�鿴�����汾: [-- 11.23---���͵��޲���ҽ�� --]

13�ű�����|����|�쳾���� -> ���� -> 11.23---���͵��޲���ҽ�� [��ӡ��ҳ] ��¼ -> ע�� -> �ظ����� -> ��������

seanfx 2008-11-23 23:28


//{1}{G:}{G:}{}{}{}{ }
{1}{G:}{G:}{}{}{}{ }
//{2}{W:}{}{5}{re41}{52}{lf1 1 }
{2}{W:}{}{5}{re41}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{3}{H:}{}{1}{re41}{46}{ }
{3}{H:}{}{1}{re41}{46}{ }
//{4}{Please excuse my intrusion, sir. I meant no offense.}{}{5}{re-40, ch-9}{12}{ }
{4}{��ԭ���Ҳ����������������Ҳ�û�ж��⡣}{}{5}{re-40, ch-9}{12}{ }
//{5}{I think your attitude is unwarranted, sir.}{}{5}{re-40, ch10}{27}{re50 }
{5}{����Ϊ��Դ��ҵ�����̬�Ⱥ��޸��ݣ�������}{}{5}{re-40, ch10}{27}{re50 }
//{6}{I do not like your attitude, sir.}{}{5}{re-40, ch-9}{32}{re-10 }
{6}{�Ҳ�ϲ�����̬�ȣ�������}{}{5}{re-40, ch-9}{32}{re-10 }
//{7}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1, re41}{46}{et13 310 }
{7}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1, re41}{46}{et13 310 }
//{8}{Can I ask question?}{}{-4}{}{12}{ }
{8}{�ҿ���������ô��}{}{-4}{}{12}{ }
//{9}{You mean. I no like you.}{}{-4}{re-40}{32}{ }
{9}{�㻵��������ϲ���㡣}{}{-4}{re-40}{32}{ }
//{10}{T:10,13}{}{1}{re41}{46}{ }
{10}{T:10,13}{}{1}{re41}{46}{ }
//{11}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{11}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{12}{I don't generally speak with those of your kind, son.}{I don't generally speak with those of your kind, madam.}{}{}{}{ }
{12}{��һ�㲻���������˴򽻵������ӡ�}{��һ�㲻���������˴򽻵���Ůʿ��}{}{}{}{ }
//{13}{I'd be most appreciative were you to make an exception for me.}{}{5}{}{18}{re41 }
{13}{�������Ϊ����һ�����Ļ��һ���ָм��ġ�}{}{5}{}{18}{re41 }
//{14}{You won't be speaking with anyone once I rip your tongue out.}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{14}{���Ұ������ͷ�����������Ҳû�����κ���˵���ˡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{15}{Pleeeeease?}{}{-4}{}{18}{re41 }
{15}{�󡪡��󡪡��㣿}{}{-4}{}{18}{re41 }
//{16}{I no like you stupid mouth. I keel yew!}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{16}{����ϲ����ı��졣�������㣡}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{17}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{17}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{18}{Very well. I can see that you know your place. What can I do for you?}{Very well. I can see that you know your place. What can I do for you?}{}{}{}{ }
{18}{�Ǻðɡ��ҿ��ó��㻹��ʶȤ������Ϊ����ʲô��}{�Ǻðɡ��ҿ��ó��㻹��ʶȤ������Ϊ����ʲô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{19}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{19}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{20}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{20}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{21}{My place is dancing on your grave, dog!}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{21}{��ʶ��Ȥ��������ķ������裬������}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{22}{I not know my place. I beat you silly, mean guy.}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{22}{����ʶȤ��������������������ŵļһ}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{23}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{23}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{24}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{24}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{25}{I want be eggspert in da guns!}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{25}{��������ǹǹ��ң�}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{26}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{26}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{27}{Oh, excuse me, sir! I...uhm...I apologize for any offense I may have given you! Please, what may I do for you?}{Oh, excuse me, madam! I...uhm...I apologize for any offense I may have given you! Please, what may I do for you?}{}{}{}{ }
{27}{Ŷ��ԭ���ң��������ҡ�����������Ϊ�Ҹղſ��ܶ�����ɵ��κ�ð����Ǹ�����У�����Ϊ����Щʲô��}{Ŷ��ԭ���ң�Ůʿ���ҡ�����������Ϊ�Ҹղſ��ܶ�����ɵ��κ�ð����Ǹ�����У�����Ϊ����Щʲô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{28}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{28}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{29}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{29}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{30}{You'd do well to watch your manners in the future, sir.}{}{5}{ch13}{37}{ }
{30}{�����úú����һ���Լ��������ˣ�������}{}{5}{ch13}{37}{ }
//{31}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{31}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{32}{I do not care what you do or do not like, boy! I suggest you git out of here before I throw you out on your ear!}{I do not care what you do or do not like, missy! I suggest you git out of here before I throw you out on your ear!}{}{}{}{ }
{32}{�ҲŲ��ں���ϲ�����Dz�ϲ����С�ӣ����Ҿ�ס��Ķ�������ӳ�ȥ֮ǰ�ҽ������Լ�����ȥ��}{�ҲŲ��ں���ϲ�����Dz�ϲ����С������Ҿ�ס��Ķ�������ӳ�ȥ֮ǰ�ҽ������Լ�����ȥ��}{}{}{}{ }
//{33}{Please forgive my impudence. I'm not worthy of your respect.}{}{5}{}{18}{re41 }
{33}{��ԭ���ҵ����ʡ������Ҳ��ؾ���}{}{5}{}{18}{re41 }
//{34}{[Stare him down.] Are you testing me, sir? I demand respect!}{}{5}{sk13 4}{430}{re50 }
{34}{���ɵ������﷢ë�������ڿ�����ô����������Ҫ�����أ�}{}{5}{sk13 4}{430}{re50 }
//{35}{[Stare him down.] Are you testing me, sir? I demand respect!}{}{5}{sk2 4, sk13 -3}{430}{re50 }
{35}{���ɵ������﷢ë�������ڿ�����ô����������Ҫ�����أ�}{}{5}{sk2 4, sk13 -3}{430}{re50 }
//{36}{I suggest you try, slobbering dog!}{}{5}{sk2 -3, sk13 -3}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{36}{�ҽ��������Կ���������}{}{5}{sk2 -3, sk13 -3}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{37}{Of course. It won't happen again. What can I help you with today, my good man?}{Of course. It won't happen again. What can I help you with today, my good woman?}{}{}{}{ }
{37}{��Ȼ�����´���Ҳ���������ˡ���������ʲô�ܹ�Ч�͵�ô���Һ��ĵ�������}{��Ȼ�����´���Ҳ���������ˡ���������ʲô�ܹ�Ч�͵�ô���Һ��ĵ�Ůʿ��}{}{}{}{ }
//{38}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{38}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{39}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{39}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{40}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{40}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{46}{Will there be anything else?}{Will there be anything else?}{}{}{}{ }
{46}{���б��ʲô��ô��}{���б��ʲô��ô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{47}{May I ask your name?}{}{5}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{47}{��������������ô��}{}{5}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{48}{Who you?}{}{-4}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{48}{��˭����}{}{-4}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{49}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{49}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{50}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{50}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{51}{N:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{51}{N:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{52}{I'm called Doc Roberts, in these parts. Who might you be?}{I'm called Doc Roberts, in these parts. Who might you be?}{}{}{}{ }
{52}{����ߣ����Ƕ��������޲���ҽ����������һλ��}{����ߣ����Ƕ��������޲���ҽ����������һλ��}{}{}{}{ }
//{53}{I'm @pcname@.}{}{5}{qu1059 0}{57}{ }
{53}{����@pcname@��}{}{5}{qu1059 0}{57}{ }
//{54}{I'm me.}{}{-4}{qu1059 0}{199}{ }
{54}{���Ƕ���}{}{-4}{qu1059 0}{199}{ }
