�鿴�����汾: [-- 11.21 У�� ά����2 --]

13�ű�����|����|�쳾���� -> ���� -> 11.21 У�� ά����2 [��ӡ��ҳ] ��¼ -> ע�� -> �ظ����� -> ��������

seanfx 2008-11-21 16:50

11.21 У�� ά����2

//{216}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{lf1 1}
{216}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{lf1 1}
//{217}{Well, that part is a bit blurry...Oh, blast it all!  The whole bloody thing is blurry!  I don't know and that's just the way of it!  [He takes a deep breath.]  Forgive my temper...I'm a bit frustrated here.  Listen, let's go to Shrouded Hills and talk with the Elder Joachim.  He's my teacher, and he'll be able to explain to you what's going on...}{Well, that part is a bit blurry...Oh, blast it all!  The whole bloody thing is blurry!  I don't know and that's just the way of it!  [He takes a deep breath.]  Forgive my temper...I'm a bit frustrated here.  Listen, let's go to Shrouded Hills and talk with the Elder Joachim.  He's my teacher, and he'll be able to explain to you what's going on...}{}{34}{}{mm1, mm2}
{217}{���ô���Ǹ������е�ģ�����塭��Ŷ��ͳͳ����ȥ�ɣ������������ȫ��ģ�����壡�Ҳ�֪����������ô���£��������������һ��������ԭ���ҵ�ʧ̬�����Ҹղ��е㲻˳�ġ�����˵������Ӧ��ȥȺɽ����ǰ�ϣķ����̸̸�� �����ҵ���ʦ����һ���ܹ��������������׷�����ʲô����}{���ô���Ǹ������е�ģ�����塭��Ŷ��ͳͳ����ȥ�ɣ������������ȫ��ģ�����壡�Ҳ�֪����������ô���£��������������һ��������ԭ���ҵ�ʧ̬�����Ҹղ��е㲻˳�ġ�����˵������Ӧ��ȥȺɽ����ǰ�ϣķ����̸̸�� �����ҵ���ʦ����һ���ܹ��������������׷�����ʲô����}{}{34}{}{mm1, mm2}
//{218}{Okay, let's go.}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
{218}{�ðɣ������ߡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
//{219}{I'm not going anywhere with you. Leave me be.}{}{5}{}{120}{}
//{220}{By the gods! I cannot believe the Living One has been reincarnated in the body of an imbecile!}{By the gods! I cannot believe the Living One has been reincarnated in the body of an imbecile!}{}{35}{}{ru2126}
//{222}{YOU ARE THE REINCARNATION OF...UH...WELL, I'm not exactly sure who it was, but, uh...YOU ARE HERE TO SAVE US.}{YOU ARE THE REINCARNATION OF...UH...WELL, I'm not exactly sure who it was, but, uh...YOU ARE HERE TO SAVE US.}{}{36}{}{}
//{223}{Who? Save you?}{}{-4}{}{225}{}
//{225}{YES!  YOU HAVE BEEN REBORN!  YOU ARE A POWERFUL ELF!  YOU, uh...oh, bloody hell! This is ridiculous! Why did the gods return your spirit in this defective shell? If only I wasn't so new to the Panarii religion.... Follow me, idiot, I mean, oh Living One...I need to take you down the mountain to Shrouded Hills to meet with Elder Joachim. He'll know what to do with you.}{YES!  YOU HAVE BEEN REBORN!  YOU ARE A POWERFUL ELF!  YOU, uh...oh, bloody hell! This is ridiculous! Why did the gods return your spirit in this defective shell? If only I wasn't so new to the Panarii religion.... Follow me, idiot, I mean, oh Living One...I need to take you down the mountain to Shrouded Hills to meet with Elder Joachim. He'll know what to do with you.}{}{37}{}{mm1, mm2}
{225}{��û�������Ѿ������ˣ�����һ��ǿ��ľ��飡�㣬��������Ŷ����������̫�����ˣ�����Ϊʲô�������귵�ص������ȱ�������Ҫ������Ϊ�Ҷ��������Ľ���һ֪��⡭����������ɵ�ϣ�����˵����ת���ߡ����ұ��������ɽ��Ⱥɽ��ȥ���ǰ�ϣķ���ϡ���һ��֪��Ӧ����ô��������¡�}{��û�������Ѿ������ˣ�����һ��ǿ��ľ��飡�㣬��������Ŷ����������̫�����ˣ�����Ϊʲô�������귵�ص������ȱ�������Ҫ������Ϊ�Ҷ��������Ľ���һ֪��⡭����������ɵ�ϣ�����˵����ת���ߡ����ұ��������ɽ��Ⱥɽ��ȥ���ǰ�ϣķ���ϡ���һ��֪��Ӧ����ô��������¡�}{}{37}{}{mm1, mm2}
//{226}{Otay.}{}{-4}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
{226}{�С�}{}{-4}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
//{227}{I no idiot. You mean. I beat you.}{}{-4}{}{228}{}
