�鿴�����汾: [-- 01761 dlg  SVN�޸���� --]

13�ű�����|����|�쳾���� -> ���� -> 01761 dlg  SVN�޸���� [��ӡ��ҳ] ��¼ -> ע�� -> �ظ����� -> ��������

seanfx 2008-11-15 12:44

01761 dlg  SVN�޸����

by  _1223334444

//{1}{[The smell of alchohol(?alcohol) coming from this fellow fairly gags you.] What? What ish it? [Hic] Who you be?}{[The smell of alchohol coming from this fellow fairly gags you.] What? What ish it? [Hic] Who you be?}{}{}{}{gf2343 1}
{1}{����һ�����һ�ɾ���������Ѭ�ù�Ǻ������ʯ��ʯô�����á���˭��}{����һ�����һ�ɾ���������Ѭ�ù�Ǻ������ʯ��ʯô�����á���˭��}{}{}{}{gf2343 1}
//{10}{[He looks at you intently, unsuccessfully attempting to focus on you.] Why, I am the honorable [hic] Shir M...Matt de Cesare, esh[hic]quire.}{[He looks at you intently, unsuccessfully attempting to focus on you.] Why, I am the honorable [hic] Shir M...Matt de Cesare, esh[hic]quire.}{}{}{}{}
//{11}{I'm to deliver a message to you from Thom Grak.}{}{5}{qa1130 1}{15}{}
{11}{��ķ�����������Ҹ���������š�}{}{5}{qa1130 1}{15}{}
//{12}{Halforc guy want me tell you sumpin.}{}{-4}{qa1130 1}{15}{}
{12}{�Ǹ������˼һ�Ҫ�������������¶���}{}{-4}{qa1130 1}{15}{}
//{13}{Is this yours? [Show him the matchbook you found in the tomb.]}{}{5}{qu1130 0, in5698, lf5 0}{120}{lf5 1}
{13}{��������𣿡����������ڷ�Ĺ���ҵ���ֽ���񡣡�}{}{5}{qu1130 0, in5698, lf5 0}{120}{lf5 1}
//{15}{What? Oh...uh...what does that old tosser want now? [Hic]}{What? Oh...uh...what does that old tosser want now? [Hic]}{}{}{}{}
//{16}{He's waiting at the Kensington Broadway kiosk for you.}{}{5}{}{20}{qu1130 4}
{16}{���ڿ����ٴ����ͤ�ӵ��㡣}{}{5}{}{20}{qu1130 4}
//{17}{He wait at Kenntingotnian Booway. Sub pheranian kee op.}{}{-4}{}{20}{qu1130 4}
{17}{���ڿ����ٵĿ���·���ţ��������³��ĵȳ�ͤ��}{}{-4}{}{20}{qu1130 4}
//{20}{Oh he did, eh? [He lurches forward, and steadies himself at the last minute before falling on top of you.] Shtupid [hic] bourgeoisie businesshman! Let him wait!}{Oh he did, eh? [He lurches forward, and steadies himself at the last minute before falling on top of you.] Shtupid [hic] bourgeoisie businesshman! Let him wait!}{}{}{}{}
//{21}{Well, my work is done. Good day.}{}{5}{}{0}{gf2597 1, fl 46}
{21}{�ðɣ��ҵ���������ˣ��ټ���}{}{5}{}{0}{gf2597 1, fl 46}
//{22}{Hurk.}{}{-4}{}{0}{gf2597 1, fl 46}
{22}{�ǡ�}{}{-4}{}{0}{gf2597 1, fl 46}
//{35}{[It becomes obvious that his drunkeness was a ruse as he quickly grabs you.] Who are you?! Why did you lead him here to me? Talk quickly, before I kill you!}{[It becomes obvious that his drunkeness was a ruse as he quickly grabs you.] Who are you?! Why did you lead him here to me? Talk quickly, before I kill you!}{}{}{}{}
//{36}{What? What are you talking about?}{}{5}{}{55}{}
//{37}{Hurgh?}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 45 lf1 1}
{37}{�ǣ�}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 45 lf1 1}
//{45}{[He lets go of you.]Oh, I see, an idiot. You obviously were an innocent pawn in all this. Good bye to you, then.}{[He lets go of you.]Oh, I see, an idiot. You obviously were an innocent pawn in all this. Good bye to you, then.}{}{}{}{}