//{55}{I'm @pcname@.}{}{5}{qa1059 1}{380}{ }
{55}{����@pcname@��}{}{5}{qa1059 1}{380}{ }
//{56}{I'm me.}{}{-4}{qa1059 1}{380}{ }
{56}{���Ƕ���}{}{-4}{qa1059 1}{380}{ }
//{57}{Well, @pcname@, if there's nothing else, I'll be thanking you to get along.}{Well, @pcname@, if there's nothing else, I'll be thanking you to get along.}{}{}{}{ }
{57}{��ô��@pcname@�����û�б���£��ҿ������Ա㡣}{��ô��@pcname@�����û�б���£��ҿ������Ա㡣}{}{}{}{ }
//{58}{Is there any work to be had around here?}{}{5}{gf2106 0, qu1060 0}{63}{ }
{58}{�����ʲô������������ô��}{}{5}{gf2106 0, qu1060 0}{63}{ }
//{59}{I need job.}{}{-4}{gf2106 0, qu1060 0}{67}{ }
{59}{��Ҫ������}{}{-4}{gf2106 0, qu1060 0}{67}{ }
//{60}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{60}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{61}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{57}{ }
{61}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{57}{ }
//{62}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{62}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{63}{[This weathered old man looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] There might be something, if you don't mind putting your hide in danger's way.}{[This weathered old man looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] There might be something, if you don't mind putting your hide in danger's way.}{}{}{}{ }
{63}{����λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ�����������������ô���£�����㲻�����������յĻ���}{����λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ�����������������ô���£�����㲻�����������յĻ���}{}{}{}{ }
//{64}{I'm not averse to a bit of danger, provided the pay is right.}{}{5}{}{72}{ }
{64}{�����������Ļ����Ҳ��ں�ðһ���ա�}{}{5}{}{72}{ }
//{65}{I prefer to stay clear of violent entanglements. Good day.}{}{5}{}{0}{lf2 1 }
{65}{����Ը����Щ������������ޡ�����ˡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{lf2 1 }
//{67}{[This weathered old man looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] You're a bit stupid, ain't you, boy? Well, at any rate, I could use some help, if you don't mind a bit of danger.}{[This weathered old man looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] You're a bit stupid, ain't you, missy? Well, at any rate, I could use some help, if you don't mind a bit of danger.}{}{}{}{ }
{67}{����λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ������������е��޶ۣ�����ô��С�ӣ��ţ�������Σ�����㲻����ð���յĻ��������ܰ����ҵ�æ�ġ�}{����λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ������������е��޶ۣ�����ô��С����ţ�������Σ�����㲻����ð���յĻ��������ܰ����ҵ�æ�ġ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{68}{I not scared if you pay me lots of money.}{}{-4}{}{72}{ }
{68}{��Ҫ�Ǹ����ö�Ǯ�����¡�}{}{-4}{}{72}{ }
//{69}{I no like scary stuff. Bye.}{}{-4}{}{0}{lf2 1 }
{69}{����ϲ�����µĶ������ס�}{}{-4}{}{0}{lf2 1 }
//{72}{Word has reached me that the Bowen gang is coming in to rob the bank. Too bad for them that my money happens to be in there too.}{Word has reached me that the Bowen gang is coming in to rob the bank. Too bad for them that my money happens to be in there too.}{}{}{}{qu1060 1 }
{72}{���յ���Ϣ˵����һ��Ҫ���������С���������˵�ܲ��ҵ����ҵ�Ǯǡ��Ҳ�������}{���յ���Ϣ˵����һ��Ҫ���������С���������˵�ܲ��ҵ����ҵ�Ǯǡ��Ҳ�������}{}{}{}{qu1060 1 }
//{73}{So what do you need me for?}{}{5}{}{82}{ }
{73}{������Ҫ����ʲô��}{}{5}{}{82}{ }
//{74}{Why you need me?}{}{-4}{}{82}{ }
{74}{��ΪɶҪ��ȥ��}{}{-4}{}{82}{ }
//{75}{Some rummy in the saloon asked me to rob the bank for him.}{}{5}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3}{138}{qu1059 6, al+15 }
{75}{�ư����ij���ƹ�����ȥ�������Ǽ����С�}{}{5}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3}{138}{qu1059 6, al+15 }
//{76}{Stinky guy asked me steal money in bank.}{}{-4}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3}{138}{qu1059 6, al+15 }
{76}{�����ļһ�ж�ȥ͵���е�Ǯ��}{}{-4}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3}{138}{qu1059 6, al+15 }
//{77}{If you're so grizzled why don't you stop the thieves at the bridge?}{}{5}{qa1032 1, gv1005 -3}{144}{ }
{77}{��Ȼ����ô��������Ϊʲô��ȥ��ֹ���DZߵļ�������}{}{5}{qa1032 1, gv1005 -3}{144}{ }
//{78}{If you so mean, how come you no stop bridge thieves?}{}{-4}{qa1032 1, gv1005 -3}{144}{ }
{78}{Ҫ������ôС����Ϊɶ�㲻��ֹ���ŵ�����}{}{-4}{qa1032 1, gv1005 -3}{144}{ }
//{79}{You didn't mention what the pay was.}{}{5}{}{90}{ }
{79}{�㻹û˵������ʲô��}{}{5}{}{90}{ }
//{80}{How much money you give me?}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
{80}{���������Ǯ��}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
//{82}{I could use someone to watch my back, and there ain't no one worth their salt in this town.}{I could use someone to watch my back, and there ain't no one worth their salt in this town.}{}{}{}{ }
{82}{����Ҫ�����������и���Ӧ���������������˶���Щ�ݰ���}{����Ҫ�����������и���Ӧ���������������˶���Щ�ݰ���}{}{}{}{ }
//{83}{Sounds intriguing. What will you pay for my help?}{}{5}{}{90}{ }
{83}{����������������������㻨����Ǯ���Ұ�æ��}{}{5}{}{90}{ }
//{84}{You want me get you some salt?}{}{-4}{}{127}{ }
{84}{��Ҫ��������Щ�ݰ���}{}{-4}{}{127}{ }
//{90}{Well, that all depends, @pcname@. Do you fancy yourself a magicker or a scientician?}{Well, that all depends, @pcname@. Do you fancy yourself a magicker or a scientician?}{}{}{}{ }
{90}{�ţ���Ҫ����������ˣ�@pcname@����ϣ����Ϊһ��ħ��ʦ���ǿ�ѧ�ң�}{�ţ�����ȫȡ���ڣ�@pcname@����ϣ����Ϊһ��ħ��ʦ���ǿ�ѧ�ң�}{}{}{}{ }
//{91}{I have been known to dabble in the magickal arts.}{}{5}{}{97}{ }
{91}{�Ҷ�ħ��ѧ���������ԡ�}{}{5}{}{97}{ }
//{92}{I am partial to the ways of technology.}{}{5}{}{102}{ }
{92}{�Ҹ�ƫ���Ƽ�֮����}{}{5}{}{102}{ }
//{93}{I try to walk the middle ground, as it were.}{}{5}{}{107}{ }
{93}{����ͼ����������֮�䣬�͹�ȥһ����}{}{5}{}{107}{ }
//{94}{I dunno.}{}{-4}{}{107}{ }
{94}{����֪��}{}{-4}{}{107}{ }
//{97}{I happen to have come into the possession of a magickal sword a while back. Some fool tried to threaten me with it and I was forced to show him the error of his ways, if you know what I mean. If you were to back me up when the trouble starts, I'd give it to you afterwards.}{I happen to have come into the possession of a magickal sword a while back. Some fool tried to threaten me with it and I was forced to show him the error of his ways, if you know what I mean. If you were to back me up when the trouble starts, I'd give it to you afterwards.}{}{}{}{lf3 1 }
{97}{һ��ʱ����ǰ��żȻ�õ���һ��ħ�������и�������Ҫ��������в�ң������Ȳ����������˽����Լ��Ĵ����������������˼�Ļ������������ս����ʼ��ʱ��Э���ң��º��ҾͰ����͸��㡣}{һ��ʱ����ǰ��żȻ�õ���һ��ħ�������и�������Ҫ��������в�ң������Ȳ����������˽����Լ��Ĵ����������������˼�Ļ������������ս����ʼ��ʱ��Э���ң��º��ҾͰ����͸��㡣}{}{}{}{lf3 1 }
//{98}{I am intrigued by your offer. What would I need to do?}{}{5}{}{-32}{ }
{98}{�������������ҡ�����Ҫ��Щʲô��}{}{5}{}{-32}{ }
//{99}{I'm uncertain about this whole thing. I'll have to ponder it further.}{}{5}{}{122}{ }
{99}{�������һ��ò�̫׼���ұ����ٽ�һ������һ�¡�}{}{5}{}{122}{ }
//{100}{Okay. What I need to do?}{}{-4}{}{-32}{ }
{100}{�á���Ҫ��ô����}{}{-4}{}{-32}{ }
//{101}{I no know what I gonna do. I come back later.}{}{-4}{}{122}{ }
{101}{����֪����Ҫ��ô�������Ժ�������}{}{-4}{}{122}{ }
//{102}{Well, in that case, I have a finely made pistol here that I could let you have afterwards, were you to back me up when the trouble starts.}{Well, in that case, I have a finely made pistol here that I could let you have afterwards, were you to back me up when the trouble starts.}{}{}{}{lf4 1 }