//{228}{I apologize for any offense, Living One [he rolls his eyes.] Please accompany me to Shrouded Hills.}{I apologize for any offense, Living One [he rolls his eyes.] Please accompany me to Shrouded Hills.}{}{38}{}{}
//{229}{Okay.}{}{-4}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
{229}{�á�}{}{-4}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
//{230}{No.}{}{-4}{}{}{lf1 1, fl 240}
{230}{����}{}{-4}{}{}{lf1 1, fl 240}
//{235}{Have you changed your mind? I am ready to follow you, if that is my path.}{Have you changed your mind? I am ready to follow you, if that is my path.}{}{39}{}{}
//{236}{Let's go.}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
{236}{�����߰ɡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
//{237}{okey.}{}{-4}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
{237}{�ðɡ�}{}{-4}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
//{238}{N:}{}{1}{}{0}{fl 240}
{238}{N:}{}{1}{}{0}{fl 240}
//{240}{I can only hope that you will change your mind. I will wait here until you return.}{I can only hope that you will change your mind. I will wait here until you return.}{}{40}{}{}
//{250}{Sir, you might wish to consult your map. I believe there might be a quicker way to Shrouded Hills.}{Madam, you might wish to consult your map. I believe there might be a quicker way to Shrouded Hills.}{}{41}{}{}
//{252}{I don't think so, Virgil. I know what I am doing.}{}{5}{}{0}{}
//{253}{I know whut I be doing!}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
//{286}{By the Gods! This is not possible!}{By the Gods! This is not possible!}{}{42}{}{}
//{355}{[Virgil thinks for a moment.]  Hmmm.  I don't know about the ring.  But this business about the evil one returning...as I've said, I don't know a whole lot about the Panarii prophecies, but I think you were supposed to return and fight someone evil.  Bloody hell!  I should know more of this...if only Elder Joachim were here...}{[Virgil thinks for a moment.]  Hmmm.  I don't know about the ring.  But this business about the evil one returning...as I've said, I don't know a whole lot about the Panarii prophecies, but I think you were supposed to return and fight someone evil.  Bloody hell!  I should know more of this...if only Elder Joachim were here...}{}{43}{}{mm1}
{355}{��ά����˼����һ�󡣡��š� �Ҳ�֪���йؽ�ָ���¡� �����ϵ��аħ���ط��˼䡭�������Ҹղ���˵�ģ� �Ҳ�����ȫ�˽�������Ԥ�Ե��������ݣ�����������֪����һ���������Ϊ�˴�ij������֮��ġ� ������� ��֪���ҾͶ��˽�����Ԥ���ˡ���Ҫ���ǰ�ϣķ��������Ļ�����}{��ά����˼����һ�󡣡��š� �Ҳ�֪���йؽ�ָ���¡� �����ϵ��аħ���ط��˼䡭�������Ҹղ���˵�ģ� �Ҳ�����ȫ�˽�������Ԥ�Ե��������ݣ�����������֪����һ���������Ϊ�˴�ij������֮��ġ� ������� ��֪���ҾͶ��˽�����Ԥ���ˡ���Ҫ���ǰ�ϣķ��������Ļ�����}{}{43}{}{mm1}
//{356}{Well, let's go talk to this Joachim fellow and straighten this out.}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
{356}{�Ǻã����Ǿ�ȥ�����ʲô�ǰ�ϣķ̸̸��Ȼ���������°ɡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
//{357}{Who is this Elder Joachim?}{}{5}{}{360}{}
//{358}{No offense, but I am not interested in your religious ideas.}{}{5}{}{120}{}
//{360}{Joachim...well, gave me a hand when I needed it, showed me the truth of the Panarii and its beliefs.  He is a very wise man, and will know what needs to be done...}{Joachim...well, gave me a hand when I needed it, showed me the truth of the Panarii and its beliefs.  He is a very wise man, and will know what needs to be done...}{}{44}{}{}
//{361}{Well, let's go talk to this Joachim fellow and straighten this out.}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
