!  'Cause of you!}{}{-4}{gf2120 1}{159}{}
{145}{�š������������ң���Ϊ�㣡}{}{-4}{gf2120 1}{159}{}
//{146}{I never said she was dead, Delores...}{}{5}{gf2120 0}{149}{}
{146}{�Ҵ�û˵�����ˡ�������˹����}{}{5}{gf2120 0}{149}{}
//{147}{Uh...who said she dead, lady?}{}{-4}{gf2120 0}{149}{}
{147}{�š���˭˵�����ˣ�Ů����}{}{-4}{gf2120 0}{149}{}
//{149}{Wh-h-at?  How did you get the ball...?}{Wh-h-at?  How did you get the ball...?}{}{}{}{}
//{150}{She gave it to me.  To give to you...}{}{5}{}{153}{}
//{151}{She say she want YOU to have it...}{}{-4}{}{153}{}
//{153}{I don't...no...please...get it away from me...!}{I don't...no...please...get it away from me...!}{}{}{}{}
//{154}{It's a gift, Delores.  Just for you...[You hand it to her.]}{}{5}{}{-3}{in 5628}
{154}{���Ǹ����������˹��ֻ���㡭��[�����ݸ�����]}{}{5}{}{-3}{in 5628}
//{155}{No...she REALLY want you to have it...[You hand it to her.]}{}{-4}{}{-3}{in 5628}
{155}{�����������ϣ����õ�������[�����ݸ�����]}{}{-4}{}{-3}{in 5628}
//{156}{[Delores shudders at the touch of the ball.  Then her  limbs stiffen, her hands white-knuckled and grasping the sphere.  Her eyes go wide, then a dull blankness washes over them--either from fear or otherwise, she falls dead.]}{[Delores shudders at the touch of the ball.  Then her  limbs stiffen, her hands white-knuckled and grasping the sphere.  Her eyes go wide, then a dull blankness washes over them--either from fear or otherwise, she falls dead.]}{}{}{}{}
{156}{[������˹�������򣬿�ʼ������������֫��Ӳ��������ָ�ڷ��׽���ץס�Ǹ��� �����۾��������ţ� Ȼ��Ⱦ�ϴ��͵�����--�־��������ʲô�������ˡ�]}{[������˹�������򣬿�ʼ������������֫��Ӳ��������ָ�ڷ��׽���ץס�Ǹ��� �����۾��������ţ� Ȼ��Ⱦ�ϴ��͵�����--�־��������ʲô�������ˡ�]}{}{}{}{}
//{157}{Oh god!  No....NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!}{Oh god!  No....NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!}{}{}{}{}
{157}{ŷ���� ��������~~~~~~��������������}{ŷ���� ��������~~~~~~��������������}{}{}{}{}
//{159}{[She backs away.]  Cursed you?  I'm so very sorry...really, if there was anything I could do...}{[She backs away.]  Cursed you?  I'm so very sorry...really, if there was anything I could do...}{}{}{}{}
{159}{[�������ˡ�]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë£ï¿½  ï¿½Ò·Ç³ï¿½ï¿½Ç³ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ä£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê²Ã´ï¿½Ò¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ä¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{[�������ˡ�]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë£ï¿½  ï¿½Ò·Ç³ï¿½ï¿½Ç³ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ä£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ê²Ã´ï¿½Ò¿ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ä¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{}{}{}{}
//{160}{I'm sure there's not.  And that's the problem...}{}{5}{}{165}{}
//{161}{I just thought you should know.  Good day to you...}{}{5}{}{0}{}
//{162}{You GONNA be sorry...}{}{-4}{}{165}{}
//{163}{Uh, that's okay.  Buh-bye...}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
//{165}{Get away from me!  I've nothing to do with all of that...I was just watching my own back!  It's not my fault!}{Get away from me!  I've nothing to do with all of that...I was just watching my own back!  It's not my fault!}{}{}{}{}
{165}{�߿��� �Һ�������û���κι�ϵ������ֻ��Ϊ�˱����Լ��������ҵĴ���}{�߿��� �Һ�������û���κι�ϵ������ֻ��Ϊ�˱����Լ��������ҵĴ���}{}{}{}{}
//{166}{Madame Toussaude was right all along.  I'm going to kill you...}{}{5}{}{}{co, fl 171}
{166}{ԭ�������·����Ǻ��ˡ���Ҫɱ���㡭��}{}{5}{}{}{co, fl 171}
//{167}{You might be right.  Good day to you.}{}{5}{}{0}{}
//{168}{I kill you now, lady.}{}{-4}{}{}{co, fl 171}
{168}{������ɱ�㣬Ů����}{}{-4}{}{}{co, fl 171}
//{169}{To-o-sowd-de right...I gonna kill you...}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
//{171}{Help!  Help!  I'm being attacked!}{Help!  Help!  I'm being attacked!}{}{}{}{}
//{175}{[She looks surprised.]  That's...well, that's just grand.  Where did you get it?}{[She looks surprised.]  That's...well, that's just grand.  Where did you get it?}{}{}{}{}
{175}{[����Щ��ϲ��]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÃµÄ£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ì«ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¡ï¿½ ��������㵽�ģ�}{[����Щ��ϲ��]  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÃµÄ£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ì«ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¡ï¿½ ��������㵽�ģ�}{}{}{}{}
//{176}{Madame Toussaude, a medium in the warehouse district...}{}{5}{}{129}{}
//{177}{Uh...some weird lady...To-os-s-ow-wde...?}{}{-4}{}{129}{}
//{178}{[She looks bewildered.]  A crystal ball?  Well, that's just grand!  I'm actually in need of one!  Where did you get it?}{[She looks bewildered.]  A crystal ball?  Well, that's just grand!  I'm actually in need of one!  Where did you get it?}{}{}{}{}
{178}{[���������е��Ի�]  Ò»ï¿½ï¿½Ë®ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ò£¿ºÃ°É£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ì«ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÒªÒ»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ãµ½ï¿½Ä£ï¿½}{[���������е��Ի�]  Ò»ï¿½ï¿½Ë®ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ò£¿ºÃ°É£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ì«ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÒªÒ»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ãµ½ï¿½Ä£ï¿½}{}{}{}{}
//{179}{Madame Toussaude, a medium in the warehouse district...}{}{5}{}{129}{}
//{180}{Uh...some weird lady...To-os-s-ow-wde...?}{}{-4}{}{129}{}