{102}{�ţ�����������Ļ�����������һ�����ʵ���ǹ�º���������ߣ�ս����ʼ��ʱ������Э����ô��}{�ţ�����������Ļ�����������һ�����ʵ���ǹ�º���������ߣ�ս����ʼ��ʱ������Э����ô��}{}{}{}{lf4 1 }
//{103}{I am intrigued by your offer. What would I need to do?}{}{5}{}{-32}{ }
{103}{�������������ҡ�����Ҫ��Щʲô��}{}{5}{}{-32}{ }
//{104}{I'm uncertain about this whole thing. I'll have to ponder it further.}{}{5}{}{122}{ }
{104}{�������һ��ò�̫׼���ұ����ٽ�һ������һ�¡�}{}{5}{}{122}{ }
//{105}{Okay. What I need to do?}{}{-4}{}{-32}{ }
{105}{�á���Ҫ��ô����}{}{-4}{}{-32}{ }
//{106}{I no know what I gonna do. I come back later.}{}{-4}{}{122}{ }
{106}{����֪����Ҫ��ô�������Ժ�������}{}{-4}{}{122}{ }
//{107}{Being the town sawbones, I've inherited quite an arsenal of exotic weapons. Wandering adventurers dying on the table and what not, I take whatever they may have in pay, you understand. I think I have...[he looks around]...ah, yes! Here it is. A finely made battle axe. I'll give it to you afterwards, if you back me up when the trouble starts.}{Being the town sawbones, I've inherited quite an arsenal of exotic weapons. Wandering adventurers dying on the table and what not, I take whatever they may have in pay, you understand. I think I have...[he looks around]...ah, yes! Here it is. A finely made battle axe. I'll give it to you afterwards, if you back me up when the trouble starts.}{}{}{}{lf5 1 }
{107}{��Ϊ������ҽ�����Ҽ̳����൱����������������Щ��������̨�ϵ�����ð�����������ģ������������ǵ����п��ܵĶ�����Ϊ����ѣ������׵ġ��������С��������������ܡ��������ˣ����������һ�����ʵ�ս�����������ս����ʼ��ʱ��Э���ң����º��һ�����͸��㡣}{��Ϊ������ҽ�����Ҽ̳����൱����������������Щ��������̨�ϵ�����ð�����������ģ������������ǵ����п��ܵĶ�����Ϊ����ѣ������׵ġ��������С��������������ܡ��������ˣ����������һ�����ʵ�ս�����������ս����ʼ��ʱ��Э���ң����º��һ�����͸��㡣}{}{}{}{lf5 1 }
//{108}{I am intrigued by your offer. What would I need to do?}{}{5}{}{-32}{ }
{108}{�������������ҡ�����Ҫ��Щʲô��}{}{5}{}{-32}{ }
//{109}{I'm uncertain about this whole thing. I'll have to ponder it further.}{}{5}{}{122}{ }
{109}{�������һ��ò�̫׼���ұ����ٽ�һ������һ�¡�}{}{5}{}{122}{ }
//{110}{Okay. What I need to do?}{}{-4}{}{-32}{ }
{110}{�á���Ҫ��ô����}{}{-4}{}{-32}{ }
//{111}{I no know what I gonna do. I come back later.}{}{-4}{}{122}{ }
{111}{����֪����Ҫ��ô�������Ժ�������}{}{-4}{}{122}{ }
//{112}{Meet me in front of the bank. I'll be keeping an eye out for the trouble to start. When it does, I'll expect you by my side.}{Meet me in front of the bank. I'll be keeping an eye out for the trouble to start. When it does, I'll expect you by my side.}{}{}{}{lf6 1, gf2107 1 }
{112}{������ǰ����һ�͡��һ�һֱ�������ⳡ���ҵĿ�ʼ��һ����ʼ�ˣ���ϣ������Ҳ�����ս��}{������ǰ����һ�͡��һ�һֱ�������ⳡ���ҵĿ�ʼ��һ����ʼ�ˣ���ϣ������Ҳ�����ս��}{}{}{}{lf6 1, gf2107 1 }
//{113}{I'll see you there, then.}{}{5}{re40}{-30}{ }
{113}{�ǣ��������DZ߼���}{}{5}{re40}{-30}{ }
//{114}{I'll see you there, then.}{}{5}{re-39}{117}{ }
{114}{�ǣ��������DZ߼���}{}{5}{re-39}{117}{ }
//{115}{Okay. I go now.}{}{-4}{re40}{-30}{ }
{115}{�á������ˡ�}{}{-4}{re40}{-30}{ }
//{116}{Okay. I go now.}{}{-4}{re-39}{117}{ }
{116}{�á������ˡ�}{}{-4}{re-39}{117}{ }
//{117}{[He looks you in the eye.] Let me warn you, boy, don't think about double crossin' me, or turnin' yellow. I'll drop you without thinking twice.}{[He looks you in the eye.] Let me warn you, missy, don't think about double crossin' me, or turnin' yellow. I'll drop you without thinking twice.}{}{}{}{ }
{117}{����ע��������۾������ҿɾ����㣬С�ӣ��ɱ�����Ҫ�����ң����Ǵ����ùġ��Ҷ�����˵�ͻ����ŵ���}{����ע��������۾������ҿɾ����㣬С�ӣ��ɱ�����Ҫ�����ң����Ǵ����ùġ��Ҷ�����˵�ͻ����ŵ���}{}{}{}{ }
//{118}{Understood. I will see you then.}{}{5}{}{-30}{ }
{118}{�����ˡ����ǵ�ʱ�����}{}{5}{}{-30}{ }
//{119}{I'll drop you right now, old man.}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{119}{�����ھͰ���ŵ�����ͷ��}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{120}{Okay. Bye.}{}{-4}{}{-30}{ }
{120}{�á��ټ���}{}{-4}{}{-30}{ }
//{121}{I kill you now, stupid mean old guy.}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{121}{������ɱ���㣬���Ŵ���ͷ��}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{122}{Well, if you change your mind, I'll be outside the bank, keepin' an eye on her.}{Well, if you change your mind, I'll be outside the bank, keepin' an eye on her.}{}{}{}{gf2107 1, lf6 1 }
{122}{��ô�������ı������ˣ��Ҿ����������棬����ע��������}{��ô�������ı������ˣ��Ҿ����������棬����ע��������}{}{}{}{gf2107 1, lf6 1 }
//{123}{Perhaps I will see you there, then.}{}{5}{}{-34}{ }
{123}{�ǣ������һ�ȥ�������㡣}{}{5}{}{-34}{ }
//{124}{I gots to go.}{}{-4}{}{-34}{ }
{124}{�������ˡ�}{}{-4}{}{-34}{ }
//{127}{No, you idiot! I need someone to help me stop the robbery!}{No, you idiot! I need someone to help me stop the robbery!}{}{}{}{ }
{127}{���ԣ����Ɀ��������Ҫ������������ֹ��Щ�ٷˣ�}{���ԣ����Ɀ��������Ҫ������������ֹ��Щ�ٷˣ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{128}{Oh. Whatcha give me?}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
{128}{Ŷ�������ɶ��}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
//{129}{You no call me idiot. You idiot.}{}{-4}{}{132}{ }
{129}{�������ұ������㱿����}{}{-4}{}{132}{ }
//{132}{Look, simpleton, I have no time for your stupidity. Will you help me or not?}{Look, simpleton, I have no time for your stupidity. Will you help me or not?}{}{}{}{ }
{132}{���ţ����ϣ���ûʱ������������㵽�װﲻ���ң�}{���ţ����ϣ���ûʱ������������㵽�װﲻ���ң�}{}{}{}{ }
//{133}{Okay. Whatcha give me?}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
{133}{�á������ɶ��}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
//{134}{I keel yew!}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{134}{�������㣡}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{137}{I'll teach you to flap your gums at me, boy!}{I'll teach you to flap your gums at me, missy!}{}{}{}{ }
{137}{���Ҵ��������������С�ӣ�}{���Ҵ��������������С���}{}{}{}{ }
//{138}{Oh he did, did he? Damned Bens! I'll have to take care of that boy! Well, no matter, he's not involved with these blokes comin' in tomorrow. Will you help me with them, or not?}{Oh he did, did he? Damned Bens! I'll have to take care of that boy! Well, no matter, he's not involved with these blokes comin' in tomorrow. Will you help me with them, or not?}{}{}{}{gf2105 1 }
{138}{Ŷ�������ɵĺ��£�����ô�������ı�˹���ұ���ý�ѵһ���Ǹ�С�ӣ��ţ�û��ϵ�������������Ҫ�����ǰ�һ�ͬ�����۵ġ���Ը��Ը����ҶԸ����ǣ�}{Ŷ�������ɵĺ��£�����ô�������ı�˹���ұ���ý�ѵһ���Ǹ�С�ӣ��ţ�û��ϵ�������������Ҫ�����ǰ�һ�ͬ�����۵ġ���Ը��Ը����ҶԸ����ǣ�}{}{}{}{gf2105 1 }
//{139}{What do you need for me to do?}{}{5}{}{82}{ }
{139}{�㶼��Ҫ����Щʲô��}{}{5}{}{82}{ }
//{140}{Why you need me?}{}{-4}{}{82}{ }
{140}{��ΪɶҪ����}{}{-4}{}{82}{ }
//{141}{It depends. What's the pay?}{}{5}{}{90}{ }
{141}{��Ҫ������ˡ�������ٱ��ꣿ}{}{5}{}{90}{ }
//{142}{How much money you give me?}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
{142}{���������Ǯ��}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
//{144}{Those idiots know better than to bother with me. I would keelhaul them in a damned second were they to try. Besides, they're good for business, breakin people's bones and such. But never mind those fools, are you with me or not?}{Those idiots know better than to bother with me. I would keelhaul them in a damned second were they to try. Besides, they're good for business, breakin people's bones and such. But never mind those fools, are you with me or not?}{}{}{}{ }
