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副官 lieutenent 润色完毕

发表于 2007-6-1 16:41:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发表于 2007-6-1 16:43:09 | 只看该作者
Index: D:/Program Files/Interplay/Fallout/data/TEXT/ENGLISH/DIALOG/LT.MSG
--- D:/Program Files/Interplay/Fallout/data/TEXT/ENGLISH/DIALOG/LT.MSG    (revision 392)
+++ D:/Program Files/Interplay/Fallout/data/TEXT/ENGLISH/DIALOG/LT.MSG    (revision 393)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

#{101}{LIEUT1}{Now what do we have here? I've been told you wish to divulge information of the utmost importance. I do hope so.}

#{102}{}{Uh, yeah.}
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
#{106}{LIEUT1A}{An insult. How droll. I'd define that word for you,
# but that would be a waste, wouldn't it. Let's get to your two choices:
# You can tell me what I want to know. Or I can do it . . . my way.}
-{106}{LIEUT1A}{侮辱。多么滑稽,我会替你解释那个词,不过,那将是浪费,就不用了。让我们开始讨论你的两条出路: 你说出我想知道的东西。或者我让你说……用我的方式。}
+{106}{LIEUT1A}{侮辱。多么滑稽,我会替你解释那个词,不过,那将是浪费,就不用了。我给你两条路: 你说出我想知道的东西。或者我让你说……用我的方式。}

#{107}{}{I'll take 'none of the above.'}

#{108}{}{Okay, but on one condition.}
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@

#{110}{LIEUT1B}{I don't believe I offered. But I will give you my thanks for telling me where your Vault is. I'm sure the Master will be . . . ever so grateful.}

#{111}{LIEUT2}{How nice for us both. Now, if you please, the location of your Vault.}

#{112}{}{It's uh . . . it's uh . . .}
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@

#{116}{LIEUT3}{Conditions? How delightful. Go ahead, amuse me with your . . . condition.}

#{117}{}{I want to go free.}

#{118}{}{Put a bag over your head so I can stand being in your presence.}

#{119}{}{I want to be able to ask you some questions first.}

#{120}{LIEUT4}{What a splendid sense of humor. Pity I don't have one. So . . . the location of your Vault, if you please.}

#{121}{}{All right, but can I ask you some questions first?}
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@

#{124}{LIEUT5}{Why certainly, my dear human. I'm curious just to see what you'll ask.}

#{125}{}{What is it you do here?}
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@

#{127}{}{What do you want me for?}

#{128}{}{How about I just leave now.}

#{129}{LIEUT7}{My dear human, this is the great procreator! Here we'll make others of the master race and insure the Unity. It's all quite glorious, I assure you.}

#{130}{}{Tell me about the Unity.}
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@

#{133}{LIEUT8}{Presently, there is a slight . . . problem in the reproductive process. It's being attended to. For now, we must use the Vats to turn humans into Super Mutants. You'll experience that glory yourself momentarily.}

#{134}{}{Oh, goody. A few more questions before I . . . glow?}
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@

#{136}{LIEUT9}{Certainly. We have all the time in the world . . . Trust me.}

#{137}{LIEUT10}{The Unity is our goal. It is quite simple, really. Certainly, even you have noticed the steady downhill slide of civilization?}
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@

#{140}{}{So you're making everyone into big, green, ugly mutants to save the world?}

#{141}{}{How are you more advanced?}

#{142}{}{But there's no choice involved.}

#{143}{LIEUT12}{Your human mind is rather under-equipped to handle this, so a simple yes will suffice for now. Soon everyone in the world will be converted, and peace will reign.}
@@ -139,16 +139,16 @@

#{146}{LIEUT13}{Did you make the choice to be born into this ash covered world? We, the Super Mutants, are the best prepared for the world to come. What is free choice compared to life?}

#{147}{}{Debatable point. But how are you more prepared than normal humans?}

#{148}{}{But it's evil to force people to live your way!.}

#{149}{LIEUT14}{Intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. We are highly intelligent and immune to disease. The strong survive! It is our goal to improve the human race.}

#{150}{}{Pretty lofty goal. How are you made like this?}
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@