//{46}{Look out!}{Look out!}{}{}{}{}
//{55}{Your one of Grak's men, aren't you?}{I've never seen Grak use women before...but you were working for him, weren't you?}{}{}{}{}
//{56}{I met him on the street. He asked me to do him a favor, that's it.}{}{5}{}{65}{}
//{57}{If you don't let go of me this instant, you will regret it.}{}{5}{}{0}{co}
//{65}{[He pauses for a moment, looking at you.] I may be insane, but I believe you. Now get out of here, before I change my mind. [He lets go of you.]}{[He pauses for a moment, looking at you.] I may be insane, but I believe you. Now get out of here, before I change my mind. [He lets go of you.]}{}{}{}{}
//{66}{Wait - what was all this about?}{}{5}{}{75}{}
//{74}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{lf1 1}
{74}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{lf1 1}
//{75}{[He looks around.] We can't talk here...follow me.}{[He looks around.] We can't talk here...follow me.}{}{}{}{}
//{95}{Yes...what is it?}{Yes...what is it?}{}{}{}{}
//{96}{I want to know what I've become involved with here...}{}{5}{}{75}{}
//{97}{I wanna know what be goin on here. I no unnerstand.}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 115}
{97}{����֪�����զ���ˡ�����ס�}{}{-4}{}{0}{fl 115}
//{115}{It is much too complex for an imbecile like you to understand. Please, leave me be.}{It is much too complex for an imbecile like you to understand. Please, leave me be.}{}{}{}{}
//{120}{Huh? [His eyes seem to clear for a brief moment.] I do not know what, uh...thash not uh mine. Leave me alone. [Hic]}{Huh? [His eyes seem to clear for a brief moment.] I do not know what, uh...thash not uh mine. Leave me alone. [Hic]}{}{}{}{}
//{121}{Wait a minute - what is your game here?}{}{7}{}{0}{fl 129}
{121}{�ȵȡ������⵽�����ʲô��Ϸ��}{}{7}{}{0}{fl 129}
//{129}{Toss off! [He stumbles towards you.] I don't [hic] wanna haf ta get violent wit yoush...[he turns back to the bar, ignoring you.]}{Toss off! [He stumbles towards you.] I don't [hic] wanna haf ta get violent wit yoush...[he turns back to the bar, ignoring you.]}{}{}{}{}
{129}{���ˣ��������Ͱ͵س���˵�����Ҳ����á�������ǡ������������̨/*������ ת���ؾư�ȥ�ˣ�ǰ��˵�����ﲻ���㽲�� ��Ҫ����Ϸ�в���,������tarant��ʿ���ֲ���*/ת����ȥ���������㡣��}{���ˣ��������Ͱ͵س���˵�����Ҳ����á�������ǡ������������̨ת����ȥ���������㡣��}{}{}{}{}

seanfx 2008-11-15 12:54
//{20}{Oh he did, eh? [He lurches forward, and steadies himself at the last minute before falling on top of you.] Shtupid [hic] bourgeoisie businesshman! Let him wait!}{Oh he did, eh? [He lurches forward, and steadies himself at the last minute before falling on top of you.] Shtupid [hic] bourgeoisie businesshman! Let him wait!}{}{}{}{}


seanfx 2008-11-15 12:58
//{10}{[He looks at you intently, unsuccessfully attempting to focus on you.] Why, I am the honorable [hic] Shir M...Matt de Cesare, esh[hic]quire.}{[He looks at you intently, unsuccessfully attempting to focus on you.] Why, I am the honorable [hic] Shir M...Matt de Cesare, esh[hic]quire.}{}{}{}{}



seanfx 2008-11-15 13:02




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