{144}{��Щ�����ǻ�û�����������ҡ�����Ҫ�Ǹ������Կ��������ֻ��һ���Ӿ�����������������˵�����Ƕ��ҵ������кô�����ϱ��˵Ĺ�ͷ��ʲô�ġ����õ�����Щɵ�ϣ��㵽�װ��һ��Dz��}{��Щ�����ǻ�û�����������ҡ�����Ҫ�Ǹ������Կ��������ֻ��һ���Ӿ�����������������˵�����Ƕ��ҵ������кô�����ϱ��˵Ĺ�ͷ��ʲô�ġ����õ�����Щɵ�ϣ��㵽�װ��һ��Dz��}{}{}{}{ }
//{145}{What do you need for me to do?}{}{5}{}{82}{ }
{145}{�㶼��Ҫ����Щʲô��}{}{5}{}{82}{ }
//{146}{Why you need me?}{}{-4}{}{82}{ }
{146}{��ΪɶҪ����}{}{-4}{}{82}{ }
//{147}{It depends. What's the pay?}{}{5}{}{90}{ }
{147}{��Ҫ������ˡ�������ٱ��ꣿ}{}{5}{}{90}{ }
//{148}{How much money you give me?}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
{148}{���������Ǯ��}{}{-4}{}{90}{ }
//{152}{There you are. Are you ready to throw in with me? I haven't seen the boys roll into town yet, but that doesn't mean they ain't already here.}{There you are. Are you ready to throw in with me? I haven't seen the boys roll into town yet, but that doesn't mean they ain't already here.}{}{}{}{ }
{152}{�����ˡ���׼���ø���������ô���Ҳ�û������ЩС�ӹ������������������Dz��������ǻ�û�����}{�����ˡ���׼���ø���������ô���Ҳ�û������ЩС�ӹ������������������Dz��������ǻ�û�����}{}{}{}{ }
//{153}{I'm ready.}{}{5}{}{-16}{gf2127 1 }
{153}{��׼�����ˡ�}{}{5}{}{-16}{gf2127 1 }
//{154}{I throw.}{}{-4}{}{-16}{gf2127 1 }
{154}{���ϡ�}{}{-4}{}{-16}{gf2127 1 }
//{155}{I don't think so.}{}{5}{}{157}{ }
{155}{���뻹���С�}{}{5}{}{157}{ }
//{156}{N:}{}{-4}{}{157}{ }
{156}{N:}{}{-4}{}{157}{ }
//{157}{Then get along. I don't want you here gummin' things up when trouble starts if you're not fightin alongside me.}{Then get along. I don't want you here gummin' things up when trouble starts if you're not fightin alongside me.}{}{}{}{ }
{157}{�Ǿ��ж��ɡ�ս����ʼʱ�Ҳ�����Ϊ��û�к��Ҳ�����ս������������ˡ�}{�Ǿ��ж��ɡ�ս����ʼʱ�Ҳ�����Ϊ��û�к��Ҳ�����ս������������ˡ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{158}{I stay long as I want!}{}{-4}{}{162}{ }
{158}{���������ʹ����⣡}{}{-4}{}{162}{ }
//{159}{I'll stand wherever I please, old man.}{}{5}{}{162}{re -10 }
{159}{��ϲ��վ�������վ�������ͷ��}{}{5}{}{162}{re -10 }
//{160}{E:}{}{-4}{}{0}{ }
{160}{E:}{}{-4}{}{0}{ }
//{162}{[He points his gun at your face and cocks it.] I don't think you heard me, boy.}{[He points his gun at your face and cocks it.] I don't think you heard me, missy.}{}{}{}{ }
{162}{������ǹָ���������ߵ���������������û�����ҵ���˼��С�ӡ�}{������ǹָ���������ߵ���������������û�����ҵ���˼��С���}{}{}{}{ }
//{163}{Remove your gun, or I will shove it down your throat.}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{163}{�����ǹ�ÿ��������ҾͰ���������ĺ����}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{164}{I hear good. You just stupid.}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{164}{�������ˡ����Ɀ����}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{165}{Pardon my rudeness. I will be on my way.}{}{5}{}{0}{lf7 1 }
{165}{��ˡ�ҵ�����������ϡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{lf7 1 }
//{166}{I sorry. I go now.}{}{-4}{}{0}{lf7 1 }
{166}{�Բ��𡣶������ϡ�}{}{-4}{}{0}{lf7 1 }
//{172}{Are you here to test my patience again, fool?}{Are you here to test my patience again, fool?}{}{}{}{ }
{172}{�����������ҵ�����ô��������}{�����������ҵ�����ô��������}{}{}{}{ }
//{173}{I have changed my mind. I'm here to help.}{}{5}{}{-16}{ }
{173}{�Ҹı������ˡ��������㡣}{}{5}{}{-16}{ }
//{174}{I sorry. I here to help.}{}{-4}{}{-16}{ }
{174}{�Բ��𡣶�����æ��}{}{-4}{}{-16}{ }
//{175}{I'm here to test the resistance of your flesh to a sound beating.}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{175}{������������������ȭͷ�����Եġ�}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{176}{I here to kick you head.}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{176}{�����������ͷ��}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{177}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{177}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{182}{Damn! They slipped inside somehow! Let's put these fools six feet under, boy!}{Damn! They slipped inside somehow! Let's put these fools six feet under, missy!}{}{}{}{ }
{182}{�����ģ����Dz�֪��ô���ȥ�ˣ�����������Щɵ������������ĵ��°ɣ�С�ӣ�}{�����ģ����Dz�֪��ô���ȥ�ˣ�����������Щɵ������������ĵ��°ɣ�С���}{}{}{}{ }
//{183}{You damned lily livered coward! This is what you get for not backing my play!}{You damned lily livered harlot! This is what you get for not backing my play!}{}{}{}{ }
{183}{����������������ث�֣�������㲻�ڻ��ҵ��³���}{���������������ļ�Ů��������㲻�ڻ��ҵ��³���}{}{}{}{ }
//{184}{You backstabbing son of a mongrel dog! I'll kill you for this!}{You backstabbing wench! I'll kill you for this!}{}{}{}{ }
{184}{���ⱳ��ͱ���ӵĹ����֣���Ҫ�����㣡}{���ⱳ��ͱ���ӵ���ӣ���Ҫ�����㣡}{}{}{}{ }
//{185}{No one sticks up the bank while I'm around, dog!}{No one sticks up the bank while I'm around, tramp!}{}{}{}{ }
{185}{�����ھ�û�˸Ҵ�������е����⣬������}{�����ھ�û�˸Ҵ�������е����⣬���ˣ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{186}{Oh, yeah. [He scratches his head.] I owe you something, don't I? Well, here ya go. And, uh, I don't have much experience thankin' people, but uh, thanks.}{Oh, yeah. [He scratches his head.] I owe you something, don't I? Well, here ya go. And, uh, I don't have much experience thankin' people, but uh, thanks.}{}{}{}{qu1060 4, rp1049 }
{186}{Ŷ���ǵġ����������Լ���ͷ�����һ�Ƿ��ʲô������ô���ðɣ���ȥ�ɡ����У������Ҳ�������л���ˣ���������лл��}{Ŷ���ǵġ����������Լ���ͷ�����һ�Ƿ��ʲô������ô���ðɣ���ȥ�ɡ����У������Ҳ�������л���ˣ���������лл��}{}{}{}{qu1060 4, rp1049 }
//{187}{Pleasure doing business.}{}{5}{lf3 1}{191}{in -2009 }
{187}{������졣}{}{5}{lf3 1}{191}{in -2009 }
//{188}{Pleasure doing business.}{}{5}{lf4 1}{191}{in -2010 }
{188}{������졣}{}{5}{lf4 1}{191}{in -2010 }
//{189}{Pleasure doing business.}{}{5}{lf5 1}{191}{in -2011 }
{189}{������졣}{}{5}{lf5 1}{191}{in -2011 }
//{190}{Tanks.}{}{-4}{lf5 1}{191}{in -2011 }
{190}{л�ǡ�}{}{-4}{lf5 1}{191}{in -2011 }
//{191}{Well, I'll be seein' you around, perhaps. Good luck.}{Well, I'll be seein' you around, perhaps. Good luck.}{}{}{}{gf2108 1, re +10 }
{191}{�ţ�Ҳ�����ǻ�������ڡ�ף����ˡ�}{�ţ�Ҳ�����ǻ�������ڡ�ף����ˡ�}{}{}{}{gf2108 1, re +10 }
//{192}{E:}{}{1}{}{-22}{ }
{192}{E:}{}{1}{}{-22}{ }
//{193}{I told you to meet me outside the bank.}{I told you to meet me outside the bank.}{}{}{}{ }
{193}{��˵�������������������}{��˵�������������������}{}{}{}{ }
//{194}{Hello, friend, what can I do you for?}{Hello, friend, what can I do you for?}{}{}{}{ }
{194}{��ã����ѣ���ʲô���ܰ�æ��ô��}{��ã����ѣ���ʲô���ܰ�æ��ô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{195}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{195}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{196}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{196}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{197}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{197}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{198}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{198}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{199}{Your name, imbecile, what is your NAME?}{Your name, imbecile, what is your NAME?}{}{}{}{ }
{199}{������֣����ģ���ġ����֡���ʲô��}{������֣����ģ���ġ����֡���ʲô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{200}{I be @pcname@.}{}{-4}{}{57}{ }
{200}{��@pcname@��}{}{-4}{}{57}{ }
//{201}{I no like be called names. I kill you!}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{201}{����ϲ���˽����֡���ɱ���㣡}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{205}{G:}{G:}{}{}{}{ }
{205}{G:}{G:}{}{}{}{ }
//{206}{W:}{}{1}{re41, lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{206}{W:}{}{1}{re41, lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{207}{H:}{}{1}{re41}{254}{ }
