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karmue 2009-08-24 22:21

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3���ĵ�̨ʱ��ʱ��岥һ���㲥�磬������herbert daring dashwood����ʱ����������˰��ǵ�ð�չ��¡�

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you are listening to the adventures of me, herbert daring dashwood, and my stalwart ghoul manservant argyle!

Todays episode Escape from paradise falls !

�԰�:�������������ǡ��� �ң��󵨴�����£����ҵĿɿ��Ľ�ʬ���ˣ����ǵľ���ð�ա�
���콲���ǡ� �ӳ��������ã�

So little faith , boss, I could disarm this slaver junk with my eyes closed.

����: һ��Ҳ���ѣ��ϴ���Щū�����ӵ������ұ����۾�Ҳ��Ū��

One second....<click!>


there! now for yours.... stand still


Argyle, you magnificent bastard ! you did it !

�󵨴������: ���ǣ�������˲���Ļ쵰����ɹ��ˣ�

Don't thank me yet, boss, we still need get out of here, let's go while the guards' away from the front gate ~!


Not so fast, my flesh-rotten friend ! that girl we came in with. We are the only chance she's got. come on !

�󵨴������: �𼱣��ҵĸ�ʬ���ѣ� ���ź�����һ��ץ�������Ǹ�Ů������ ���ǿ�����Ψһ��ϣ���ˡ� ����

sigh. Always with the dames.


sound of movement huffing and puffing


All right. she's locked in there. they call it " the box" First we need to remove that guard...

�󵨴������: ��Ӧ�þ�������� ��Щū�����ӽ����� �����ӡ� �ĵط����������ǵ�Ҫ�ȸ㶨�Ǹ�������

allow me, <walking> hey fella, gota light?



ū������: �ţ�

Lotus...Kick! Yieeee!! Ugh !

����:�����������ţ� yieeeeee! ����

haha, now the door

�󵨴������: ��������ʣ���Ǹ����ˣ�

Child's play, boss <click, sound of opening door>Okay lady, you're rescured , Now let's get out of ...what?  Boss, it's empty


����:С��Ϸ���ϴ�  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Åµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ ����С�㣬�㱻���ˣ����������ǿ���....��ɶ���� �ϴ���ط��ǿյġ�

Hands up, chumps Nobody escape from Paradise Falls. Now let's move back to the pen, nice and slow, before.....

ū�����ӣ����������� ���֣� û���ܴ����������ӵ������ڸ��ҹ���������ȥ����ˣʲô���У�Ҫ��Ȼ....

Drop the steel, you slaver scumbag. <sound of a hit>

Ů�����ӵ�������������������ū�����ӡ�  ×²ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½

You boys all right? I busted out that box and was almost home free when I nothiced your predicament.

Ů����û�°ɣ��к����ǣ�  ï¿½Ç¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ç±»ï¿½ï¿½Õ¨ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë£ï¿½Òªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Øµï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¡ï¿½

Wait a minute ! We do the rescuing around here, sister.


Now, now Argyle! no need to be hasty. We owe this young lady our thanks. Miss....

�󵨴������: ���ţ����ǣ� ��Ҫ�ż��� ����Ƿ��λ�����Ůʿһ�����飬 ����....?

Penelope Chase, fortune hunter, you can buy me a beer later, now let's out this shinding short and get the bloody hell out of

here! come on !

��׷���������գ���׷�� �������ˡ� ֮����������ҺȾơ� ���������DZ�˵���׻��ˣ��Ͻ��ӳ�������ط���

Argyle, old friend , I think im in love....

�󵨴������: ���ǣ�������....������������.......

closing music


Be sure and tune in next time, for another exciting adventure of me, herbert daring dashwood, and my stalwart Ghoul

manservant argyle!




you are listening to the adventures of me, herbert daring dashwood, and my stalwart ghoul manservant argyle!

Todays episode Supermutant mayhem !

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<sounds of gunfire>


ha! that'll teach those slaver slimebags to follow us. lloks like that's the last of them boss.

���ǣ�������Ӧ���ܽ̽���Щ������ū�����Ӹ������ǵĺ���� ���������ǰ�����ɱ���ˡ�

<sound of waling over gravel>


so, Ms chase... How did you come to be, ahh.... held up in paradise falls?

�󵨴������: ��ô����׷С�㣬������ô���������䱻...��.."��ס"����

My friends call me penelope, and let's just say those slavers don't take too kindly to people disrupting their caravans .