{361}{�Ǻã����Ǿ�ȥ�����ʲô�ǰ�ϣķ̸̸��Ȼ���������°ɡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
//{362}{I'm not the religious type. I'll be going my own way. Good day.}{}{5}{}{120}{}
//{370}{I would like to be able to clear up your confusion, but I am new to the Panarii religion myself. I must bring you to meet my mentor, Elder Joachim. He can answer your questions. He is in Shrouded Hills, a town at the base of these mountains.}{I would like to be able to clear up your confusion, but I am new to the Panarii religion myself. I must bring you to meet my mentor, Elder Joachim. He can answer your questions. He is in Shrouded Hills, a town at the base of these mountains.}{}{45}{}{mm1}
//{371}{Who is this Joachim fellow?}{}{5}{}{360}{}
//{372}{Well, let's go talk to Elder Joachim and straighten this out.}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
{372}{�Ǻã����Ǿ�ȥ���ǰ�ϣķ����̸̸��Ȼ���������°ɡ�}{}{5}{}{0}{jo 0 74}
//{373}{I've no interest in your foolishness. Good day.}{}{5}{}{120}{}
//{375}{Dying gnome?  What are you talking about?}{Dying gnome?  What are you talking about?}{}{46}{}{}
//{376}{[Tell him about the gnome and the ring.]}{}{5}{}{35}{}
//{380}{Elder Joachim is staying at the inn next to the bank.}{Elder Joachim is staying at the inn next to the bank.}{}{47}{}{}
//{381}{Joachim's room is at the end of the hall, on the left.}{Joachim's room is at the end of the hall, on the left.}{}{48}{}{}
//{385}{What is it that you want of me?}{What is it that you want of me?}{}{49}{}{}
//{386}{B:}{}{1}{wa 0}{}{}
{386}{B:}{}{1}{wa 0}{}{}
//{387}{H:}{}{1}{wa 0}{385}{}
{387}{H:}{}{1}{wa 0}{385}{}
//{388}{K:}{}{1}{wa 0}{395}{}
{388}{K:}{}{1}{wa 0}{395}{}
//{389}{I'd like you to do something for me, Virgil...}{}{5}{wa 0}{505}{}
{389}{����������������£�ά��������}{}{5}{wa 0}{505}{}
//{390}{I need you do something, Voigool.}{}{-4}{wa 0}{505}{}
{390}{��Ҫ�����Ҹ��£�ΰ�����}{}{-4}{wa 0}{505}{}
//{391}{E:}{}{1}{wa 0}{0}{}
{391}{E:}{}{1}{wa 0}{0}{}
//{392}{You can stop waiting now, Virgil...}{}{5}{wa 1}{533}{uw 0 518}
{392}{�����ٵ��ˣ��߰�ά��������}{}{5}{wa 1}{533}{uw 0 518}
//{393}{You stop waitin' now, Voigool.}{}{-4}{wa 1}{533}{uw 0 518}
{393}{�㲻���ˣ�ΰ�����}{}{-4}{wa 1}{533}{uw 0 518}
//{395}{What can I answer for you?}{What can I answer for you?}{}{50}{}{}
//{396}{I'd like to know a few things about you, Virgil...}{}{5}{}{}{ce}
//{397}{What should we be doing now?}{}{5}{ss 0, ar-21}{800}{}
{397}{�������ڸ���Щʲô��}{}{5}{ss 0, ar-21}{800}{}
//{398}{What do you think we should do now?}{}{5}{ss 1, ss-1}{803}{}
{398}{������������ڸ���ô�죿}{}{5}{ss 1, ss-1}{803}{}
//{399}{What do you think we should do now?}{}{5}{ss 2, ss-2}{806}{}
{399}{������������ڸ���ô�죿}{}{5}{ss 2, ss-2}{806}{}
//{400}{What do you think we should do now?}{}{5}{ss 3, ss-3}{855}{}
{400}{������������ڸ���ô�죿}{}{5}{ss 3, ss-3}{855}{}
//{401}{What should we be doing now?}{}{5}{ss 4, ss-4}{809}{}
{401}{�������ڸ���Щʲô��}{}{5}{ss 4, ss-4}{809}{}
//{402}{What do you think we should do now?}{}{5}{ss 5, ss-5}{812}{}
{402}{������������ڸ���ô�죿}{}{5}{ss 5, ss-5}{812}{}
//{403}{What should we be doing now?}{}{5}{ss 6, ss-6}{815}{}
{403}{�������ڸ���Щʲô��}{}{5}{ss 6, ss-6}{815}{}
//{404}{What should we be doing now?}{}{5}{ss 7, ss-7}{822}{}
{404}{�������ڸ���Щʲô��}{}{5}{ss 7, ss-7}{822}{}
//{405}{What should we be doing now?}{}{5}{ss 8, ss-8}{825}{}
{405}{�������ڸ���Щʲô��}{}{5}{ss 8, ss-8}{825}{}
//{406}{What should we be doing now?}{}{5}{ss 9, ss-9}{828}{}
{406}{�������ڸ���Щʲô��}{}{5}{ss 9, ss-9}{828}{}
//{407}{What should we be doing now?}{}{5}{ss 10, ss-10}{831}{}
