�鿴�����汾: [-- 02829Charles_Dunston.dlg --]

13�ű�����|����|�쳾���� -> ���� -> 02829Charles_Dunston.dlg [��ӡ��ҳ] ��¼ -> ע�� -> �ظ����� -> ��������

seanfx 2008-11-18 21:44


* .\data\dlg\02829Charles_Dunston.dlg 7,578 _1223334444

//{2}{Greetings, sir. Might I ask who you are?}{}{5}{me 0, re 41}{35}{}
{2}{��ã��������ҿ�����һ������˭��}{}{5}{me 0, re 41}{35}{}
//{3}{Hello, Mr. Dunston. Might I impose on you for a moment?}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{39}{}
{3}{��ඣ���˹���������ҿ���ռ����һЩʱ����}{}{5}{me 1, re 41}{39}{}
//{4}{Sir! We've only just now met! Where are your manners?}{}{5}{me 0, re -40}{11}{}
{4}{���������DzŸռ�����ѣ������ò�أ�}{}{5}{me 0, re -40}{11}{}
//{5}{Mr. Dunston! Is there something I've done to offend you?}{}{5}{me 1, re -40}{11}{}
{5}{��˹��������������ʲô����ð��������}{}{5}{me 1, re -40}{11}{}
//{6}{Hi! Who you?}{}{-4}{me 0}{35}{}
{6}{�ˣ���˭��}{}{-4}{me 0}{35}{}
//{7}{Hi Chucky! I ask you some questions?}{}{-4}{me 1}{39}{}
{7}{�ˣ�С���У�������Щ���⣿}{}{-4}{me 1}{39}{}
//{11}{Normally I keep my opinions on these matters to myself, but I just can't help it...you are just one of the most unpleasant individuals I've ever laid eyes on. Please! I think it would be best if you just left me alone!}{Normally I keep my opinions on these matters to myself, but I just can't help it...you are just one of the most unpleasant individuals I've ever laid eyes on. Please! I think it would be best if you just left me alone!}{}{}{}{}
//{12}{I'm sorry? Perhaps you'd like to reconsider your words, sir...}{}{5}{ch 12}{30}{}
{12}{�ҶԲ��𣿻�����Ӧ�����¿���һ������ôʣ���������}{}{5}{ch 12}{30}{}
//{13}{Sir! I'm sure we can find a way to put this behind us...}{}{5}{me 0}{25}{re +15}
{13}{�������ұ�֤���ǿ�������취��ȥ��������}{}{5}{me 0}{25}{re +15}
//{14}{Mr. Dunston! Is there no way you can look past our differences...?}{}{5}{me 1}{25}{re +15}
{14}{��˹���������Dz���û�취���㲻ȥע�����ҵIJ�ͬ������/*look past our differences ���벻ȷ��*/ }{}{5}{me 1}{25}{re +15}
//{15}{One more word like that, and you'll be kissing the floor, cretin...}{}{5}{}{}{co, fl 23}
{15}{�ٸ�����˵����������������ʺ���׳ա���}{}{5}{}{}{co, fl 23}
//{18}{I'm sorry...did I hear you correctly, sir? I don't think you'll especially enjoy the sort of trouble you'll find here, friend. I suggest you rein in your tongue...}{I'm sorry...did I hear you correctly? I don't think you'll especially enjoy the sort of trouble you'll find here, madam. I suggest you rein in your tongue...}{}{}{}{}
//{19}{Perhaps I was a bit out of line. Accept my apologies...}{}{5}{}{25}{re +15}
{19}{��������Щʧ��������ҵĵ�Ǹ����}{}{5}{}{25}{re +15}
//{20}{The only trouble I foresee is finding a place to dispose of your corpse...}{}{5}{}{}{co, fl 23}
{20}{��Ԥ�������е��鷳��Ҫ�Ҹ��ط������������ʬ�塭��}{}{5}{}{}{co, fl 23}
//{23}{Very well. You've asked for this...}{Very well. You've asked for this...}{}{}{}{}
//{25}{[The man gives you a hard look, considering.] Perhaps I might give you a moment or two of my time. Make it fast, though...}{[The man gives you a hard look, considering.] Perhaps I might give you a moment or two of my time. Make it fast, though...}{}{}{}{}
//{26}{Thank you, sir. Might I ask who you are?}{}{5}{me 0}{35}{re +5}
{26}{лл���������ҿ����������˭��}{}{5}{me 0}{35}{re +5}
//{27}{I appreciate it, Mr. Dunston. Do you have a moment or two?}{}{5}{me 1}{39}{}
{27}{�����ף���˹������������һС�������}{}{5}{me 1}{39}{}
//{30}{[The man seems taken aback by your civilized manner, then bows slightly.] I see that I've let my tongue get ahead of my manners, good sir. Please, accept my humblest apologies. How might I help you?}{[The man seems taken aback by your civilized manner, then bows slightly.] I see that I've let my tongue get ahead of my manners, madam. Please, accept my humblest apologies. How might I help you?}{}{}{}{}
//{31}{Apology accepted, sir. Might I ask your name?}{}{5}{me 0}{35}{}
{31}{���ܵ�Ǹ���������ҿ��������������}{}{5}{me 0}{35}{}
//{32}{It's forgotten. Might I ask you a few questions?}{}{5}{me 1}{39}{}
{32}{��������ϡ��ҿ�������Щ������}{}{5}{me 1}{39}{}
//{35}{Yes, of course! I am Charles Dunston...the manager of the Tarantian Water and Power Plant. Nice to make your acquaintance...}{Yes, of course! I am Charles Dunston...the manager of the Tarantian Water and Power Plant. Nice to make your acquaintance...}{}{}{}{}
{35}{�ǵģ���Ȼ���ԣ����� ���˹����˹������������ˮ����Դ���ľ������ܸ�����ʶ�㡭��}{�ǵģ���Ȼ���ԣ����� ���˹����˹������������ˮ����Դ���ľ������ܸ�����ʶ�㡭��}{}{}{}{}
//{36}{Yours as well, sir. Have you a moment?}{}{5}{}{39}{}