��׷���ҵ����ѽ��ҷ������գ� �ţ���ֻҪ֪��ū������һ��Դ�������̶ӵ��˲���ô���ơ�

And by disrupt i mean blow up.


Ha, now that's what this wasteland needs more women with spunk and explosives so tell me, penelop, what's the next stop on...

�󵨴������: ���������Ƿ�������Ҫ�ģ� ������ò��ըҩ��Ů�ˣ� ��������һ����Ц����spunk���ǻ��֣�Ҳ����ò/��������˼����Ȼ��Щ��˼�����ԷŽ�������棩 �����ң��������գ� ������һվ....

stupid human! shut up now  <sound of guns cocking> you come with us now !

���������ˣ��޴������࣡ ���죬���Ǹ������ߣ� <ǹ���ŵ�����>

Supermutants !


out of the frying pan....


Now see here, you huking horrors ! this young lady has been through quite enough for one day ! holster your weapons or.....

�󵨴������: ��ϸ�����ˣ�������Щ�̹�� ��λ�����С������Ѿ������Ĺ����ˣ������������ǵ�������Ҫ��Ȼ...

Why is your Ghoul friend picking their pockets? This is no time for sticky fingers, daring !

��׷��Ϊʲô��Ľ�ʬ�����������ǵĶ��� ���ڿɲ���С͵С����ʱ�򣬴�������

it's not what he's taking out my dear but rather what he's putting in. Duck and coverrrrrrr!

�󵨴������: �ص㲻������͵ʲô����������ʲô�� �Ե�����~~~~~~~~~!����

loud explosions


heh heh, the old shady sands shuffle it sure brings me back you two smoothskins okay?


My my, argyle you are rather resourceful for a ghoul, aren't you?


Are you kidding , my dear? Argyle has saved my skin more times than i care to remember, i hardly know how i got by before i met him.

�󵨴������: �㿪��Ц�� �װ��ģ� ���Ѿ�����ȥ�㰢�Ǿ��˶��ٴ��ˣ� �Ҷ��㲻������������֮ǰ����ô��ġ�

With all due respect boss-- you didn't. if you rememberm, it was me who got you out that little situation in....


ahh, now, argyle old chum, let's not um bore the beautiful miss chase with those ancient expliots

�󵨴������: �������ڣ����ǣ������ѣ�������ò�Ҫ���Ϲ����������Ŀ�׷С�����ġ�

Oh i don't know daring for example that name of yours, i happen to like herbert, why the...


sound of child screaming.


Boss that sounds like a kid screaming! and it's coming from those ruins!


Quite right, old chum save those questions miss chase, if we survive what happens next, i may even answer them !

�󵨴������: �Լ��ˣ� �����ѣ� ����Щ���������Ժ�ѣ���׷С�㣬�������ǻ��ܻ��ŵĻ����һ�ش���Щ����ģ�

closing music


Be sure and tune in next time, for another exciting adventure of me, herbert daring dashwood, and my stalwart Ghoul

manservant argyle!



elephantrice 2009-08-24 22:28
�󵨴������... �������գ���׷... �@�����g��o��...

karmue 2009-08-24 23:24
3&4 ��

you are listening to the adventures of me, herbert daring dashwood, and my stalwart ghoul manservant argyle!

Todays episode In the black widow's web !

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���콲���ǡ� ����ڹѸ������У�

Well , those supermutantas are persistent if nothing else! A word of advice - keep running !

�󵨴������:������Щ���������˳��˼������һ���Ǵ���һ���Ҹ棬 ���ܱ�ͣ�£�

In those hills up there! isn't that where the hidden village of rockoplis is located? if only we knew where it was...


Turns out you are in good company miss chase argyle and i are old firends of rockopolis know the secret knock and everything


�󵨴������:��������Щ�û�飬��׷С�㣡 �ҺͰ�����rockopolis���ӵ��������ˣ�����֪����������һ�����飬�������ŵİ��ţ�

Boss that's privileged information you can't just....


Now now, old chum ! miss chase is hardly going to violate the secrets of rockopolis ins't that right? miss chase. bsides,

necessity calls !

�󵨴������:���ڣ������ѣ������׷С�㲻���������ܴ���ȥ�ģ��԰ɣ� �ο���������ȣ�

So you do know where it is ! well come on then, those super mutants can't be far behind !

��׷����ô˵����֪�����������ˣ� ��������Щ�����������Dz�Զ�ˣ�

just over here! this large boulder ! and now the secret knock. and..voila

�󵨴������:������� �Ǹ���ʯͷ���棬����..����..Ȼ��..�㶨��

Now that's what i call a getaway daring, so tell me do you take all your girlfriends here?