{407}{�������ڸ���Щʲô��}{}{5}{ss 10, ss-10}{831}{}
//{408}{What should we be doing now?}{}{5}{ss 11, ss-11}{834}{}
{408}{�������ڸ���Щʲô��}{}{5}{ss 11, ss-11}{834}{}
//{409}{What should we be doing now?}{}{5}{ss 12, ss-12}{837}{}
{409}{�������ڸ���Щʲô��}{}{5}{ss 12, ss-12}{837}{}
//{410}{What do you think we should do now?}{}{5}{ss 13, ss-13}{840}{}
{410}{������������ڸ���ô�죿}{}{5}{ss 13, ss-13}{840}{}
//{411}{What do you think we should do now?}{}{5}{ss 14, ss-14}{843}{}
{411}{������������ڸ���ô�죿}{}{5}{ss 14, ss-14}{843}{}
//{412}{What do you think we should do now?}{}{5}{ss 15, ss-15}{846}{}
{412}{������������ڸ���ô�죿}{}{5}{ss 15, ss-15}{846}{}
//{413}{I wanna know stuff. About you. Virgoo.}{}{-4}{}{}{ce}
//{414}{What we do now, Virtigo?}{}{-4}{ss 0, ar-21}{849}{}
{414}{�������Ǹ�� ή���磿}{}{-4}{ss 0, ar-21}{849}{}
//{415}{What we do now, Virgil?}{}{-4}{ss 1, ss-1}{803}{}
{415}{�������Ǹ�� ά������}{}{-4}{ss 1, ss-1}{803}{}
//{416}{What we do now, Voratio?}{}{-4}{ss 2, ss-2}{852}{}
{416}{�������Ǹ�� ΰ ���� �磿}{}{-4}{ss 2, ss-2}{852}{}
//{417}{What we do now, Vortigoon?}{}{-4}{ss 3, ss-3}{858}{}
{417}{�������Ǹ�� ΰ���磿}{}{-4}{ss 3, ss-3}{858}{}
//{418}{What we do now, Voghhkloorh?}{}{-4}{ss 4, ss-4}{861}{}
{418}{�������Ǹ�� ή����?}{}{-4}{ss 4, ss-4}{861}{}
//{419}{What we do now, Virgil?}{}{-4}{ss 5, ss-5}{864}{}
{419}{�������Ǹ�� ά������}{}{-4}{ss 5, ss-5}{864}{}
//{420}{What we do now, Virgil?}{}{-4}{ss 6, ss-6}{815}{}
{420}{�������Ǹ�� ά������}{}{-4}{ss 6, ss-6}{815}{}
//{421}{What we do now, Voirgoo?}{}{-4}{ss 7, ss-7}{867}{}
{421}{�������Ǹ�� ΰ�磿}{}{-4}{ss 7, ss-7}{867}{}
//{422}{What we do now, Virgil?}{}{-4}{ss 8, ss-8}{825}{}
{422}{�������Ǹ�� ά������}{}{-4}{ss 8, ss-8}{825}{}
//{423}{What we do now?}{}{-4}{ss 9, ss-9}{828}{}
{423}{�������Ǹ��}{}{-4}{ss 9, ss-9}{828}{}
//{424}{What we do now, Virgil?}{}{-4}{ss 10, ss-10}{831}{}
{424}{�������Ǹ��ά����?}{}{-4}{ss 10, ss-10}{831}{}
//{425}{What we do now?}{}{-4}{ss 11, ss-11}{834}{}
{425}{�������Ǹ��}{}{-4}{ss 11, ss-11}{834}{}
//{426}{What we do now?}{}{-4}{ss 12, ss-12}{837}{}
{426}{�������Ǹ��}{}{-4}{ss 12, ss-12}{837}{}
//{427}{What we do now?}{}{-4}{ss 13, ss-13}{840}{}
{427}{�������Ǹ��}{}{-4}{ss 13, ss-13}{840}{}
//{428}{What we do now?}{}{-4}{ss 14, ss-14}{843}{}
{428}{�������Ǹ��}{}{-4}{ss 14, ss-14}{843}{}
//{429}{What we do now?}{}{-4}{ss 15, ss-15}{846}{}
{429}{�������Ǹ��}{}{-4}{ss 15, ss-15}{846}{}
//{434}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 1}{551}{}
{434}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 1}{551}{}
//{435}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 1}{551}{}
{435}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 1}{551}{}
//{436}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 3}{559}{}
{436}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 3}{559}{}
//{437}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 3}{559}{}
{437}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 3}{559}{}
//{438}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 4}{562}{}
{438}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 4}{562}{}
//{439}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 4}{562}{}
{439}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 4}{562}{}
//{440}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 5}{565}{}
{440}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 5}{565}{}
//{441}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 5}{565}{}
{441}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 5}{565}{}
//{442}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 6, ra-3, ra-4}{568}{}