{207}{H:}{}{1}{re41}{254}{ }
//{208}{Please excuse my intrusion, sir. I meant no offense.}{}{5}{re-40, ch-9, lf6 0}{218}{re +5 }
{208}{��ԭ���Ҳ����������������Ҳ�û�ж��⡣}{}{5}{re-40, ch-9, lf6 0}{218}{re +5 }
//{209}{I think your attitude is unwarranted, sir.}{}{5}{re-40, ch10, lf6 0}{233}{re50 }
{209}{����Ϊ��Դ��ҵ�����̬�Ⱥ��޸��ݣ�������}{}{5}{re-40, ch10, lf6 0}{233}{re50 }
//{210}{I've decided to help you stop the bank robbery.}{}{5}{gf2106 0, lf6 1}{0}{fl 390}
{210}{���Ѿ�����������ֹ��Щ���������ˡ�}{}{5}{gf2106 0, lf6 1}{0}{fl 390}
//{211}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{211}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{212}{I sorry. Can I ask question?}{}{-4}{re-40}{218}{re +5 }
{212}{��Ǹ�� �ҿ���������ô��}{}{-4}{re-40}{218}{re +5 }
//{213}{You mean. I no like you.}{}{-4}{re-40}{240}{ }
{213}{����š�����ϲ���㡣}{}{-4}{re-40}{240}{ }
//{214}{T:10,13}{}{1}{re40}{254}{ }
{214}{T:10,13}{}{1}{re40}{254}{ }
//{215}{Is there any work to be had around here?}{}{5}{lf1 1, gf2106 0, lf6 0}{63}{ }
{215}{�����ʲô������������ô��}{}{5}{lf1 1, gf2106 0, lf6 0}{63}{ }
//{216}{I need job.}{}{-4}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{67}{ }
{216}{��Ҫ������}{}{-4}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{67}{ }
//{217}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{217}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{218}{I don't generally speak with those of your kind, son.}{I don't generally speak with those of your kind, madam.}{}{}{}{ }
{218}{��һ�㲻���������˴򽻵������ӡ�}{��һ�㲻���������˴򽻵���Ůʿ��}{}{}{}{ }
//{219}{I'd be most appreciative were you to make an exception for me.}{}{5}{}{224}{re +5 }
{219}{�������Ϊ����һ�����Ļ��һ���ָм��ġ�}{}{5}{}{224}{re +5 }
//{220}{You won't be speaking with anyone once I rip your tongue out.}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{220}{���Ұ������ͷ�����������Ҳû�����κ���˵���ˡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{221}{Pleeeeease?}{}{-4}{}{224}{re +5 }
{221}{�󡪡��󡪡��㣿}{}{-4}{}{224}{re +5 }
//{222}{I no like you stupid mouth. I keel yew!}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{222}{����ϲ����ı��졣�������㣡}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{223}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{223}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{224}{Very well. I can see that you know your place. What can I do for you?}{Very well. I can see that you know your place. What can I do for you?}{}{}{}{ }
{224}{�Ǻðɡ��ҿ��ó��㻹��ʶȤ������Ϊ����ʲô��}{�Ǻðɡ��ҿ��ó��㻹��ʶȤ������Ϊ����ʲô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{225}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{225}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{226}{H:}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
{226}{H:}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
//{227}{My place is dancing on your grave, dog!}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{227}{��ʶ��Ȥ��������ķ������裬������}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{228}{I not know my place. I beat you silly, mean guy.}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{228}{����ʶȤ��������������������ŵļһ}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{229}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
{229}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
//{230}{Is there any work to be had around here?}{}{5}{lf1 1}{63}{ }
{230}{�����ʲô������������ô��}{}{5}{lf1 1}{63}{ }
//{231}{I need job.}{}{-4}{lf1 1}{67}{ }
{231}{��Ҫ������}{}{-4}{lf1 1}{67}{ }
//{232}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{232}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{233}{Oh, excuse me, sir! I...uhm...I apologize for any offense I may have given you! Please, what may I do for you?}{Oh, excuse me, madam! I...uhm...I apologize for any offense I may have given you! Please, what may I do for you?}{}{}{}{ }
{233}{Ŷ��ԭ���ң��������ҡ�����������Ϊ�Ҹղſ��ܶ�����ɵ��κ�ð����Ǹ�����У�����Ϊ����Щʲô��}{Ŷ��ԭ���ң�Ůʿ���ҡ�����������Ϊ�Ҹղſ��ܶ�����ɵ��κ�ð����Ǹ�����У�����Ϊ����Щʲô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{234}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{234}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{235}{H:}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
{235}{H:}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
//{236}{You'd do well to watch your manners in the future, sir.}{}{5}{ch13}{245}{ }
{236}{�����úú����һ���Լ��������ˣ�������}{}{5}{ch13}{245}{ }
//{237}{Is there any work to be had around here?}{}{5}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{63}{ }
{237}{�����ʲô������������ô��}{}{5}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{63}{ }
//{238}{I need job.}{}{-4}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{67}{ }
{238}{��Ҫ������}{}{-4}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{67}{ }
//{239}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{239}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{240}{I do not care what you do or do not like, boy! I suggest you git out of here before I throw you out on your ear!}{I do not care what you do or do not like, missy! I suggest you git out of here before I throw you out on your ear!}{}{}{}{ }
{240}{�ҲŲ��ں���ϲ�����Dz�ϲ����С�ӣ����Ҿ�ס��Ķ�������ӳ�ȥ֮ǰ�ҽ������Լ�����ȥ��}{�ҲŲ��ں���ϲ�����Dz�ϲ����С������Ҿ�ס��Ķ�������ӳ�ȥ֮ǰ�ҽ������Լ�����ȥ��}{}{}{}{ }
//{241}{Please forgive my impudence. I'm not worthy of your respect.}{}{5}{}{224}{re +5 }
{241}{��ԭ���ҵ����ʡ������Ҳ��ؾ���}{}{5}{}{224}{re +5 }
//{242}{I suggest you try, slobbering dog!}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
{242}{�ҽ��������Կ���������}{}{5}{}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
//{245}{Of course. It won't happen again. What can I help you with today, my good man?}{Of course. It won't happen again. What can I help you with today, my good woman?}{}{}{}{ }
{245}{��Ȼ�����´���Ҳ���������ˡ���������ʲô�ܹ�Ч�͵�ô���Һ��ĵ�������}{��Ȼ�����´���Ҳ���������ˡ���������ʲô�ܹ�Ч�͵�ô���Һ��ĵ�Ůʿ��}{}{}{}{ }
//{246}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{246}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{247}{H:}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
{247}{H:}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
//{251}{Is there any work to be had around here?}{}{5}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{63}{ }
{251}{�����ʲô������������ô��}{}{5}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{63}{ }
//{252}{I need job.}{}{-4}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{67}{ }
{252}{��Ҫ������}{}{-4}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{67}{ }
//{253}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{253}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{254}{Will there be anything else?}{Will there be anything else?}{}{}{}{ }
{254}{���б��ʲô��ô��}{���б��ʲô��ô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{255}{May I ask your name?}{}{5}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{255}{��������������ô��}{}{5}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{256}{Who you?}{}{-4}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{256}{��˭����}{}{-4}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{258}{H:}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
{258}{H:}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
//{259}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
{259}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{254}{ }
