�鿴�����汾: [-- �߷ֱ��ʲ���1.1a --]

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biogio 2010-05-23 12:45



zale 2010-05-23 12:58

kknd9 2010-05-23 14:34

biogio 2010-05-23 15:52
- Fixed the spells/skills buttons on the bottom panel. The spells/skill menu doesn't disappear anymore if the corresponding button is still pressed.
- Added a new optional component: Compact Options Screen. This breaks the options screen into 3 parts (top, middle and bottom), just like with the other menus.
- Fixed mouse cursor detection issues with the character creation menu. Gender, race and background fields now get properly detected.
- Fixed mouse cursor detection issues with many multiplayer related menus.
- The NPC response window now gets proportionally larger when the larger dialog font component is installed. Now all text fits correctly.
- Fixed all issues with the larger logbook font. Now all text fits correctly and page numbers are visible.
- Added size 18 dialog fonts as an option.

kknd9 2010-05-23 19:48

������ 2010-05-23 21:12
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- NPC��Ӧ������ѡ���˼Ӵ������޸����ú�Ҳ����Ӧ�Ŵ���ʾ���������־���ȷ��ʾ��
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biogio 2010-05-23 21:14

kknd9 2010-05-23 22:14

wrhunter 2010-05-24 20:16

lycom 2010-05-25 18:29

yien 2010-05-26 07:11

kknd9 2010-05-26 11:03

biogio 2010-05-26 20:15

kknd9 2010-05-27 00:16

kucafe 2013-05-27 12:58
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�鿴�����汾: [-- �߷ֱ��ʲ���1.1a --] [-- top --]

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