{442}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 6, ra-3, ra-4}{568}{}
//{443}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 6, ra-3, ra-4}{568}{}
{443}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 6, ra-3, ra-4}{568}{}
//{444}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 8}{571}{}
{444}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 8}{571}{}
//{445}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 8}{571}{}
{445}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 8}{571}{}
//{446}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 10}{574}{}
{446}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 10}{574}{}
//{447}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 10}{574}{}
{447}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 10}{574}{}
//{448}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 14}{577}{}
{448}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 14}{577}{}
//{449}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 14}{577}{}
{449}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 14}{577}{}
//{450}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 19}{580}{}
{450}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 19}{580}{}
//{451}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 19}{580}{}
{451}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 19}{580}{}
//{452}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 1, ia -1}{584}{}
{452}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 1, ia -1}{584}{}
//{453}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 1, ia -1}{584}{}
{453}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 1, ia -1}{584}{}
//{454}{What do you know about this place?}{}{5}{ia 21}{555}{}
{454}{�������ط��˽���٣�}{}{5}{ia 21}{555}{}
//{455}{What you know bout here?}{}{-4}{ia 21}{555}{}
{455}{��֪����ط�Щʲô��}{}{-4}{ia 21}{555}{}
//{456}{You seem unhappy with me Virgil.  Is there something I can do?}{}{5}{re -20}{470}{}
{456}{����������Щ������ά��������ʲô�ҿ��Բ�������}{}{5}{re -20}{470}{}
//{457}{Uh...you mad at me, Virgil!  I mebbe do sumthin' fer you?}{}{-4}{re -20}{470}{}
{457}{����������������ά�������ҿ�����Щ�¸��㣿}{}{-4}{re -20}{470}{}
//{470}{[Virgil glowers at you.]  Well, to be honest, I'm not at all happy with what's been happening, Living One or no.  I don't want to fail the Elder Joachim, but I don't know if I like the way you're doing things, here...}{[Virgil glowers at you.]  Well, to be honest, I'm not at all happy with what's been happening, Living One or no.  I don't want to fail the Elder Joachim, but I don't know if I like the way you're doing things, here...}{}{95}{}{}
//{471}{Come now, Virgil.  I can't do this without you...}{}{5}{}{478}{re +10}
{471}{���ɣ�ά������û������ʲô��Ҳ�����ɡ���}{}{5}{}{478}{re +10}
//{472}{Well, that's a shame.  Let's get going...}{}{5}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
{472}{����ı㣬����涪�������Ǹó����ˡ���}{}{5}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
//{473}{Wait, Virgil!  I need you!}{}{-4}{}{478}{re +10}
{473}{��һ�£�ά����������Ҫ�㣡}{}{-4}{}{478}{re +10}
//{474}{Uh...too bad.  We go now...}{}{-4}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
{474}{��������̫���ˡ����Ǹ����ˡ���}{}{-4}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
//{476}{[Grumbling.]  I won't take much more of this...}{[Grumbling.]  I won't take much more of this...}{}{96}{}{}
//{478}{[A half-smile appears on his face.]  I don't know.  So far I'm not too impressed...}{[A half-smile appears on his face.]  I don't know.  So far I'm not too impressed...}{}{97}{}{}
