�鿴�����汾: [-- 11.24 ----01395 Ⱥɽ����ؤ --]

13�ű�����|����|�쳾���� -> ���� -> 11.24 ----01395 Ⱥɽ����ؤ [��ӡ��ҳ] ��¼ -> ע�� -> �ظ����� -> ��������

seanfx 2008-11-24 00:15

11.24 ----01395 Ⱥɽ����ؤ

//{2}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{5}{}{1}{}
{2}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{5}{}{1}{}
//{4}{I:}{}{5}{re -35}{1}{re -5 , rp -2}
{4}{I:}{}{5}{re -35}{1}{re -5 , rp -2}
//{5}{You appear to be in pain is there anything I can do to help.}{}{5}{pe 13 , lf0 0}{14}{}
{5}{�㿴������ʹ�࣬������Щʲô�����㡣}{}{5}{pe 13 , lf0 0}{14}{}
//{6}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{-4}{}{1}{}
{6}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{-4}{}{1}{}
//{7}{I:}{}{-4}{re -35}{1}{re -5 , rp -2}
{7}{I:}{}{-4}{re -35}{1}{re -5 , rp -2}
//{14}{Thanks for noticing, I got my foot caught in one of them steam powered pumps. Boy did that hurt. The Doc, fixed me up. Charged me too. I don't have the money to see him again. Until I get better and get back to work it is my sorry state to live off the charity of strangers such as you.}{Thanks for noticing, I got my foot caught in one of them steam powered pumps. Boy did that hurt. The Doc, fixed me up. Charged me too. I don't have the money to see him again. Until I get better and get back to work it is my sorry state to live off the charity of strangers such as you.}{}{}{}{}
//{15}{Is there anything I can do to help?}{}{5}{}{22}{}
//{16}{I help you?}{}{-4}{}{22}{}
//{17}{Here is a 10 spot to keep you going.}{}{5}{$$10}{28}{lf0 1,$$ -10 , rp 2 , re +10}
{17}{������10��Ǯ����ȥ�ðɡ�}{}{5}{$$10}{28}{lf0 1,$$ -10 , rp 2 , re +10}
//{18}{here money for you 10 spot.}{}{-4}{$$20}{28}{lf0 1, $$ -10, rp 2 , re +10}
{18}{����10��Ǯ��}{}{-4}{$$20}{28}{lf0 1, $$ -10, rp 2 , re +10}
//{22}{Well it is these bandages I've got. They are itching me something fierce! But the Doc told me not to take them off for another week!}{Well it is these bandages I've got. They are itching me something fierce! But the Doc told me not to take them off for another week!}{}{}{}{}
//{23}{I can fix your itchy week old bandages.}{}{5}{}{-4}{ lf0 1,rp 2 , re +10}
{23}{�ҿ����κ����Ǹ�����һ�ܵ��Ʊ�����}{}{5}{}{-4}{ lf0 1,rp 2 , re +10}
//{24}{I make it better.}{}{-4}{}{-4}{lf0 1,rp 2 , re +10}
{24}{������������}{}{-4}{}{-4}{lf0 1,rp 2 , re +10}
//{25}{Well you better do what the Doc says.}{}{5}{}{1}{}
{25}{�š� ����ð���ҽ���ķԸ�ȥ����}{}{5}{}{1}{}
//{26}{No touch, no no no no!}{}{-4}{}{1}{}
{26}{�������� �� �� ��}{}{-4}{}{1}{}
//{28}{Thank you kindly. Because you've helped me, I'll tell you all I know about these parts.}{Thank you kindly. Because you've helped me, I'll tell you all I know about these parts.}{}{}{}{}
//{29}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{5}{}{35}{}
{29}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{5}{}{35}{}
//{30}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{-4}{}{35}{}
{30}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{-4}{}{35}{}
//{35}{Things around here aren't as quiet as they used to be. }{Things around here aren't as quiet as they used to be. }{}{}{}{}
//{36}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{5}{}{41}{}
{36}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{5}{}{41}{}
//{37}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{-4}{}{41}{}
{37}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{-4}{}{41}{}
//{41}{I have heard some pretty strange things recently.}{I have heard some pretty strange things recently.}{}{}{}{}
//{42}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{5}{}{}{}
{42}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{5}{}{}{}
//{43}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{-4}{}{}{}
{43}{R:($0, 1020-1027)}{}{-4}{}{}{}

seanfx 2008-11-24 00:21


//{23}{I can fix your itchy week old bandages.}{}{5}{}{-4}{ lf0 1,rp 2 , re +10}
-{23}{�ҿ����κ����Ǹ�����һ�ܵ��Ʊ�����}{}{5}{}{-4}{ lf0 1,rp 2 , re +10}
+{23}{�ҿ��Ը���Ǹ�����������һ�ܵ��Ʊ�����}{}{5}{}{-4}{ lf0 1,rp 2 , re +10}


kya 2008-11-27 09:37
//{25}{Well you better do what the Doc says.}{}{5}{}{1}{}
{25}{�š� ����ð���ҽ���ķԸ�ȥ����}{}{5}{}{1}{}

�鿴�����汾: [-- 11.24 ----01395 Ⱥɽ����ؤ --] [-- top --]

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