//{260}{Is there any work to be had around here?}{}{5}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{63}{ }
{260}{�����ʲô������������ô��}{}{5}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{63}{ }
//{261}{I need job.}{}{-4}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{67}{ }
{261}{��Ҫ������}{}{-4}{lf1 1, gf2106 0}{67}{ }
//{262}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{262}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{263}{I want be eggspert in da guns!}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{263}{��������ǹǹ��ң�}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{264}{N:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{264}{N:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{265}{Damn! They slipped inside somehow! Let's put these fools six feet under, boy!}{Damn! They slipped inside somehow! Let's put these fools six feet under, girly!}{}{}{}{ }
{265}{�����ģ����Dz�֪��ô���ȥ�ˣ�����������Щɵ������������ĵ��°ɣ�С�ӣ�}{�����ģ����Dz�֪��ô���ȥ�ˣ�����������Щɵ������������ĵ��°ɣ����}{}{}{}{ }
//{266}{I'm with you.}{}{5}{}{0}{ }
{266}{�����ڡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{ }
//{267}{Suddenly, this all seems a tad bit to real for my taste. I'm leaving.}{}{5}{}{0}{lv, fl 183 ,co}
{267}{��ͻȻ�����Լ����ʺ϶����ġ������ˡ�/*�������*/}{}{5}{}{0}{lv, fl 183 ,co}
//{268}{Okay.}{}{-4}{}{0}{ }
{268}{�úǡ�}{}{-4}{}{0}{ }
//{269}{I scared. I go now.}{}{-4}{}{0}{lv, fl 183 ,co}
{269}{�����¡������ˡ�}{}{-4}{}{0}{lv, fl 183 ,co}
//{275}{You'd best be getting' your tail in that bank before I fill it full o' lead, boy.}{You'd best be getting' your tail in that bank before I fill it full o' lead, missy.}{}{}{}{ }
{275}{����ö�����㣬С�ӣ���Ȼ�Ҿ�һ���˰����Ƕ���ʰ�ˡ�/*������������˼��*/}{����ö�����㣬С�����Ȼ�Ҿ�һ���˰����Ƕ���ʰ�ˡ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{280}{Is there anything you'd be needin' before I get on my way?}{Is there anything you'd be needin' before I get on my way?}{}{}{}{ }
{280}{������·֮ǰ�㻹��ʲô��Ҫ��}{������·֮ǰ�㻹��ʲô��Ҫ��}{}{}{}{ }
//{281}{H:}{}{1}{}{191}{ }
{281}{H:}{}{1}{}{191}{ }
//{282}{N:}{}{1}{}{191}{ }
{282}{N:}{}{1}{}{191}{ }
//{285}{Meet me in front of the bank tomorrow. I'll be keeping an eye out for the trouble to start. When it does, I'll expect you by my side.}{Meet me in front of the bank tomorrow. I'll be keeping an eye out for the trouble to start. When it does, I'll expect you by my side.}{}{}{}{lf6 1, gf2107 1 }
{285}{����������ǰ����һ�ϡ��һ�һֱ�������ⳡ���ҵĿ�ʼ��һ����ʼ�ˣ���ϣ������Ҳ�����ս��}{����������ǰ����һ�ϡ��һ�һֱ�������ⳡ���ҵĿ�ʼ��һ����ʼ�ˣ���ϣ������Ҳ�����ս��}{}{}{}{lf6 1, gf2107 1 }
//{286}{I'll see you there, then.}{}{5}{re40}{-34}{ }
{286}{�ǣ��������DZ߼���}{}{5}{re40}{-34}{ }
//{287}{I'll see you there, then.}{}{5}{re-39}{117}{ }
{287}{�ǣ��������DZ߼���}{}{5}{re-39}{117}{ }
//{288}{Okay. I go now.}{}{-4}{re40}{-34}{ }
{288}{�á������ˡ�}{}{-4}{re40}{-34}{ }
//{289}{Okay. I go now.}{}{-4}{re-39}{117}{ }
{289}{�á������ˡ�}{}{-4}{re-39}{117}{ }
//{290}{Whoa! This is as far as I go. Do you want your payment for helpin' me or not?}{Whoa! This is as far as I go. Do you want your payment for helpin' me or not?}{}{}{}{ }
{290}{ι���Ҳ�������Զ�����ˡ��㵽�׻��벻��Ҫ�ҵij����ˣ�}{ι���Ҳ�������Զ�����ˡ��㵽�׻��벻��Ҫ�ҵij����ˣ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{300}{I don't think they'll strike tonight. I'll stay here and keep watch. You should go get some shut eye and come back in the morning.}{I don't think they'll strike tonight. I'll stay here and keep watch. You should go get some shut eye and come back in the morning.}{}{}{}{ }
{300}{�������ǽ���������Ϯ���ˡ��һ������������ӡ���Ӧ��ȥ�ػ����Ȼ�������ٹ�����}{�������ǽ���������Ϯ���ˡ��һ������������ӡ���Ӧ��ȥ�ػ����Ȼ�������ٹ�����}{}{}{}{ }
//{310}{I might be able to help you with that...it'll be costing you 500 coin, though.}{I might be able to help you with that...it'll be costing you 500 coin, though.}{}{}{}{ }
{310}{�����Ҳ���ܹ����㡭������������Ҫ������500��ҡ�}{�����Ҳ���ܹ����㡭������������Ҫ������500��ҡ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{311}{That sounds agreeable. [Give him the money.]}{}{5}{$$500}{320}{tr13 2, $$-500, rq2182 }
{311}{����������������Ǯ��������}{}{5}{$$500}{320}{tr13 2, $$-500, rq2182 }
//{312}{I see. I will have to think this over.}{}{5}{$$500, lf1 1}{57}{ }
{312}{��֪���ˡ��ҵ��ٿ���һ�¡�}{}{5}{$$500, lf1 1}{57}{ }
//{313}{I don't happen to have that kind of money, right now.}{}{5}{$$-499, lf1 1}{57}{ }
{313}{������һʱ�ò�����ô��Ǯ��}{}{5}{$$-499, lf1 1}{57}{ }
//{314}{That seems a bit expensive, I will have to think this over.}{}{5}{$$500, lf1 0}{340}{ }
{314}{����ȥ�е���ҵ��ٿ���һ�¡�}{}{5}{$$500, lf1 0}{340}{ }
//{315}{I don't happen to have that kind of money, right now.}{}{5}{$$-499, lf1 0}{340}{ }
{315}{������һʱ�ò�����ô��Ǯ��}{}{5}{$$-499, lf1 0}{340}{ }
//{316}{Okay!}{}{-4}{$$500}{320}{tr13 2, $$-500, rq2182 }
{316}{�õģ�}{}{-4}{$$500}{320}{tr13 2, $$-500, rq2182 }
//{317}{No. Dat too spensive.}{}{-4}{}{57}{ }
{317}{����̫������}{}{-4}{}{57}{ }
//{320}{[He counts the money.] Well, there ya go! You are now an expert in firearms, son.}{[He counts the money.] Well, there ya go! You are now an expert in firearms, missy.}{}{}{}{ }
{320}{�������Ǯ�������õģ������ˣ���������ǹеʹ��ר���ˣ����ӡ�}{�������Ǯ�������õģ������ˣ���������ǹеʹ��ר���ˣ�С���}{}{}{}{ }
//{321}{Where can I find the firearms master?}{}{5}{}{330}{ }
{321}{���������ҵ�ǹеʹ�õĴ�ʦ��}{}{5}{}{330}{ }
//{322}{Where gun master guy be?}{}{-4}{}{330}{ }
{322}{��ǹǹ��ʦ���ĺǣ�}{}{-4}{}{330}{ }
//{330}{That'd be old Willy Thorndup! I think he's livin' over Ashbury way, now.}{That'd be old Willy Thorndup! I think he's livin' over Ashbury way, now.}{}{}{}{ru2172 }
{330}{��Ӧ�������������������գ�����������ס�ڰ�ʲ�����DZߡ�}{��Ӧ�������������������գ�����������ס�ڰ�ʲ�����DZߡ�}{}{}{}{ru2172 }
//{331}{Thanks for your time.}{}{5}{lf1 1}{57}{ }
{331}{��л�������ָ�̡�}{}{5}{lf1 1}{57}{ }
//{332}{Thanks for your time.}{}{5}{lf1 0}{350}{ }
{332}{��л�������ָ�̡�}{}{5}{lf1 0}{350}{ }
//{333}{Tanx!}{}{-4}{lf1 1}{57}{ }
{333}{���}{}{-4}{lf1 1}{57}{ }
//{334}{Tanx!}{}{-4}{lf1 0}{350}{ }
{334}{���}{}{-4}{lf1 0}{350}{ }
//{340}{Well, what you be wastin' my time for, then? Is there anythin' else you care to be flappin' your gums about?}{Well, what you be wastin' my time for, then? Is there anythin' else you care to be flappin' your gums about?}{}{}{}{ }
{340}{��˵������Ϊʲô�����˷��ҵ�ʱ�䣿���û�б�Ŀ����¿����ǵĵط��ˣ�/*��ȷ��*/}{��˵������Ϊʲô�����˷��ҵ�ʱ�䣿���û�б�Ŀ����¿����ǵĵط��ˣ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{341}{W:}{}{5}{}{52}{lf1 1 }
{341}{W:}{}{5}{}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{349}{No, thank you. I will be on my way.}{}{5}{}{0}{ }
{349}{����лл���ҵ���·�ˡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{ }
//{350}{Is there anythin' else you care to be flappin' your gums about?}{Is there anythin' else you care to be flappin' your gums about?}{}{}{}{ }
{350}{���û�б�Ŀ����¿����ǵĵط��ˣ�}{���û�б�Ŀ����¿����ǵĵط��ˣ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{351}{W:}{}{1}{}{52}{lf1 1 }
{351}{W:}{}{1}{}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{358}{E:}{}{-4}{}{0}{ }
{358}{E:}{}{-4}{}{0}{ }
//{359}{No, thank you. I will be on my way.}{}{5}{}{0}{ }
{359}{����лл���ҵ���·�ˡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{ }