//{479}{Virgil, please.  Help me to do what needs to be done...}{}{5}{}{484}{re +15}
{479}{ά�����������ˡ����������������°ɡ���}{}{5}{}{484}{re +15}
//{480}{You can't please everyone.  Let's go...}{}{5}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
{480}{�����޷�ȡ�������˵ġ������߰ɡ���}{}{5}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
//{481}{Virgil!  I no able to do this stuff without you!  Help me!}{}{-4}{}{484}{re +15}
{481}{ά������û������ ������Щ�£�����ң�}{}{-4}{}{484}{re +15}
//{482}{Uh...that dumb.  Now we go...}{}{-4}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
{482}{������˵��Ҫ������ �ߡ���}{}{-4}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
//{484}{Oh, alright.  You know I'm with you until the bitter end.  But watch yourself from now on.  [He laughs.]  You might be the Living One, but that doesn't mean I won't teach you a lesson or two if I have to...}{Oh, alright.  You know I'm with you until the bitter end.  But watch yourself from now on.  [He laughs.]  You might be the Living One, but that doesn't mean I won't teach you a lesson or two if I have to...}{}{98}{}{}
//{485}{So you'll join me again, Virgil?}{}{5}{pa -6409}{533}{jo 0 535}
{485}{��ô˵�㻹�����¼����ң�ά������}{}{5}{pa -6409}{533}{jo 0 535}
//{486}{So you come with me, Virgil?}{}{-4}{pa -6409}{533}{jo 0 535}
{486}{���������ң�ά������}{}{-4}{pa -6409}{533}{jo 0 535}
//{487}{Of course.  Let's go...}{}{5}{}{0}{}
//{488}{Okay!  I go now...}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
{488}{��Ŷ! �����ˡ���}{}{-4}{}{0}{}
//{505}{Yes, of course.  What would you like me to do?}{Yes, of course.  What would you like me to do?}{}{51}{}{}
//{506}{Move away, Virgil.}{}{5}{}{0}{so}
//{507}{Get away Virgil!}{}{-4}{}{0}{so}
{507}{��Զ��ȥ ά������}{}{-4}{}{0}{so}
//{508}{Move a bit closer, Virgil.}{}{5}{}{0}{sc}
//{509}{Get over here, Virgil!}{}{-4}{}{0}{sc}
//{510}{Wait here for a while...}{}{5}{wa 0}{521}{wa}
{510}{�������һ�ᡭ��}{}{5}{wa 0}{521}{wa}
//{511}{Uh...wait here a minnit...}{}{-4}{wa 0}{521}{wa}
{511}{������������Ȼ������}{}{-4}{wa 0}{521}{wa}
//{512}{You can stop waiting now, Virgil.}{}{5}{wa 1}{533}{uw 0 518}
{512}{�����ٵ��ˣ��߰�ά��������}{}{5}{wa 1}{533}{uw 0 518}
//{513}{Stop waitin', Virgil!}{}{-4}{wa 1}{533}{uw 0 518}
{513}{�����ˣ�ά������}{}{-4}{wa 1}{533}{uw 0 518}
//{514}{I think you'd best leave the group.}{}{5}{}{524}{lv}
//{515}{I no want you in group anymore...}{}{-4}{}{524}{lv}
//{518}{I'm ready to get going when you are...}{I'm ready to get going when you are...}{}{52}{}{}
//{521}{I don't like leaving you alone, but I'll wait here until you return.}{I don't like leaving you alone, but I'll wait here until you return.}{}{53}{}{}
//{524}{No!  I can help!  You must...! [He looks angry for a moment, then resigned.]  I see...I...well, I'll wait here, meditating on the scriptures until you return.}{No!  I can help!  You must...! [He looks angry for a moment, then resigned.]  I see...I...well, I'll wait here, meditating on the scriptures until you return.}{}{54}{}{lf31 1}
{524}{���У��ҿ��԰����æ���㲻�ܡ���������һ��ʱ����������������������������Э�ˡ��� �������ˡ����ҡ����Ǹ����һ���������ţ�������ֱ���������}{���У��ҿ��԰����æ���㲻�ܡ���������һ��ʱ����������������������������Э�ˡ��� �������ˡ����ҡ����Ǹ����һ���������ţ�������ֱ���������}{}{54}{}{lf31 1}
//{527}{[Virgil looks relieved.]  I'm so glad that you're safe...I mean, I never doubted that...well, it's good to see you, anyhow.  How might I serve you?}{[Virgil looks relieved.]  I'm so glad that you're safe...I mean, I never doubted that...well, it's good to see you, anyhow.  How might I serve you?}{}{55}{}{}