#{158}{LIEUT18}{Oh, how disappointing. I'd so hoped you would see the light before . . . Well, when you are one of us, I'm certain you'll understand. Then you'll embrace the Unity.}

#{159}{}{Never! It's evil. Evil, I tell you!}
@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@

#{162}{}{Sounds delusional to me.}

#{163}{}{How are you the hope of the world?}

#{164}{LIEUT20}{We all work for the Master to uphold the glory of the Unity. He was the first, you see.}

#{165}{}{How did you come to work for him?}
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@

#{173}{LIEUT23}{He's busy with the Children of the Cathedral. They actually consider us gods. But then, who can blame them.}

#{174}{}{My, aren't we conceited?}
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@

#{176}{LIEUT24}{Is honesty conceit? We're the next step in evolution. Through our Unity, the world will survive. Where is the conceit in that?}

#{177}{}{How about inside that grotesque head of yours?}
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
{185}{LIEUT27}{【中尉叹气。】 你还没有觉悟吗?你是一个原始的正常人类。很快你就会成为我们中的一员。}

#{186}{}{How does 'no way' sound?}

#{187}{}{Before I become a dip like you, there's a couple of other things that I'm curious about.}
@@ -284,16 +284,16 @@

#{194}{LIEUT30}{The FEV was mutated by the war radiation. Those living in this desolate wasteland have been exposed to this mutant FEV, essentially inoculating them from the full effects.}


#{196}{}{So you need those who are uncontaminated in order to make Super Mutants?}

#{197}{LIEUT31}{So, you're from a Vault and have limited exposure to this mutated virus. The original FEV in the Vats should work quite well on you.}

#{198}{}{And how do you know this?}
@@ -323,16 +323,16 @@

#{207}{LIEUT35}{We shall see, won't we?}

#{208}{lieut35a}{Oddly enough, I do believe you do not intend to tell me. We'll have to correct that!}

#{209}{LIEUT36}{Feel better now? Since torture is such a crass, yet oddly satisfying and effective technique, I'll ask you once more nicely. Where . . . is . . . the Vault!}

#{210}{}{I'm. Not. Telling.}

#{211}{}{You win. It's across the mountains to the west. I'll draw you a map.}
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@

#{226}{}{You'd better hope I forget. Because if I remember any of this, your ass is mine.}

#{227}{LIEUT40}{Excellent. I believe you understand. So you're sure you want to tell where the Vault is? Torture can be so enjoyable.}
@@ -390,19 +390,19 @@

#{229}{}{Now that you mention it, no.}

#{230}{}{Can I ask you a few questions first?}

#{231}{LIEUT40a}{I thought you might see it my way. No second thoughts?}

#{232}{}{I'll tell you everything.}

#{233}{}{Yes, I changed my mind and I'll never tell.}

#{234}{}{Can I ask you a few questions, first?}
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@

#{239}{LIEUT42}{Yes, you do have a way with words, don't you. And words are what we want, before . . .}

#{240}{}{What do you mean 'before?'}
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@

#{242}{LIEUT43}{Why, when you become one of us, of course! I can't have a perfectly good prime normal and not make it one of the Chosen Ones, now can I? After you tell me where your Vault is.}

#{243}{}{Tell you? You're almost funny.}
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@

#{245}{LIEUT44}{Oh, how commendable. Enough foolishness. Where is your Vault?}

#{246}{}{I'm not telling.}
@@ -447,10 +447,10 @@

#{248}{LIEUT45f}{Well, I'm quite impressed. My spies told me you were resourceful but they seemed to have underestimated your talents. Guards, capture her!}

#{249}{LIEUT46}{Ahh, had a nice nap? I do hope so. But now it's time to get down to business.}

#{250}{}{Go to hell.}
@@ -459,13 +459,13 @@

#{252}{LIEUT48}{The mind simply boggles at your intellect. Why the legions haven't bowed down at your feet by now, I'll never understand. Guards, take this idiot away!}

#{253}{LIEUT50}{As I said . . .}

#{254}{lieut51}{Like I told you before . . .}

#{255}{LIEUT52}{Please listen closely this time. I said . . .}
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@

#{257}{LIEUT54}{You know, you remind me of a cockroach I once owned. I crushed it because I was annoyed with its scurrying little noises. Remember that.}