//{360}{Oh he did, did he? Damned Bens! I'll have to take care of that fool! [He looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] You seem like an honest sort, at least. You interested in any work?}{Oh he did, did he? Damned Bens! I'll have to take care of that fool! [He looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] You seem like an honest sort, at least. You interested in any work?}{}{}{}{ }
{360}{Ŷ�������ɵĺ��£�����ô�������ı�˹���ұ���ý�ѵһ���Ǹ�������������ϸ�������㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ������������٣��㿴�����Ǹ���ֱ���ˡ����Ҹ�����ô��}{Ŷ�������ɵĺ��£�����ô�������ı�˹���ұ���ý�ѵһ���Ǹ�������������ϸ�������㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ������������٣��㿴�����Ǹ���ֱ���ˡ����Ҹ�����ô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{361}{I'm not averse to a bit of danger, provided the pay is right.}{}{5}{}{72}{ }
{361}{�����������Ļ����Ҳ��ں�ðһ���ա�}{}{5}{}{72}{ }
//{369}{I prefer to stay clear of violent entanglements. Good day.}{}{5}{}{0}{lf2 1 }
{369}{����Ը����Щ������������ޡ�����ˡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{lf2 1 }
//{370}{Oh he did, did he? Damned Bens! I'll have to take care of that fool! [This weathered old man looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] You're a bit stupid, ain't you, boy? Well, at any rate, I could use some help, if you don't mind a bit of danger.}{Oh he did, did he? Damned Bens! I'll have to take care of that fool! [This weathered old man looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] You're a bit stupid, ain't you, girl? Well, at any rate, I could use some help, if you don't mind a bit of danger.}{}{}{}{ }
{370}{Ŷ�������ɵĺ��£�����ô�������ı�˹���ұ���ý�ѵһ���Ǹ�����������λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ������������е��޶ۣ�����ô��С�ӣ��ţ�������Σ�����㲻����ð���յĻ��������ܰ����ҵ�æ�ġ�}{Ŷ�������ɵĺ��£�����ô�������ı�˹���ұ���ý�ѵһ���Ǹ�����������λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ������������е��޶ۣ�����ô������ţ�������Σ�����㲻����ð���յĻ��������ܰ����ҵ�æ�ġ�}{}{}{}{ }
//{371}{I not scared if you pay me lots of money.}{}{-4}{}{72}{ }
{371}{��Ҫ�Ǹ����ö�Ǯ�����¡�}{}{-4}{}{72}{ }
//{372}{I no like scary stuff. Bye.}{}{-4}{}{0}{lf2 1 }
{372}{����ϲ�����µĶ������ס�}{}{-4}{}{0}{lf2 1 }
//{380}{Well, @pcname@, if there's nothing else, I'll be thanking you to get along.}{Well, @pcname@, if there's nothing else, I'll be thanking you to get along.}{}{}{}{ }
{380}{��ô��@pcname@�����û�б���£��ҿ������Ա㡣}{��ô��@pcname@�����û�б���£��ҿ������Ա㡣}{}{}{}{ }
//{381}{Is there any work to be had around here?}{}{5}{gf2106 0}{63}{ }
{381}{�����ʲô������������ô��}{}{5}{gf2106 0}{63}{ }
//{382}{I need job.}{}{-4}{gf2106 0}{67}{ }
{382}{��Ҫ������}{}{-4}{gf2106 0}{67}{ }
//{383}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1, re41}{46}{et13 310 }
{383}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1, re41}{46}{et13 310 }
//{384}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{57}{ }
{384}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{57}{ }
//{385}{Some rummy in the saloon asked me to rob the bank for him.}{}{5}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3}{360}{qu1059 6, re+10, al+15 }
{385}{�ư����ij���ƹ�����ȥ�������Ǽ����С�}{}{5}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3}{360}{qu1059 6, re+10, al+15 }
//{386}{Stinky guy asked me steal money in bank.}{}{-4}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3}{370}{qu1059 6, re+10, al+15 }
{386}{�����ļһ�ж�ȥ͵���е�Ǯ��}{}{-4}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3}{370}{qu1059 6, re+10, al+15 }
//{387}{I want be eggspert in da guns!}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{387}{��������ǹǹ��ң�}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{389}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{389}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{390}{Okay, then. I will see you out in front of the bank tomorrow.}{Okay, then. I will see you out in front of the bank tomorrow.}{}{}{}{ }
{390}{�Ǻá�������������ǰ������ɢ��}{�Ǻá�������������ǰ������ɢ��}{}{}{}{ }
//{400}{Hello, friend, what can I do you for?}{Hello, friend, what can I do you for?}{}{}{}{ }
{400}{��ã����ѣ���ʲô���ܰ�æ��ô��}{��ã����ѣ���ʲô���ܰ�æ��ô��}{}{}{}{ }
//{401}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{401}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{402}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{402}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{403}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1, re41}{46}{et13 310 }
{403}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1, re41}{46}{et13 310 }
//{404}{Some rummy in the saloon asked me to rob the bank for him.}{}{5}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3, gf2105 0}{410}{qu1059 6, al+15 }
{404}{�ư����ij���ƹ�����ȥ�������Ǽ����С�}{}{5}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3, gf2105 0}{410}{qu1059 6, al+15 }
//{405}{Stinky guy asked me steal money in bank.}{}{-4}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3, gf2105 0}{410}{qu1059 6, al+15 }
{405}{�����ļһ�ж�ȥ͵���е�Ǯ��}{}{-4}{qa1059 1, qb1059 3, gf2105 0}{410}{qu1059 6, al+15 }
//{406}{I want be eggspert in da guns!}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{406}{��������ǹǹ��ң�}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{409}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{409}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{410}{Oh he did, did he? Damned Bens! I'll have to take care of that boy! ...Is there anything else?}{Oh he did, did he? Damned Bens! I'll have to take care of that boy! ...Is there anything else?}{}{}{}{gf2105 1 }
{410}{Ŷ�������ɵĺ��£�����ô�������ı�˹���ұ���ý�ѵһ���Ǹ��������������б����ô��}{Ŷ�������ɵĺ��£�����ô�������ı�˹���ұ���ý�ѵһ���Ǹ��������������б����ô��}{}{}{}{gf2105 1 }
//{411}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{411}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{412}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{412}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{413}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{413}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{414}{I want be eggspert in da guns!}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{414}{��������ǹǹ��ң�}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{419}{N:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{419}{N:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
//{420}{Come back after 7:00. The bank will be open, then.}{Come back after 7:00. The bank will be open, then.}{}{}{}{ }
{420}{7:00�Ժ��ٻ����ɡ�������ʱ�ſ��š�}{7:00�Ժ��ٻ����ɡ�������ʱ�ſ��š�}{}{}{}{ }
//{430}{He, heh! I like a fellow with some nerve! What can I do for you, son?}{He, heh! I like a woman with some nerve! What can I do for you, miss?}{}{}{}{ }
{430}{�����ˣ��Ҿ�ϲ���е�ʶ�ļһ����Ϊ����ʲô�����ӣ�}{�����ˣ��Ҿ�ϲ���е�ʶ��Ů�ˣ�����Ϊ����ʲô��С�㣿}{}{}{}{ }
//{431}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
{431}{W:}{}{1}{lf1 0}{52}{lf1 1 }
//{432}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{432}{H:}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{433}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
{433}{T:10,13}{}{1}{}{46}{ }
//{434}{Can you train me to be an expert in firearms, sir?}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{434}{����ѵ���ҳ�Ϊһ��ǹеʹ��ר��ô��������}{}{5}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{435}{I want be eggspert in da guns!}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
{435}{��������ǹǹ��ң�}{}{-4}{tr13 -1}{46}{et13 310 }
//{439}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
{439}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }

ddkariy 2008-11-23 23:32

seanfx 2008-11-24 00:13
//{33}{Please forgive my impudence. I'm not worthy of your respect.}{}{5}{}{18}{re41 }
-{33}{��ԭ���ҵ����ʡ������Ҳ��ؾ���}{}{5}{}{18}{re41 }
+{33}{��ԭ���ҵ����ʡ���Ҫ������һ���ʶ��}{}{5}{}{18}{re41 }


//{36}{I suggest you try, slobbering dog!}{}{5}{sk2 -3, sk13 -3}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
-{36}{�ҽ��������Կ���������}{}{5}{sk2 -3, sk13 -3}{0}{fl 137 ,co}
+{36}{�����Կ��ۣ�������}{}{5}{sk2 -3, sk13 -3}{0}{fl 137 ,co}


//{63}{[This weathered old man looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] There might be something, if you don't mind putting your hide in danger's way.}{[This weathered old man looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess.] There might be something, if you don't mind putting your hide in danger's way.}{}{}{}{ }
-{63}{����λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ�����������������ô���£�����㲻�����������յĻ���}{����λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ�����������������ô���£�����㲻�����������յĻ���}{}{}{}{ }
+{63}{����λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ���������������һ�����£�����㲻�����������յĻ���}{����λ������˪��������ϸ�����㣬�·��ڼ������Ƿ�������ʲôDZ�ڵ���������������һ�����£�����㲻�����������յĻ���}{}{}{}{ }


//{82}{I could use someone to watch my back, and there ain't no one worth their salt in this town.}{I could use someone to watch my back, and there ain't no one worth their salt in this town.}{}{}{}{ }
-{82}{����Ҫ�����������и���Ӧ���������������˶���Щ�ݰ���}{����Ҫ�����������и���Ӧ���������������˶���Щ�ݰ���}{}{}{}{ }
+{82}{����Ҫ���������Ҳ�����ս���������������˶���Щ�ݰ���}{����Ҫ���������Ҳ�����ս���������������˶���Щ�ݰ���}{}{}{}{ }


//{93}{I try to walk the middle ground, as it were.}{}{5}{}{107}{ }
-{93}{����ͼ����������֮�䣬�͹�ȥһ����}{}{5}{}{107}{ }
+{93}{��ϣ���ܱ����м�·�ߣ���ƫ���С�}{}{5}{}{107}{ }  ï¿½ï¿½É«ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½

107  exotic weapons


//{112}{Meet me in front of the bank. I'll be keeping an eye out for the trouble to start. When it does, I'll expect you by my side.}{Meet me in front of the bank. I'll be keeping an eye out for the trouble to start. When it does, I'll expect you by my side.}{}{}{}{lf6 1, gf2107 1 }
-{112}{������ǰ����һ�͡��һ�һֱ�������ⳡ���ҵĿ�ʼ��һ����ʼ�ˣ���ϣ������Ҳ�����ս��}{������ǰ����һ�͡��һ�һֱ�������ⳡ���ҵĿ�ʼ��һ����ʼ�ˣ���ϣ������Ҳ�����ս��}{}{}{}{lf6 1, gf2107 1 }
+{112}{������ǰ����һ�͡��һᰵ�м������ֱ���ǰ�С�������ҡ�����֮����Ҫ���ҡ�}{������ǰ����һ�͡��һᰵ�м������ֱ���ǰ�С�������ҡ�����֮����Ҫ���ҡ�}{}{}{}{lf6 1, gf2107 1 }

//{122}{Well, if you change your mind, I'll be outside the bank, keepin' an eye on her.}{Well, if you change your mind, I'll be outside the bank, keepin' an eye on her.}{}{}{}{gf2107 1, lf6 1 }
-{122}{��ô�������ı������ˣ��Ҿ����������棬����ע��������}{��ô�������ı������ˣ��Ҿ����������棬����ע��������}{}{}{}{gf2107 1, lf6 1 }
+{122}{�ã������ı������ˣ��������ң��Ҿ����������棬���������}{�ã������ı������ˣ��������ң��Ҿ����������棬���������}{}{}{}{gf2107 1, lf6 1 }


//{152}{There you are. Are you ready to throw in with me? I haven't seen the boys roll into town yet, but that doesn't mean they ain't already here.}{There you are. Are you ready to throw in with me? I haven't seen the boys roll into town yet, but that doesn't mean they ain't already here.}{}{}{}{ }
-{152}{�����ˡ���׼���ø���������ô���Ҳ�û������ЩС�ӹ������������������Dz��������ǻ�û�����}{�����ˡ���׼���ø���������ô���Ҳ�û������ЩС�ӹ������������������Dz��������ǻ�û�����}{}{}{}{ }
+{152}{�����ˡ���׼���ø���������ô���Ҳ�û������ЩС�ӹ�����������������Ҳ��������Ͷ׵��ڴ��ˡ�}{�����ˡ���׼���ø���������ô���Ҳ�û������ЩС�ӹ�����������������Ҳ��������Ͷ׵��ڴ��ˡ�}{}{}{}{ }


//{340}{Well, what you be wastin' my time for, then? Is there anythin' else you care to be flappin' your gums about?}{Well, what you be wastin' my time for, then? Is there anythin' else you care to be flappin' your gums about?}{}{}{}{ }
-{340}{��˵������Ϊʲô�����˷��ҵ�ʱ�䣿���û�б�Ŀ����¿����ǵĵط��ˣ�/*��ȷ��*/}{��˵������Ϊʲô�����˷��ҵ�ʱ�䣿���û�б�Ŀ����¿����ǵĵط��ˣ�}{}{}{}{ }
+{340}{��˵������Ϊʲô�����˷��ҵ�ʱ�䣿�㻹��ʲô���飿}{��˵������Ϊʲô�����˷��ҵ�ʱ�䣿�㻹��ʲô���飿}{}{}{}{ }


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