//{528}{I was wondering if you might join me again, Virgil?}{}{5}{}{533}{jo 0 535}
{528}{����֪����Ը�����»ص�������ô��ά������}{}{5}{}{533}{jo 0 535}
//{529}{You wanna join me again, Virgil?}{}{-4}{}{533}{jo 0 535}
{529}{�ټ�����ô���룬ά������}{}{-4}{}{533}{jo 0 535}
//{530}{You seem unhappy with me Virgil.  Is there something I can do?}{}{5}{re -20}{470}{}
{530}{����������Щ������ά��������ʲô�ҿ��Բ�����ô��}{}{5}{re -20}{470}{}
//{531}{Uh...you mad at me, Virgil!  I mebbe do sumthin' fer you?}{}{-4}{re -20}{470}{}
{531}{����������������ά�������ҿ�����Щ�¸��㣿}{}{-4}{re -20}{470}{}
//{533}{Was there anything else I can do for you?}{Was there anything else I can do for you?}{}{56}{}{}
//{535}{Yes!  Of course!  It's about time...I mean, uh, whatever you think is best.  I am here to serve, to guide you when I can...}{Yes!  Of course!  It's about time...I mean, uh, whatever you think is best.  I am here to serve, to guide you when I can...}{}{57}{}{lf31 0}
{535}{�ǵģ���Ȼ�ˣ�Ҳ����ʱ���ˡ�������˵��������������ô���Ŷ��á��ҽ���ʱΪ�������ʱ��Ϊ��ָ�����򡭡�}{�ǵģ���Ȼ�ˣ�Ҳ����ʱ���ˡ�������˵��������������ô���Ŷ��á��ҽ���ʱΪ�������ʱ��Ϊ��ָ�����򡭡�}{}{57}{}{lf31 0}
//{538}{[Virgil looks relieved.]  Thank Nasrudin that you're...wait, you are Nas...oh blast it!  I'm glad you finally returned.  How might I serve you?}{[Virgil looks relieved.]  Thank Nasrudin that you're...wait, you are Nas...oh blast it!  I'm glad you finally returned.  How might I serve you?}{}{58}{}{}
//{539}{Would you like to join me again, Virgil?}{}{5}{}{533}{jo 0 547}
{539}{��Ը�����¼�������ά������ }{}{5}{}{533}{jo 0 547}
//{540}{You join me again!}{}{-4}{}{533}{jo 0 547}
{540}{������ң���Ҫ��}{}{-4}{}{533}{jo 0 547}
//{541}{You seem unhappy with me Virgil.  Is there something I can do?}{}{5}{re -20}{470}{}
{541}{����������Щ������ά��������ʲô�ҿ��Բ�����ô��}{}{5}{re -20}{470}{}
//{542}{Uh...you mad at me, Virgil!  I mebbe do sumthin' fer you?}{}{-4}{re -20}{470}{}
{542}{����������������ά�������ҿ�����Щ�¸��㣿}{}{-4}{re -20}{470}{}
//{547}{Well, I wasn't waiting here for nothing...I mean, forgive me for the outburst...[He composes himself.]  Whatever your will is, I am here to serve.  I would be honored to, uh, walk again by your side...}{Well, I wasn't waiting here for nothing...I mean, forgive me for the outburst...[He composes himself.]  Whatever your will is, I am here to serve.  I would be honored to, uh, walk again by your side...}{}{59}{}{}
{547}{�š� ��û�аװ�������ȴ���������˵��ԭ���ҵ�ʧ̬��������������һ���Լ��������������Ը��ʲô���Ҷ��������ǡ��ҽ����ҵģ������ٴ�վ��������ߡ���}{�š� ��û�аװ�������ȴ���������˵��ԭ���ҵ�ʧ̬��������������һ���Լ�����  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô¸ï¿½ï¿½Ê²Ã´ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò¶ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¡ï¿½ï¿½Ò½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÒµÄ£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ù´ï¿½Õ¾ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ß¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½}{}{59}{}{}
//{551}{This is Shrouded Hills.  There's an old Panarii temple here...the Elder Joachim told me that it was once a very important place to the Panarii.  I don't know much else about the place, beyond that...}{This is Shrouded Hills.  There's an old Panarii temple here...the Elder Joachim told me that it was once a very important place to the Panarii.  I don't know much else about the place, beyond that...}{}{60}{}{}