#{258}{LIEUT55}{You're an annoying little human, aren't you? I'm not going to repeat it again.}
@@ -489,10 +489,10 @@

#{262}{LIEUT59}{Nothing but a device to further our plans. No matter, all humans will be Chosen . . . or dead.}

#{263}{LIEUT60}{The Vats are where the FEV is stored, and where you normals become one of us. Of course, some die horrible, excruciatingly painful deaths, but well, those are the breaks.}

#{264}{LIEUT61}{They are humans who have not been exposed to radiation. They tend to fare better in the Vats than others. You are a perfect example of this.}
@@ -501,19 +501,19 @@

#{266}{LIEUT63}{Morpheus. It's quite amusing. He thinks he's so much more than just a slug the Master recruited to head his Children of the Cathedral nonsense. Ah, well. He, too, will be dipped in the Vats and he'll probably die a horrible death . . . I hope.}

#{267}{LIEUT64}{That's not important right now.}

#{268}{LIEUT65}{That question is irrelevant to the Unity.}

#{269}{LIEUT66}{I won't even dignify that with an answer.}

#{270}{LIEUT45m}{Well, I'm quite impressed. My spies told me you were resourceful, but they seemed to have underestimated your talents. Guards, capture him!}

#{271}{LIEUT39f}{Oh, I do so admire your will. Guards, take her away and prepare her for the dipping. She'll tell us where her Vault is when she is one of us.}
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@

# Lieutenant Tell-Me-Abouts generic responses
#{980}{LIEUT64}{That's not important right now.}

#{981}{LIEUT65}{That question is irrelevant to the Unity.}
@@ -557,10 +557,10 @@

#{1103}{LIEUT59}{Nothing but a device to further our plans.  No matter, all humans will be Chosen...or dead.}

#{1104}{LIEUT60}{The Vats are where the FEV is stored, and where you normals become one of us.  Of course, some die horrible, excruciatingly painful deaths, but well, those are the breaks.}

#{1105}{LIEUT61}{They are humans who have not been exposed to radiation.  They tend to fare better in the Vats than others.  You are a perfect example of this.}
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@

#{1107}{LIEUT63}{Morpheus.  It's quite amusing.  He thinks he's so much more than just a slug the Master recruited to head his Children of the Cathedral nonsense.  Ah, well.  He, too, will be dipped in the Vats and he'll probably die a horrible death...I hope.}

#{1108}{LIEUT57}{The FEV virus was discovered by the Master many years ago.  It is what makes us the Chosen Ones.  But you will soon learn that, I assure you.}
@@ -580,10 +580,10 @@

#{1111}{lieut45m}{Well, I'm quite impressed.  My spies told me you were resourceful, but they seemed to have underestimated your talents.  Guards, capture him!}

#{1112}{lieut39f}{Oh, I do so admire your will.  Guards, take her away and prepare her for the dipping.  She'll tell us where her Vault is when she is one of us.}

#{1113}{lieut39m}{I do so admire your will.  Guards, take him to his cell and prepare him for the dipping.  He'll tell us where his Vault is when he is one of us.}
\\ No newline at end of file
发表于 2007-6-1 18:31:31 | 只看该作者

#{208}{lieut35a}{Oddly enough, I do believe you do not intend to tell me. We'll have to correct that!}

发表于 2007-6-1 18:59:51 | 只看该作者


现在还剩下decker和 贼头 了 [s:2]
发表于 2007-6-4 16:11:53 | 只看该作者
seanfx改得确实不错! [s:5] 赞一个!

{185}{LIEUT27}{【中尉叹气。】 你还没有觉悟吗?你是一个原始的正常人类。很快你就会成为我们中的一员。}

【中尉叹气。】 中尉 统一改成 副官 吧。
发表于 2007-6-5 00:50:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-8 13:38:27 | 只看该作者
#{242}{LIEUT43}{Why, when you become one of us, of course! I can't have a perfectly good prime normal and not make it one of the Chosen Ones, now can I? After you tell me where your Vault is.}

路过,看到:你必须告诉我你的避难[s:1] 的所在。

少了一个“所”字 。
发表于 2007-6-9 07:55:15 | 只看该作者
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