//{37}{Hi! I @PCNAME@! I aks you sum questions?}{}{-4}{}{39}{}
{37}{�ˣ��� @PCNAME@ ��������Щ���⣿}{}{-4}{}{39}{}
//{40}{What do you do here, Mr. Dunston?}{}{5}{}{50}{}
//{41}{I've noticed that you've sealed off parts of the sewers. Why is that?}{}{5}{gf2655 1}{55}{}
{41}{��ע�⵽���Ѿ��Ѳ�����ˮ����������������Ϊʲô��}{}{5}{gf2655 1}{55}{}
//{42}{Is there any way I can get into the sewers to take a look around?}{}{5}{}{65}{}
//{43}{Whut you do here, Chucky?}{}{-4}{}{50}{}
//{44}{Uh...I see sign that sez you close soo-werz. Why you do that?}{}{-4}{gf2655 1}{55}{}
{44}{�š����ҿ�������ǣ�˵�����������Ϊɶ��������}{}{-4}{gf2655 1}{55}{} /*soo-werz ����� sewers �� */
//{45}{Mebbe I go look around soo-werz, Chuck? Can I? Can I?}{}{-4}{}{65}{}
//{50}{Here at the plant? Oh, we regulate the power usage for the city, and make sure that the sewage systems are running correctly. Tarant is a technologically advanced city, sir, and it's a full time job to keep everything running smoothly. And, of course, there have been the problems as of late with the old sewers...}{Here at the plant? Oh, we regulate the power usage for the city, and make sure that the sewage systems are running correctly. Tarant is a technologically advanced city, madam, and it's a full time job to keep everything running smoothly. And, of course, there have been the problems as of late with the old sewers...}{}{}{}{}
//{51}{What problems are those, Mr. Dunston?}{}{5}{}{55}{}
//{52}{Whut problems, Chucky?}{}{-4}{}{55}{}
//{55}{Well, as you can well imagine, there's never been a more perfect place for vermin and evil creatures than a sewer system. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to keep those vermin down IN the sewer systems once they've taken up residence. [He shakes his head.] There have been some fatalities...}{Well, as you can well imagine, there's never been a more perfect place for vermin and evil creatures than a sewer system. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to keep those vermin down IN the sewer systems once they've taken up residence. [He shakes his head.] There have been some fatalities...}{}{}{}{}
//{56}{I'm sorry to hear that. So you sealed all of the sewers up?}{}{5}{}{60}{}
//{57}{That not good. So you closed 'em all up?}{}{-4}{}{60}{}
//{60}{No...just the worst parts. Some of the sewers are still open to the street, although I wouldn't recommend roaming around in those, either. Creatures aren't the only things you'll find down there...}{No...just the worst parts. Some of the sewers are still open to the street, although I wouldn't recommend roaming around in those, either. Creatures aren't the only things you'll find down there...}{}{}{}{}
//{61}{I see. Is there any way I could get down into the OLD sewers?}{}{5}{}{65}{}
//{62}{Uh...mebbe I could get down in old soo-werz?}{}{-4}{}{65}{}
//{65}{[He sets his jaw firmly.] NO. No one is allowed to go down there except with my permission. And I can tell you right now, NO ONE is getting my permission. That's my final word on the matter. There's only one way down there, and you'll have to get by me to use it.}{[He sets his jaw firmly.] NO. No one is allowed to go down there except with my permission. And I can tell you right now, NO ONE is getting my permission. That's my final word on the matter. There's only one way down there, and you'll have to get by me to use it.}{}{}{}{}
//{66}{I see. So there's no way to get down there except through here?}{}{5}{}{75}{}
//{67}{Then I don't see a problem. I'll just kill you and make my way down...}{}{5}{}{}{co,fl 23}
{67}{��ô�Ҿ�û�����ˡ���ֻҪɱ���㣬˳����ȥ����}{}{5}{}{}{co,fl 23}
//{68}{You sure no way down 'cept through here?}{}{-4}{}{75}{}
//{69}{Good! Then I kill you and go down!}{}{-4}{}{}{co,fl 23}
{69}{�ðɣ���ô��ɱ��������ȥ��}{}{-4}{}{}{co,fl 23}
//{75}{No. As I've told you, to the best of my knowledge we sealed up all of the entrances into the old sewers when I deemed it necessary. There might be another way in, but if there is, I don't know about it.}{No. As I've told you, to the best of my knowledge we sealed up all of the entrances into the old sewers when I deemed it necessary. There might be another way in, but if there is, I don't know about it.}{}{}{}{}
//{76}{I see. Well, then I suppose I'll run you through and go down here...}{}{5}{}{}{co,fl 23}
{76}{�������ˡ�������ô�ұ���Ҫ��ͨ�����ٴ�����ȥ����}{}{5}{}{}{co,fl 23}
//{77}{Too bad. Looks like I kill you and go down now!}{}{-4}{}{}{co,fl 23}
{77}{̫���ˡ�����������Ҫɱ��������ȥ�ˣ�}{}{-4}{}{}{co,fl 23}