//{555}{Tarant?  I don't, uh, know much about the place.  [Virgil looks uncomfortable.]  I don't much like cities...always feel so crowded, hedged in.  I'd rather not say anymore about it...}{Tarant?  I don't, uh, know much about the place.  [Virgil looks uncomfortable.]  I don't much like cities...always feel so crowded, hedged in.  I'd rather not say anymore about it...}{}{61}{}{}
//{559}{[Virgil looks around, nervously.] I don't like this place, it's filled with pirates and brigands. None of these sea dogs can be trusted, I tell you.}{[Virgil looks around, nervously.] I don't like this place, it's filled with pirates and brigands. None of these sea dogs can be trusted, I tell you.}{}{62}{}{}
//{562}{I used to li...uh, I used want to live here. It is meant to be a nice place, but it's uhm, too, ah, big for my tastes.}{I used to li...uh, I used want to live here. It is meant to be a nice place, but it's uhm, too, ah, big for my tastes.}{}{63}{}{}
//{565}{I don't know much about this place, except for the pits. The Dernholm Pits are reputed to be the most miserable prison in Arcanum - worse even then(?than) the Isle of Despair.}{I don't know much about this place, except for the pits. The Dernholm Pits are reputed to be the most miserable prison in Arcanum - worse even then the Isle of Despair.}{}{64}{}{}
//{568}{Are you serious?  This is where the elves live.  You know what that means, eh? Elven women! I've heard tales, I'll tell you.}{Are you serious?  This is where the elves live.  You know what that means, eh? Elven women! I've heard tales, I'll tell you.}{}{65}{}{}
//{571}{Huh. Ashbury. I hate towns like this. Boring, backwards people. Not much in the way of excitement.}{Huh. Ashbury. I hate towns like this. Boring, backwards people. Not much in the way of excitement.}{}{66}{}{}

������ 2008-11-21 18:50
//{228}{I apologize for any offense, Living One [he rolls his eyes.] Please accompany me to Shrouded Hills.}{I apologize for any offense, Living One [he rolls his eyes.] Please accompany me to Shrouded Hills.}{}{38}{}{}


//{286}{By the Gods! This is not possible!}{By the Gods! This is not possible!}{}{42}{}{}


�е㼦��������ͷ  ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ã²»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ä¶ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ã¹»ï¿½ï¿½  

seanfx 2008-11-21 22:38
//{472}{Well, that's a shame.  Let's get going...}{}{5}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
-{472}{����ı㣬����涪�������Ǹó����ˡ���}{}{5}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
+{472}{��̫�ź��ˡ����Ǹó����ˡ���}{}{5}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}

//{478}{[A half-smile appears on his face.]  I don't know.  So far I'm not too impressed...}{[A half-smile appears on his face.]  I don't know.  So far I'm not too impressed...}{}{97}{}{}

//{479}{Virgil, please.  Help me to do what needs to be done...}{}{5}{}{484}{re +15}
-{479}{ά�����������ˡ����������������°ɡ���}{}{5}{}{484}{re +15}
+{479}{ά�����������ˡ����������һ��֮������}{}{5}{}{484}{re +15}

//{481}{Virgil!  I no able to do this stuff without you!  Help me!}{}{-4}{}{484}{re +15}
-{481}{ά������û������ ������Щ�£�����ң�}{}{-4}{}{484}{re +15}
+{481}{ά������û�㰳��������Щ�£���ﰳ��}{}{-4}{}{484}{re +15}

//{482}{Uh...that dumb.  Now we go...}{}{-4}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
-{482}{������˵��Ҫ������ �ߡ���}{}{-4}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}
+{482}{�������㱿���������ߡ���}{}{-4}{}{}{re -5, fl 476}

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