Oh no, miss chase I can assure you, this will be our special place.


Listen to yourself boss. this is rockopolis! one of the safest places in the wasteland, and you just showed a stranger where

it is!


Ignore my manservants' mutterings, penelope he has a penchant for the dramatic you see. why one time....


oh, i don't know daring darling. i find the ghoul's instincts to be...frighteningly accurate.

��׷��Ŷ�� �Ҳ�֪�����װ��Ĵ������� �ҷ��������ʬ��ֱ��.,,׼ȷ�����˿־�

Here i thought we were friends. and now you have a gun in my face. bad form mis chase bad form

�󵨴������:�һ���Ϊ���������ѣ�����������һ��ǹָ���ң� һ��Ҳ���ã���׷С�㣬һ��Ҳ���á�

Jabber all you want in about 30 seconds my associates from paradis falls will join us.


I knew it! I knew this dame was no good! but it's worse than i thought. she's the black widow! the leader of the slavers !

���ǣ��Ҿ�֪���� �Ҿ�֪�����Ů�˲���ʲô�ö����� ���DZ�����Ļ����� �������Ǹ��ڹѸ��� ��Щū�����ӵ����죡

Quite right, we've been trying to capture these rockopolis rodents for years. never could have done it without you. daring.

��׷��ʮ����ȷ����Щ�꣬ ����һֱ��Ҫץ��Щrockopolis������ ��Щ���벻����İ�������������

Looks like ive gotten us into one heck of a pickle argyle, old chum. one heck of a pickle indeed.

�󵨴������:��������������һ�����鷳, ���������ѣ������Ĵ��鷳.....

closing music


Be sure and tune in next time, for another exciting adventure of me, herbert daring dashwood, and my stalwart Ghoul

manservant argyle!


you are listening to the adventures of me, herbert daring dashwood, and my stalwart ghoul manservant argyle!

Todays episode between rockopolis and a hard place !

�������������ǡ��� �ң��󵨴�����£����ҵĿɿ��Ľ�ʬ���ˣ����ǵľ���ð�ա�
���콲���ǡ� ��rockopolis������֮��

just ease away, zombie. No funny business....


Funny business? Miss chase, you hurt my feelings. I mean. there ain't nothing funny about... the eagle clawwwww !!!


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Good god argyle! you...you ripped out her heart !


Ah, i always knew this broad was heartless. Get it, boss? Heartless?


Your kung fu skills may be unparalleled old chum, but your comic delivery leaves something to be desired...


What is the meaning of this!


Oh magnificent King crag, fearless leader of rockopolis! it's me Daring! daring dashwood?

�󵨴������:Ŷ��ΰ���crag������ rockopolis��η�����䣡 ���ң���..........�󵨴�����£�

Herbert Dashwood? Ugh..I should have known. But who is this this dead woman? and...is that her heart?

Rocopolis�Ĺ������󵨴�����£� �����֪��...�������������Ů����˭�� ��..�����������ࣿ

She's the least of your worries, Craggy, In a few seconds, the slavers are gonna be breaking down your rocky front door!

���ǣ��������������Ҫ���ĵĶ����� Сcrag! ��ʮ��֮��ū�����ӽ������������ʯ���ţ�

Slavers? you led the slavers here? To rockopolis? you idiots! do you realize what you have done?

Rocopolis�Ĺ�����ū�����ӣ� ���ū�����������ˣ� ��ô��Щ�׳գ� ������ʶ������ʲô��

Inspired you to tighten your efenses?


Daaassshhhhwwwwooooddd !!!

Rocopolis������������� !!!!!!

Warm welcome's over boss! time to scram


Citizens of rockopolis, Destroy these interlopers !


This way, argyle, into the caves! it's our only chance !


they are ganning on us boss! that cliff up ahead, you think you can jump it? you aint as spry as used to be...

���ǣ�����׷������! �ϴ� ��Щ���£���������ȥ�� ������ǰһ���ˣ�

Child's play, you withering worry wort! watch this . Wooooaaahhhh !

�󵨴������:С��Ϸ�� ���Ĺ��������ˣ��۰�����������

Boss, don't worry i am coming !


Best hurry, old chum...i can't hang on ..much longer...i think this could be the end..of...


closing music


Be sure and tune in next time, for another exciting adventure of me, herbert daring dashwood, and my stalwart Ghoul

manservant argyle!


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