aiwenhui 2008-11-19 18:36

ddkariy 2008-11-19 22:43

blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:15
//{3}{Greetings, Ms. Beston. Might I speak with you a moment?}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{25}{}
{3}{�ʺ�������˹��Ůʿ���ҿ���ռ����һС�����}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{25}{}






blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:17
//{4}{Please, madam! Our first meeting, and already harsh words?}{}{5}{me 0, re -40}{17}{re +10}
{4}{��������Ůʿ����һ�μ��棬����ô���̣�}{}{5}{me 0, re -40}{17}{re +10}







blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:20
//{5}{Ms. Beston! Such language from a lady!}{}{5}{me 1, re -40}{21}{re +10}
{5}{��˹��Ůʿ�������Ļ����һ��Ůʿ���������}{}{5}{me 1, re -40}{21}{re +10}





blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:24
//{7}{Uh, hi lady! Who you?}{}{-4}{me 0}{11}{}
{7}{������ Ůʿ������˭��}{}{-4}{me 0}{11}{}





blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:27
//{8}{Hey, Beston lady! I ask you questions?}{}{-4}{me 1}{25}{}
{8}{�٣���˹��Ůʿ�������������⣿}{}{-4}{me 1}{25}{}




blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:31
//{11}{[This woman looks at you, wide-eyed, then seems to regain her composure.] Yes, of course. I am Delores Beston, spirit medium and teller of future things! I live here to serve the good and noble citizens of Tarant...to make things clearer when they are dark, to call for help when it is needed. How may I help you?}{[This woman looks at you, wide-eyed, then seems to regain her composure.] Yes, of course. I am Delores Beston, spirit medium and teller of future things! I live here to serve the good and noble citizens of Tarant...to make things clearer when they are dark, to call for help when it is needed. How may I help you?}{}{}{}{lf1 1}
{11}{[���Ů�˿����㣬�۾�Բ����Ȼ����������] �ǣ��ǵġ����ǵ�����˿����˿�أ���ý��Ԥ���ߣ���������Ϊ���������е������ؾ�����񡭡������ǰ�����Ū���������������ڰ���Ҫ�����Ҫ������ʱ���ҿ��԰�����}{[���Ů�˿����㣬�۾�Բ����Ȼ����������] �ǣ��ǵġ����ǵ�����˿����˿�أ���ý��Ԥ���ߣ���ס������Ϊ���������е������ؾ�����񡭡������ǰ�����Ū���������������ڰ���Ҫ�����Ҫ������ʱ���ҿ��԰�����}{}{}{}{lf1 1}




blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:34
//{3}{Greetings, Ms. Beston. Might I speak with you a moment?}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{25}{}
{3}{�ʺ�������˹��Ůʿ���ҿ���ռ����һС�����}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{25}{}





blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:35
//{18}{It's already forgotten, madam. Might I ask who you are?}{}{5}{}{11}{}



blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:39
//{28}{I've come to talk about your offer to find the crystal ball...}{}{5}{qu1064 1}{81}{}
{28}{����̸һ�������ˮ����ij��ۡ���}{}{5}{qu1064 1}{81}{}




blackhawk 2008-11-20 12:40
//{31}{I've returned with the crystal ball...}{}{5}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
{31}{�Ҵ���ˮ��������ˡ���}{}{5}{qu1064 2, in 5628, qb1065 1}{125}{}
//{32}{I've returned with the crystal ball...}{}{5}{in 5628, qu1065 2, qa 1064 1, qb1064 2}{175}{}
{32}{�Ҵ���ˮ��������ˡ���}{}{5}{in 5628, qu1065 2, qa 1064 1, qb1064 2}{175}{}



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