�鿴�����汾: [-- ������wikia��Dean Domino --]

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doct0rcancer 2011-04-28 20:34

������wikia��Dean Domino


Dean Domino

��Get up without my permission, I'll blast your ass so far through your head, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red
��Ҫ�Ǹ�δ����ͬ���վ�������ҾͰ����ͷ����ȫը�ã�Ѫ�ܽ���������ȥ����Dean Domino


�ص㣺Sierra Madre �ij�


���֣�Dead Money
�ἰ��Fallout: New Vegas
����Find Collar 14: Dean Domino
      Strike Up the Band
      Curtain Call at the Tampico


���£������������²�һ�£���ά��˹����������ĺö࣬Dean Domino��ȫ���ʸ��ø�Evil��


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��ը��45 �� 100
ǹ����53 �� 100


�����ߣ�Barry Dennen
Base ID: xx0012fe
Ref ID : xx001309


Dean Domino, a.k.a. the King of Swing, was a famous pre-war lounge singer, now ghoulified and trapped in the Sierra Madre in 2281.
�϶�����ŵ���ֱ���Ϊ��ҡ��֮��������һ��������սǰLounge���֣�Lounge��һ����������ַ�񣩡�2281��ʱ�����Ѿ�����˽�ʬ����������Sierra Madre�������������������飬�ϸ���˵���DZ�������The Villa�����ʣ�

Domino and his orchestra gave performances across the United States, including the casinos on the Las Vegas Strip. He was invited to play at the Sierra Madre, but found himself in the shadow of the casino's founder, Frederick Sinclair. Domino found himself consumed by jealousy, and determined to take everything from Sinclair that he held dear. He enlisted the help of his former lover Vera Keyes, a starlet who had caught Sinclair's eye. Domino introduced them as part of his plan to break into the casino vault, where he would take whatever it was that Sinclair had there that was so important. However, Keyes got cold feet, so in order to ensure her continued co-operation, Domino began to blackmail her with evidence of a Med-X addiction, apparently unaware that her addiction was a result of her being terminally ill. His final gig was to be at the Tampico, but that all changed when the bombs dropped, the security holograms activated and the Gala Event turned into a massacre.
����ŵ�������ֶ�����������Ѳ�ݣ��ݳ��ص�Ҳ������˹ά��˹����ϵĶij�����������ȥSierra Madre���ݣ�ȴ�����Լ��������ڶij��Ĵ�ʼ�˸��׵����������������Ӱ֮�¡�����ŵΪ��������ʹ����������һ�������������ӵĶ���������ǰŮ��ά����Ү˹������ά����һ���������ǣ����Ѿ��õ�����������������������ŵΪ����ǣ�ߴ��ţ�����������ij��������ƻ���һ���֣�����ͼ���߱�������һ����Ҫ�Ķ�����Ȼ����ά�������ˡ�Ϊ����ά����������������ŵ��ʼ������Med-X����֤��������������ŵû���뵽ά����ҩ��ǻ��ϲ���֢֮�Ľ�������ռƻ�����ŵ���ݳ�����Tampico�糡���У����˱��ı���һ�С�ȫϢͼ�񰲱�ϵͳ���������ij���Ļʽ�����һ������ɱ��

Domino survived the apocalypse and the casino's security systems, but refused to let go of the Sierra Madre's treasure, becoming obsessed with it. He would spend the next two hundred years plotting his grand heist, not caring that Sinclair was dead, and oblivious to the fact that he had long since discovered Domino's plan and prepared a trap within the casino vault. However, he was captured by Dog and fitted with an explosive collar, forced to work for Father Elijah in breaking into the casino. Although his ability to obtain the treasure may have diminished with this development, his lust for it most certainly has not.
����ŵ�ں˱��Ͷij��İ���ϵͳ�м����һ�����������������Sierra Madre�IJƱ����ڽ���ȥ��������ʱ�����ִ�������Ĵ����ټƻ���������������������������ǰ�Ͳ�������Լ��ļƻ������ڶij�������������Ȧ�׵���ʵ��Ȼ��������Dogץס��װ���˱�ը��Ȧ������Ϊ�����dz��ϵļƻ�������Ȼ����ս�����������������˻��˲��٣�������̰��δ�����˹���

He is a quick thinker, trained with guns (specifically pistols), explosives and knives, he is very paranoid, setting up many booby traps and hiding several 'secret stashes' throughout the Villa - perhaps understandably, considering the Ghost People who inhabit it.
����ŵ��˵�����Ƕ�ı����ͨǹ������������ǹ������ը��͵��������Ǹ�ƫִ��������������������壬��Villa�����������ܲ��������ǵ�Ghost People�Ĵ��ڣ���Щ��Ϊ����˵�ù�ȥ��

Dean waited all this time until Christine Royce, a woman, appears. When the Courier and his group enter in the Sierra Madre Casino, he trapped the unwitting Christine Royce in an Auto-Doc and reprogrammed it to tear out her vocal cords and replace them in such a manner  that she would be able to imitate Keyes' voice.
����ŵ����ȵ��˿���˹͡����˹�ij��֡����ʲ������С�ӽ���Sierra Madre�ij�ʱ�����ѻ��ԵĿ���˹͡����˹������һ̨Auto-Docҽ�ƻ��ҽ�ƻ����±�̺������˹͡����˹������ά����Ү˹��������

His ego is very fragile, and the player is encouraged to take care not to bruise it when dealing with Domino, lest it carry dire consequences down the line

Interactions with the player character Edit

������������ʱ��飬�ṩPerk��Unclean Living������������ʱ����һС��ʱ���ڲ����˺���
�漰����Find Collar 14: Dean Domino
                    Strike Up the Band
                    Curtain Call at the Tampico


Dean Lives

Dean Domino, entertainer, singer... thief... explored the Sierra Madre not long after. Once he left the theater, the Sierra Madre recognized him as a guest, and many doors opened to him. He had to admit, it had been built to last. During his search, he came across the final records of Vera and Sinclair, and realized what happened the night the bombs fell. He felt strangely sad for a moment, and he had no idea why. Shrugging it off, his mind turned instead to where the Courier had come from. Vegas still survived, out there in the Mojave. Its sights, sounds... and casinos, ripe for the taking. So giving the Sierra Madre one last nod and a wink, he set off beyond the Cloud to begin again.
�϶�����ŵ�����ˣ����֡�С͵�����ú�̽����Sierra Madre����һ�뿪Tampico�糡��Sierra Madre��ʶ�������������Ϊ�������������ò����ϣ�Sierra Madre����ס�����µĿ��飨��ע������Ҳ��Ǻ�ȷ�����и��õ��뷨ô���������ҵ���ά���������������յ����ԣ������˺˱����������ϣ�ͻȻ�е�һ��Ī�������ˡ���ʰ���������������ŵ������ת�����ʲ���ʱ�ķ�����ά��˹��Ȼ������Ī��ά�����ϣ���ɫȮ������յ��������Sierra Madre���һ�ε�ͷ����󣬶���ŵ�߳����ƣ����¿�ʼ��

Dean Dies

Dean Domino, entertainer, singer... thief... saw the heist he spent over two hundred years planning fall apart, just as the first, by underestimating his partner's strength. Not long after the Courier left the Villa, the lights in the theater shut off, one by one. Only Dean's Hologram remained on stage, singing silently to an empty room. Still... as consumed as he had been with its riches and ruin, the Sierra Madre had held him captive long ago.
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��Although Dean is set to level as the player does, and thus will only ever reach level 35, his maximum allowed level is 50.

��Dean's only tagged skills are Explosives and Guns. This makes Dean the only humanoid NPC in Fallout: New Vegas without a third tagged skill.

��When the player is traveling with Dean, he is able to protect the player briefly from the Cloud. After that he will offer them resistance to its health-depleting effects, reducing damage by 25%.

��Posters of Dean appear in the Mojave Wasteland such as in The King's room, and on loading screens in abandoned casinos, advertising a planned appearance by the singer.

��If the player has the Wild Wasteland trait, Dean will reference Army of Darkness when he kills a ghost person for the first time, "He's not dead, it's a trick. Get an axe.".
�������ҵ���Wild Wasteland���perk���϶����ڵ�һ��ɱ��Ghost Peopleʱ���Ӱ��������3��ħ��Ӣ�����¾���������û�������Ǹ����壬�ø���������

��Domino can make Sierra Madre Martinis, and can give the player the Sierra Madre Martini perk.
���϶�����ŵ������Sierra Madre�����ᣬ���̸��������Sierra Madre�������perk��

��Dean Domino sings the song, "Something's Gotta Give" when you play the recording on the projector.
���������ȫϢͶӰ���ϲ���¼��ʱ���϶���ȫϢͼ�ᳪ��Bing Crosby������"Something's Gotta Give"��

��Though Dean is a ghoul, his voice is clear and accented, not raspy like other ghouls.

��Even though he doesn't have ears, his sunglasses stay on as if he did.

��When crouching, he makes a similar comment to Raul about his Knees

��An interesting glitch is that if you take his suit and leave him at his place for the gala affair, a Sierra Madre Jumpsuit will suddenly appear over the standard boxers, but only after. If you take his suit before, it will be the standard boxers until you escort him to his place in the gala affair and leave to escort the others.
����Ȥ��С�����������������������Ȼ��������ڿ�Ļʽ�Ĵ����ص㣬һ��Sierra Madre�������ͻȻ���ڵ϶������ϡ������֮ǰ�ѵ϶�����������ߣ��϶���������ӵ�������ص�Ȼ�������ͻȻ���֡�

Behind the scenes

��It is assumed that Dean Domino's name is an amalgamation of Dean Martin, American singer/actor/comedian, and Fats Domino, American rock and roll pianist and singer-songwriter. Dean Domino mentions that he worked for Imperial Records, which is a real life company that Fats Domino worked for.
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ľ�쿧�� 2011-04-28 20:41

���� 2011-04-29 09:07
I'll blast your ass so far through your head,


���� 2011-04-29 09:09
lounge singer���緭�����и��֡����������ָ��֡�

���� 2011-04-29 09:11
��Domino can make Sierra Madre Martinis, and can give the player the Sierra Madre Martini perk.
���϶�����ŵ������Sierra Madre�����ᣬ���̸��������Sierra Madre�������perk��

��Ų��������ɣ��������û��Sierra Madre Martinis��Ч����

zwqonline 2011-04-29 09:21

doct0rcancer 2011-04-29 09:34

doct0rcancer 2011-04-29 09:39

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