seanfx 2008-11-18 22:06
!}{Normally I keep my opinions on these matters to myself, but I just can't help it...you are just one of the most unpleasant individuals I've ever laid eyes on. Please! I think it would be best if you just left me alone!}{}{}{}{}


seanfx 2008-11-18 22:07
{13}{Sir! I'm sure we can find a way to put this behind us...}{}{5}{me 0}{25}{re +15}
{13}{�������ұ�֤���ǿ�������취��ȥ��������}{}{5}{me 0}{25}{re +15}


seanfx 2008-11-18 22:08
{Well, as you can well imagine, there's never been a more perfect place for vermin and evil creatures than a sewer system.  Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to keep those vermin down IN the sewer systems once they've taken up residence.  [He shakes his head.]  There have been some fatalities...}



������ 2008-11-19 19:27
//{11}{Normally I keep my opinions on these matters to myself, but I just can't help it...you are just one of the most unpleasant individuals I've ever laid eyes on. Please! I think it would be best if you just left me alone!}{Normally I keep my opinions on these matters to myself, but I just can't help it...you are just one of the most unpleasant individuals I've ever laid eyes on. Please! I think it would be best if you just left me alone!}{}{}{}{}


//{14}{Mr. Dunston! Is there no way you can look past our differences...?}{}{5}{me 1}{25}{re +15}
{14}{��˹���������Dz���û�취���㲻ȥע�����ҵIJ�ͬ������/*look past our differences ���벻ȷ��*/ }{}{5}{me 1}{25}{re +15}


//{36}{Yours as well, sir. Have you a moment?}{}{5}{}{39}{}


//{44}{Uh...I see sign that sez you close soo-werz. Why you do that?}{}{-4}{gf2655 1}{55}{}
{44}{�š����ҿ�������ǣ�˵�����������Ϊɶ��������}{}{-4}{gf2655 1}{55}{} /*soo-werz ����� sewers �� */
//{45}{Mebbe I go look around soo-werz, Chuck? Can I? Can I?}{}{-4}{}{65}{}
//{62}{Uh...mebbe I could get down in old soo-werz?}{}{-4}{}{65}{}


//{55}{Well, as you can well imagine, there's never been a more perfect place for vermin and evil creatures than a sewer system. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to keep those vermin down IN the sewer systems once they've taken up residence. [He shakes his head.] There have been some fatalities...}{Well, as you can well imagine, there's never been a more perfect place for vermin and evil creatures than a sewer system. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to keep those vermin down IN the sewer systems once they've taken up residence. [He shakes his head.] There have been some fatalities...}{}{}{}{}

���һ�䣺�Ƕ��Ѿ�������/*fatalities ���ֺ�����˼*/

//{76}{I see. Well, then I suppose I'll run you through and go down here...}{}{5}{}{}{co,fl 23}
{76}{�������ˡ�������ô�ұ���Ҫ��ͨ�����ٴ�����ȥ����}{}{5}{}{}{co,fl 23}


�������ˡ��ðɣ���ô�����ҽ����ᴩ���㲢�Ҵ������ȥ����/*run sb. through*/

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